The Outerhaven Productions
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Gal*Gun Double Peace is just as fun and bizarre as its premise would suggest: the combination of the utterly shameless gameplay with the strangely heartfelt and sincere storylines make this title a must-have for moe enthusiasts and those of high constitution.
If you enjoyed Layers of Fear, I think it is worth checking out the DLC. The DLC provides a new perspective in to the environment of the first game that makes you feel for the painter and everyone involved. Shorter gameplay allows you to experience everything the DLC has to offer, endings included. However, If you're looking for scares, this isn't the game for you.
Blade Arcus from Shining: Battle Arena is a decent offering in the way of fringe fighting games. Granted, it's not quite in the realm of "poverty" (less popular games with robust system mechanics and fun gameplay), it still offers a good time to anyone looking for some variety in their fighters. Ultimately, though, a severe lack of content combined with a $30 price point makes Blade Arcus hard to recommend to anyone besides big time fighting game enthusiasts and fans of the Shining series.
Still for all the shortcomings addressed, Headlander is an enjoyable title. It doesn't take itself too seriously, as evident by all of the tongue and cheek humor, nor is it really difficult (Not completely anyway). As a Double Fine Productions game, It's right up there with some of their best, I just wish it was a tad longer and didn't spend too much time focus on slapstick comedy and included more gameplay content. For the asking price for $20, Headlander is a great choice for enjoying 8-10 hours of gaming fun. Perhaps the game would have been a tad better if it didn't stick too close to the tried and true Metroidvania gameplay and swam a bit more in the deep end. Still, at the end of the day, I enjoyed myself and I'm sure you will as well.
Telltale really knocked it out of the park on this one. I really hope that the rest of the season provides the same, refreshing look at Gotham that "Realm of Shadows" provided. They have introduced lots of interesting characters, and I am really excited to see where they take them all. Keep an eye out for episode 2, "Children of Arkham" releasing in September!!
At times, this journey can come dangerously close to pulling back that curtain on the great and powerful Mr. Oz, revealing shortcomings not readily apparent in the 90s. However, I Am Setsuna succeeds in its goal despite almost falling on its face, and I couldn’t be more happy about that.
Assault Suit Leynos is very much an arcade title, plain and simple. With only a handful of levels, the grueling difficulty of Classic Mode gives the game more worth. Honestly, it feels like those old arcade classics that were nearly unbeatable, eating up all of your quarters.
It really is a shame. Megadimension Neptunia VII is legitimately one of my favorite RPGs of all time, but the issues in the PC version make it a chore to play. Again, if you own a PS4, it's definitely worth playing on that system. If not, ask yourself what you're willing to go through to see cute girls based on video game consoles have an adventure
Building Rory McIlroy PGA Tour from scratch was indeed the right thing to do for this franchise. It's a fresh reboot of a wonderful series of games, and it doesn't fail to deliver.
7th Dragon III Code: VFD might appear to be a standard fare JRPG, and you would be right. However, the deep levels of customization, both in battle and outside of it strive to keep players engaged well throughout the game. It's a 30+ hour game just at its core, so you're going to spending quite some time playing. While it can get a little repetitive, the rewards and little set pieces that can be gained far outweigh the potential negatives that it can present.
Overall, LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens delivers more value for your money than any of the previous installments to date. The set pieces are bigger than ever and there's far more varied content to keep you occupied rather than the repetitive puzzle solving formula. Easily my favourite of these 'modern' LEGO games.
I won't lie. This game hits you right in the feels. This is a story driven by love and begs the question how far would you go for the people you love. In Merryn's case, it's to the bottom of the ocean. The games artistry, music, and narration had me close to tears at a few key points. I thoroughly enjoyed the first part of the game. I only wish they had a clear definition of what they wanted the game to be. With such a hard turn from puzzles to strictly waves of enemies, the game lost it for me a little. It felt like a different game in the last couple of hours, and I missed the game I had started six hours back.
Grand Kingdom had me really interested in the beginning (especially with that sweet intro theme), and I enjoyed my first few hours of play. Over time, though, the game started to lose me. The story didn't hold up and made some interestingly bad choices in the way it handled single-player gameplay. Since I really enjoy offline play at times, that just didn't sit well with me. I do have to hand it to the game for its great online mechanics, its interesting class system, and its wealth of content, which a lot of games don't offer.
Furi is a game for fans of wicked-fast action and cruel difficulty. Jarringly chaotic shooting sections can feel punishingly arbitrary compared to the precise and focused melee combat, and having to replay entire twenty-minute segments can get frustrating, but at the end, I cannot deny that I felt a satisfying sense of accomplishment. Add to that a visual and audio flair all its own and you have a title more than worth revisiting, if only for the satisfaction of throwing your opponent to the ground after a perfectly-timed parry.
If you’re a fan of other action RPG’s such as The Witcher or even Dark Souls, then Techomancer may be just the game for you. Despite some rough edges, Technomancer does more good than harm, it just suffers from doing too much during certain elements and not enough with others. Despite that,the journey is very enjoyable and that’s all that matters in the end. Read more at The Outerhaven: The Technomancer Review (PC)
Umbrella Corps is the type of game that you would expect to get for free through Steam or Playstation Plus, it's not something that you would pay $30 for. I love Resident Evil and I'm usually willing to forgive CAPCOM for making cash-in titles for the most part, but there is no way I can recommend anyone including hardcore Resident Evil collectors give this game a try. AVOID LIKE THE T-VIRUS!!
Comcept and Keiji Inafune didn't knock it out of the park with Mighty No. 9, but they damn sure took a good swing at it. If people can pull their heads out of a certain part of their body and judge the game for as it is, I'm sure this game could, in the long run, be successful enough for a sequel and if that day comes, let us hope and pray that Comcept has learned many valuable lessons from this endeavor and do Mighty No. 9-2 the right way.
Mirror's Edge: Catalyst is less 'Still Alive' than it is 'barely breathing', yet it retains a special place in my heart as a game that tried to offer gamers something a little bit different to the norm. Ultimately it's a failure, a broken game with repetitive action and a mechanic that lends itself far better to arcade like linearity rather than open world botch-jobbery. An admirable failure, but one that's left a huge cloud over this poor reviewers' head. I can only hope we eventually get the sequel we deserve that's tight, addictive and stunning. I know you've got it in you, Dice.
All in all, it was still a great game from beginning to end with a nifty little twist once you "beat" the game. It's addicting and really fun to play and it makes me wish for more turn-based RPGs. Even if Square decides to re-use everything again, I really wouldn't mind seeing a Bravely Third. If you're a fan of classic RPGs, then I believe that this is a must-have title. Despite its flaws, it's still a charming game that gives you a great dose of nostalgia while providing you with hours upon hours of entertainment you find yourself coming back to after you put the game down thinking you've had enough!
Overwatch is the spiritual successor to TF2 in many ways, and if you haven't heard it said before, it's worth a look if you come from there. Even for total newcomers, though; the world, the characters, and the sheer chaos of skills, ultimates, and counter picks makes this game not worth missing.