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771 games reviewed
72.3 average score
75 median score
58.2% of games recommended

Gamerheadquarters's Reviews

2.5 / 10.0 - SYMMETRY
Feb 26, 2018

I actually really liked Symmetry, or at least the core concept of the game yet it's just completely broken.

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5.7 / 10.0 - Past Cure
Feb 22, 2018

Past Cure had some great ideas, they just weren't executed in the best of ways.

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8 / 10.0 - Tiles
Feb 21, 2018

This is an excellent puzzle based game for players to enjoy with simple rules and complex setups.

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Feb 19, 2018

This Age of Empires: Definitive Edition is the perfect remaster effort to make a classic shine once more.

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5.7 / 10.0 - The Station
Feb 19, 2018

There were some good ideas with The Station, but I've played a number of very similar and better put together experiences.

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Feb 18, 2018

Of Mice and Sand Revised is an alright experience, it has some depth for the management style it deploys and charm in the mini, as in tiny mice you take care of.

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Feb 17, 2018

I found ATOMIK: RunGunJumpGun to be fine, there's a decent amount of gameplay here yet I still would have liked something more to it.

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Feb 17, 2018

It's great that Aperion Cyberstorm offers such perfect options for larger groups whether that's in a cooperative or competitive setup.

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Feb 13, 2018

Dynasty Warriors 9 does provide a bold step up with the open world, yet does somewhat fall short on the execution.

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Feb 13, 2018

It has some problems, it's not quite as great as the original but still just as interesting.

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6 / 10.0 - Pinstripe
Feb 10, 2018

There really just wasn't enough to Pinstripe despite having some interesting concepts and a unique style of art presentation.

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Feb 10, 2018

Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition does have some interesting aspects to it and performs well in a cooperative pairing.

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8 / 10.0 - Hyper Universe
Feb 9, 2018

I feel that Hyper Universe is a standout from the MOBA genre offering something fresh, exciting and just fun to play.

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For the most part the Blade of Galadriel expansion was a solid addition to the core narrative, the care was there for cinematics yet it still did feel like more of the same.

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7.4 / 10.0 - Marooners
Feb 6, 2018

Marooners does a number of things right yet still feels limited in content.

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8 / 10.0 - Bleed 2
Feb 5, 2018

I liked how this story was setup, how fast it was and how the whole thing feels like a single adrenaline rush.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Wulverblade
Feb 1, 2018

This is certainly a beautiful game and Wulverblade was an enjoyable time despite the intense difficulty present.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Full Metal Furies
Feb 1, 2018

Full Metal Furies is a solid game providing countless hours of solo or cooperative action.

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7.8 / 10.0 - Railway Empire
Jan 27, 2018

I enjoy trains and for the most part Railway Empire delivered a fun way to handle this type of simulation.

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The Hidden Ones adds hours of gameplay to this expansive title and is one of the best add-ons to an Assassin’s Creed game.

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