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It may grow on you, Mushroom Wars 2. Especially if you like intense online battles! I would really suggest trying this game out even if you don’t have mush room left on your storage.
There has to be a first for everything and this was my first gaming disappointment of 2022. When the only positive thing you can say about a game is about the sound I’m afraid we’re dealing with a bugger then.
I wish I could be more positive but Planet Quiz fails pretty hard to be any kind of fun.
Changing the typical slow-paced play from Monopoly into a fast-paced action brawler works surprisingly well.
Horatio Goes Snowboarding (-and Street Crossing) is a fine arcade-inspired experience for short bursts of play. It falls a bit short to become a real memorable game but that doesn’t mean you won’t have any fun from it.
Wavetale is a short adventure game with a focus on exploration and its story that tackles topics like greed, war and loss. what’s amazing is that it wraps it in a wholesome and inclusive package that provided me with a surprisingly lighthearted experience. If you have Stadia, check this out!
Serious Sam 4 is a fun shooter that can be really challenging at times. However, it’s kinda disappointing that there are so many performance issues, and that the graphics feel a little outdated, despite being on next-gen. If you’re someone who’s looking for a fun, chaotic shooter who doesn’t really mind the performance issues, then I can definitely recommend this to you!
Gardener’s Path is a nice, little puzzle-game with beautiful visuals and music. Though, it’s a little short and on the easier side, I did have a great time with it! I can definitely recommend this to people who are looking for a good-looking puzzle game to spend their day with!
I feel like it’s especially hard to put into words how well-constructed this game was graphic-wise.
If someone asks me the question, what is your game of the year for 2021? My answer would be The Gunk.
The entire game feels like Halo’s most popular franchise level ‘Halo’, the freedom, creativity in combat and impressive art direction makes Halo Infinite not only the best Halo game to date but also the best shooter ever created.
Forza Horizon 5 is a fantastic experience in every possible way! The game looks absolutely stunning, from the different biomes you ride through to the design of the cars, everything was developed carefully with one of the best games of 2021 as a result. If you like racing games even just a little bit, this game will probably grab you and suck you into the Forza universe!
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is overwhelmingly good. Eidos Montreal managed to create an authentic and incredible Marvel game that everyone will love. An epic original story, beautiful visuals, fantastic dialogue and an even better soundtrack. I used it in the introduction, but I’m using Star-Lords quote again: ”You Said It Yourself, B****. We’re The Guardians Of The Galaxy” A must-play adventure. I take a deep bow for the developers as this is truly something special.
Wind Peaks is a decent first game from Actoon Studio and a nice addition in the hidden object genre. The charming visuals impress in the beginning but become a bit repetitive, luckily the story holds up and remains fun to follow.
Hot Wheels Unleashed feels like a missed opportunity to make Mattel’s brand relevant in the gaming scene. Players will have fun playing it but other similar games are vastly superior, so this might only be something for Hot Wheels collectors. Visually the game is fantastic and the track editor works wonders for replay value but the chance is high that the racing gameplay loses your interest.
Doctor Who The Edge of Reality uses the source material very well but fails to do anything special with it. Visually it looks dated and it is riddled with game-breaking bugs. If it wasn’t for the good story this would have been a the Silence case. Playing it and instantly whipped from your mind when you finished it.
Gleylancer is a fun hardcore Shmup with challenging gameplay and I really appreciate all the tweaks that Ratalaika made to make ik more accessible for all gamers.
This year the winner for best football game is easily won by EA’s Fifa 22. HyperMotion is a true positive difference that makes the game so much more fluid and realistic.
eFootball 22 is one of the saddest downgrades of a franchise I ever experienced. Avoid this football game, yes.. I know it is free-to-play.
Far Cry 6 is exactly what you would expect from the franchise, it has a few new elements but it is mostly the same as the previous entries. Audio and visually it is an example of how impressive things can be but gameplay feels a bit old and the story is pretty weak.