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428 games reviewed
75.5 average score
80 median score
61.9% of games recommended

SelectButton's Reviews

Mar 19, 2015

Switch Galaxy Ultra is an evolution of the previous titles from Atomicom, with 60 FPS, impressive visual improvements, and an intriguing comic book-style narrative sequences. The lack of online presence is disappointing, but with over 50 levels there is plenty of game to play through. However, if you hit the progression wall thanks to Tantalum, you may lose your drive to finish all of the levels.

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9 / 10 - Axiom Verge
Mar 31, 2015

Without a doubt, Axiom Verge is one of the most complete games I have played in a long time. Not only was it created entirely by Tom Happ, but the passion he has for the game clearly has shined through the final product. Surprisingly the game has an intriguing narrative, complete with plenty of hidden notes and messages; some will even require translating. The game even contains a Speedrun option on the main menu, eliminating the dialogue and cutscenes, and standardizing some of the randomized elements in the game. Tom has even added a checkpoint hud, allowing you to keep track of your pace through each boss. I may have only found 66% of the items, and uncovered 87% of the map, but that hasn't stopped me from instantly hopping back into the game for a second run. As far as "Metroidvania" games go, Axiom Verge sits at the top of my personal favorite list.

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7 / 10 - Etherium
Apr 1, 2015

Etherium isn't a bad game by any means, as the RTS elements of the game are perhaps the most enjoyable, combining the best pieces of other strategy games. However, the turn-based sections of the game seemed to slow the overall pace down, and the card system seems disconnected from the rest of the game. Toss in a myriad of crashes, and I feel this one could have used some additional time to polish the experience.

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7 / 10 - Shiftlings
Apr 10, 2015

Although the focus in Shiftlings is on cooperative multiplayer, the game can be enjoyed solo if you want to experience it that way. The first set of puzzles don't pose that much of a challenge, but you'll benefit from a partner for the majority of the puzzles in the game. That is of course if you are in constant communication and have someone willing to work as a team.

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Apr 15, 2015

Fans of puzzle games and platformers will feel right at home in Stealth 2. I recommend the game to those up for some fun (and gory) challenges, and don't mind dying over and over. Since each test chamber is different from the last, there's no way players should get bored with this one.

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6 / 10 - White Night
Apr 16, 2015

White Night is a valiant attempt at moving the adventure horror genre in a different direction, setting the mood with an atmospheric playground. Repeatedly replaying sections of the game due to ghost placement and a poor camera angle can grow tiresome. While a automated checkpoint system may have solved this issue, it could have produced it's own issues of players blazing through the game without the worry for consequence. The visuals and the tension are the key factors of the game, but I would like to see a more refined effort.

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6 / 10 - Paperbound
Apr 23, 2015

The action can be fierce in Paperbound, but the game should be played in short bursts. The small amount of game modes, and the lack of online multiplayer restricts the longevity of the title. If you are able to gather a few friends, Paperbound will provide an enjoyable old-school arena multiplayer experience for a quick hour or so.

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7 / 10 - I Am Bread
May 6, 2015

With everything being said I am Bread is still an entertaining romp. Although I've had to restart levels a couple of times, I enjoyed taking a slice of bread on a journey of fulfilling its life goal of being toast (and destroying the man's house in the process).

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6 / 10 - Toren
May 13, 2015

Toren is the first release from Swordtales, and I feel the game could have used a little bit more time to iron out any of the technical issues. There are optional important story sequences that are easy to miss, so you may want to fully explore regions. Randomly falling through the floor randomly, and being able to see through the character models at times is inexcusable, but the narrative of rebirth and completing one's destiny no matter the adversity is well put together.

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Jun 2, 2015

Since the initial reveal trailer back in 2013 CD Projekt RED promised to deliver a truly next-generation open-world experience with The Witcher 3, and CDR has succeeded in creating one of the best games I've played in recent memory. The writing is top-notch and isn't limited to the main story quests, as I found that the side stories in the game to be some of my favorite moments, feeling like short stories that stand on their own merit. Even after 120 hours, I still have hundreds of points of interests to discover, and plenty of quests to complete. Even at the tail end of the game, I was discovering brand new towns, waiting for a savior.

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Jun 6, 2015

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood is a great return to the game and I thoroughly enjoy MachineGames' focus on creating an excellent single-player experience. Fans of the series will definitely get a kick out of the game as well; it has the same charm and feel as last year's title while offering a short chance to kick some Nazi ass.

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Jun 24, 2015

The Masterplan offers a completely open-ended approach to all of the game's heists, allowing you to return to the locations to test out different tactics. Heists may feel repetitious if you happen to replay them without changing your tactics. I've completed each of the heists multiple times however, using different tactics each time helped kept everything feeling fresh.

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8 / 10 - The Bridge
Aug 30, 2015

The console (and Vita) release of The Bridge doesn't bring anything new to the table from the original 2013 PC release (considering it already had controller support). Those who skipped the PC release (like myself) will be treated to one of the most surreal puzzle games released in recent memory. Depending on your aptitude for logic-based puzzles, you may breeze through the game, or spend ample time rewinding and resetting puzzles. The simplistic control scheme and slow-pacing helps to make the game casual friendly.

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Sep 21, 2015

Destiny: The Taken King successfully adds refreshing content to a game that has been growing stale over the past few months. Not only that, but just about every aspect of the game has been revitalized with the expansion and the 2.0 update. Depending on your view on grinding for gear after completing everything else, you should be able to get upwards of 30+ hours (per character) to complete all of the newly included quests before you reach that moment.

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8 / 10 - Party Hard
Sep 23, 2015

This 8-bit stylized game is a blast to play. Every level holds its own challenges and combined with the procedurally generated pieces, no party will play out the exact same way. The game may not necessarily be deep, but it holds a unique charm in its straightforward and fun gameplay.

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8 / 10 - Armello
Sep 30, 2015

Armello is definitely a game I'd recommend if you are a fan of tabletop board games. It manages to capture that unique spirit and presents it in a magical world full of color and vibrancy. Even with the prologue helping teach new players, there's a deep learning curve on the main game that may take a few attempts to fully comprehend everything. With that said, it's not necessarily a bad thing though since Armello rewards multiple playthroughs. The single-player portion isn't terribly long, meaning a single game can be finished relatively quick, depending on the situation.

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8 / 10 - Jotun
Oct 6, 2015

Jotun is a beautiful game. The simple controls are easy to use, and the game's adventure is great. After each level, Thora monologues on her situation, expanding upon her backstory and her current situation. Fans of Norse mythology would be hard pressed to skip this game, plus the challenge from battling the Jotun is too great to pass up.

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Oct 21, 2015

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 is simply not worth your time and money. At a full retail price of $60, there isn't even content to warrant the price, not to mention the sheer amount of technical issues and the changes to the gameplay.

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Oct 27, 2015

Transformers: Devastation has been a pleasant surprise to PlatinumGames recent lineup. The Legend of Korra featured a similar combat system, but the rest of the game lacked polish. Yes, environments are still repetitive, and textures are lacking in certain areas, but the engaging, dynamic combat system, rocking soundtrack and use of the Transformers license ensure Devastation is an enjoyable experience for fans and newcomers to the series.

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If you liked previous Disgaea games, you would be right at home with Disgaea 5. The gameplay works, and Nippon Ichi Software should be accommodated for not meddling with what was, and still is, solid. That said, I can see how the same experience could be tiresome for returning players. But if you are a newcomer to the series or still can't get enough Prinnys, give Disgaea 5 a chance. An enjoyable adventure awaits you with gameplay that represents the best of the TRPG genre and characters you will remember, long after the credits role.

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