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PlayStation LifeStyle

1740 games reviewed
73.1 average score
75 median score
49.9% of games recommended

PlayStation LifeStyle's Reviews

9 / 10.0 - Spelunky
Aug 29, 2013

There’s absolutely no reason not to give Spelunky a go, it’s probably one of the best games out for the moment on the Vita and even on the PlayStation 3. You’ll be coming back to it time and time again, not just to hone your skills or take revenge at it, but also to see what’s next. It’s a brilliantly conceived idea that makes for a great reason to just keep going at it. The rewards are boundless. If you survive, that is.

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8 / 10.0 - Rayman Legends
Sep 2, 2013

I just wish there was a more elegant solution for touch-screen gameplay that simply doesn’t translate to platforms other than Wii U, where Legends was conceptualized and built first. If you loved Origins, there’s even more to love here, and if you haven’t had a chance to play Rayman’s return to 2D, there’s no excuse for missing out on Rayman Legends.

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Nov 4, 2013

Ultimately, Call of Duty: Ghosts can be considered as the standard for what has become expected from the franchise, but even if it isn't a drastic departure from what some have grown to hate or love, it is still a product that is tremendously fun to play with your friends and has enough options to keep you playing for hundreds of hours.

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Nov 14, 2013

So, how do you make a series still feel fresh after twenty titles? By listening to your fans, knowing what works and what the fans want, and by delivering a game that's more than just a seasonal refresher. Need for Speed Rivals is clearly ready for the next generation of gaming, and so are we.

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Nov 14, 2013

Warzone multiplayer rounds out the Killzone: Shadow Fall package, and is exactly what you would expect from Killzone multiplayer. Gameplay-wise it resembles that of Killzone 3 very much, and isn't that big of an evolution for a next-gen title. Warzone matches are highly customizable, leading to some fun or hectic situations. And there's a great active community of Killzone players just waiting to start playing and occupy those servers, which have been very stable thus far.

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9 / 10.0 - FIFA 14
Nov 18, 2013

Another change I found in this version of FIFA was the amount of shoulder to shoulder combat happening all over the pitch. Lose your step for a second and you have someone bearing down on you and shouldering you off the wall. The soccer ball also sees a change, as in years' past it felt attached to a players' foot. In this version however, the ball rolls off your foot a lot easier and bounces around between players with greater frequency. This causes a lot less static play, with a greater sense of battle and strategy to be found at a quicker pace.

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9 / 10.0 - Resogun
Nov 18, 2013

There's not all that much more to it, but the action-packed shooting can get extremely hectic and challenging—teetering on the fine line of being overwhelming, but never to the game's detriment. It's also fast-paced, fun, and incredibly addicting. Something about it really puts you "in the zone" where it's difficult to take your eyes off the frenzy of shooting and explosions. The soundtrack of heart-pumping house music helps tie it all together, making for an exhilarating experience through and through.

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5 / 10.0 - NBA Live 14
Nov 18, 2013

While I haven't had the chance to play the final release for NBA 2K14 on the PS4, I did review NBA 2K13 for the PS3 and would strongly suggest, if you are in the market for a great NBA game and haven't bought a PS4 yet, forgo NBA Live 14 and just pick up NBA 2k13 used somewhere. NBA 2K14 released for the PS3 already, and our staff review lets you know it's really just a season refresher without much for new bells and whistles. Stay tuned for our PS4 NBA 2K14 review as that version should feed your need for a slam dunk for the next gen.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Warframe
Nov 19, 2013

Warframe is a fun free-to-play game that fits in with the launch line-up of the PS4 nicely. It's not a groundbreaking game, and it's not in contention for game of the year, but that doesn't mean it's not a fun. Find you a group of gamers that are willing to work together, and you can easily spend hours traveling through the solar system, taking out aliens and bad guys right and left.

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6 / 10.0 - Knack
Nov 19, 2013

Knack is technically impressive with its utilization of extreme particle physics and bringing to life what could have easily been a Dreamworks animated film, but the gameplay does little to really satisfy. Players who seek a challenge may find enjoyment in tackling the tougher difficulties, but most won't find enough satisfying game or story behind the technical demonstration to warrant classifying this as a great PS4 experience. If you simply can't wait for more PS4 releases, Knack isn't a terrible game, but it will be forgotten very quickly as more titles beyond the launch period are released.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Madden NFL 25
Nov 20, 2013

While the announcing for the game is pretty much the same, the in-game atmosphere is hands down the best it has ever been in a Madden title. The crowds of the stadiums will actually react to what is going on within the game itself. If you are a visiting team and are dominating the home team, the camera will show audience people leaving the stadium in disappointment. Home teams that get a critical big play that results in a crucial first down or touchdown will cause the crowd to erupt in excitement. This adds a lot to the overall feeling in the stadiums as you are playing it, and just immerses gamers that much more.

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To be able to pause a battle, and take over on the Vita when someone decides they want to watch something on cable, is a great way to continue your battles without creating a battle in your living room. The combat controls transfer over nicely and the game still looks fantastic on that little screen. Those cutscenes are more watchable that way as well.

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8 / 10.0 - Just Dance 2014
Nov 27, 2013

Having not ever played that other Just Dance titles, I can't compare this one to those, but I can say that Just Dance 2014 is a fun game. Having this in time for the holidays has made entertaining family and friends extremely easy to do, and anything to keep Uncle Herb from telling his horrible jokes for the hundredth time is a win, right? Most people who play aren't even focused so much on scoring as they are on dancing and having a good time, so on the off chance that the camera screws up, no one ever seemed to care.

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8 / 10.0 - Tiny Brains
Dec 2, 2013

On the presentation side of things, the game looks solid, yet unremarkable. It is far from an ugly game, however, there is nothing here that really screams PlayStation 4. The world is nice and bright and the character models are kind of adorable. The audio side of this game is pretty good, with quirky dialog from the mad scientist and a mildly addictive main track that plays throughout.  It is that sort of tune that is just perfect for an addictive puzzle game, which this is through the challenge modes.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Contrast
Dec 4, 2013

There were also a few minor gameplay glitches in which I would get kicked out of shadow mode for what appeared to be no reason or stuck to objects in the world. I would find myself setting down boxes and then unable to move afterwards or stuck on invisible objects in the environment. This didn't happen throughout the whole game, but it occurred enough that it warranted mention. For the most part the shadow mode works pretty well. It is a fun and unique twist to your standard fare puzzle-platformer, but really only adds underutilized potential when the curtains prematurely fall.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Doki-Doki Universe
Dec 9, 2013

On the presentation side, the game is a bucket full of colors, with every world being vibrant and bright. It is a very appealing and cute look that works well with the equally childish look of the characters and planets. As with the presentation side of things, the audio is a mix of 8 bit quirkiness that really shines during the levels. Though the game has some rather annoying sound effects throughout, like the random fart noises that seem to play every time to go to summon an item or way too often when you are talking with people. Outside of that, most of the noises found in the game just work and really expand the experience.

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Jan 26, 2014

Tomb Raider itself is well-worth the purchase—it's a great game. The decision you must make is if improved visuals are enough to warrant buying this Definitive Edition. Frankly, I'm convinced that its release is more about profitability on a product that's already crafted than it is about bringing a vastly superior next-generation version of Tomb Raider to the market. For $59.99, it's not that much better than the PS3 version aside from some visual sprucing. Those that have already experienced the game aren't missing much with the Definitive Edition. However, had you missed Tomb Raider on the PS3 and have interest in Lara Croft's surprisingly fast transformation into a resilient killing machine, then you may as well pony up the extra cash to play the best version of the game: the Definitive Edition.

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9 / 10.0 - Outlast
Feb 3, 2014

Red Barrels seems to have crafted a character and a scenario that feels as real as the player wants to make it. Knowing that you have no way to fight, and a limited ability to see in the dark, affects your thinking within all situations. In addition, Outlast does not rely on jump scares. While there are some of those to be had, Outlast is truly shaped by the ambiance that it creates; by creating believable circumstances and enveloping you in them at a psychological level. Jump scares may have your heart racing for a few seconds, however, creeping across that darkened courtyard with your batteries running out while something out there wants you tortured and dead will have you on edge until the experience ends.

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6 / 10.0 - Strider
Feb 23, 2014

Strider has a solid foundation. The formula is there, but it needs a lot of tuning. The climbing feature should have been better executed in regards to combat, and climbing gets in the way when the game requires players to hurry. The boss fights lack action, and while the last boss has lots of attacks filling the arena; the fight itself is just tedious. When combined with the aforementioned control issues the last fight becomes annoying. By the end of the game I was left with the impression Strider could have been a lot better. Still, this is an above average title for what Strider does do – provide action and wall climbing.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Thief
Feb 23, 2014

I wanted so much for Thief to be fun, and in the beginning I did have a lot of fun with it. But, due to no sense of impact in the story and its unrewarding gameplay, it degraded into a chore well before the final act. While playing Thief I couldn't help but feel like I'd done this all before, and often in a better setting. Thief may be a throwback to the early days of stealth games, but this reboot really feels aged and dated. While there is some fun to be had, you will have to sift through a mess of problems to find it. Now, this is the part where I insert the obligatory "Thief didn't manage to steal my heart" line, right?

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