GameGrin's Reviews
Prodeus is the reincarnation of classic FPS games from the '90s. There isn't much of a story here, but let's be honest, if you are playing this game, it's for the blood and mayhem!
Although Cave Digger 2: Dig Harder's gameplay loop of mining to get gold to continue mining was an enjoyable and relaxing task for me, I can see how it might become tedious and monotonous for those that are less tolerant of repetitive tasks.
Electrician Simulator does what it does well enough, but it has little to no reason to go back to it after one play session.
One Dreamer is an excellent story of a game developer and the struggles he has to face to get his game completed. If you aren't a fan of coding or narrative adventures, this may not be a title for you.
Despite its whimsical art and wholesome message, Kaichu was unable to capture my heart. While it certainly killed some time, I feel it's time to go our separate ways.
Shovel Knight Dig is beautiful with great music and fits right into the franchise, even though it switches things up from the 2D platformer we are used to. It is an incredibly addictive game that is full of replayability!
The poor writing and bad direction don't take away too much from the co-op action of this cartoon tie-in. Fans of the show will definitely get more out of it than non-fans.
Moonscars is a great soulslike for those willing to deal with the steep difficulty spike of the last two levels, but it will undoubtedly fall very short for those that don't already like the genre.
Want to blow up people on a racing track while piloting a hover vehicle? Well then good sir/madam this is the game for you. Just, don't expect the same whimsical enjoyment you may find in other titles.
Despite feeling automated at times, Construction Simulator was still a fun and very relaxed experience that simulator fans should absolutely check out.
Costume Quest is delightful, fun, and very spoopy albeit a bit simple. An intuitive costume system and clever RPG mechanics make this a no-brainer!
Lost Eidolons is a tactical RPG that takes time to become attached to. However, once you start to get the swing of things you may just become hooked.
Despite its difficulty not fitting the soulslike expectation, Asterigos: Curse of the Stars manages to be a phenomenal entry, as long as you don't come in expecting challenging gameplay.
Gunslingers & Zombies does a good job of delivering on a simple premise while having a unique visual style. It just isn't the best port out there, and it left me feeling like something was missing.
Despite the 1.0 release, Session: Skate Sim still has a few issues. However, this shouldn't keep any skating fan away from this deeply rewarding simulator that can, at times, feel just as rewarding as the real sport.
Born and raised with retro in its roots, Kraino Origins is a great title for retro enthusiasts seeking to experience something reminiscent of Ghosts 'n Goblins or Castlevania, though I do wish the combat had been a little less rough on the edges.
Super Alloy Ranger is a great 2D platformer influenced by the Mega Man X series in all the right ways. The story isn't the best but has a lot of unique attributes that make it a must-play title!
Aliens: Fireteam Elite - Pathogen does make improvements upon previous levels and delivers a familiar yet enjoyable Aliens experience, albeit maybe a bit too familiar. Whilst not without untapped potential, this is certain to be a worthwhile investment if you found yourself wanting more from Aliens: Fireteam Elite.
Blind Fate: Edo no Yami has unique gameplay elements with a great story and voice acting but is incredibly difficult due to hit-detection issues and repetitive actions during your playthrough.
Serial Cleaners is a fun top-down stealth game that will test your patience and sense of timing. Who would have thought vacuuming the floor would be so fun?