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852 games reviewed
74.6 average score
75 median score
53.8% of games recommended

BaziCenter's Reviews

Mar 14, 2018

It always feels great to be able to play enhanced versions of good old titles on new consoles; but in Devil May Cry case, there's not enough to get excited about, as visuals are dated and old issues are still there. If you are not a fan of the series, you should probably ignore this one.

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7 / 10 - Mulaka
Mar 9, 2018

Mulaka is a great, charming choice for the fans of action adventure genre, especially those who love the Zelda series. Filled with combat and challenging puzzles, Mulaka will unfold the myths that you may have never heard about before.

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5 / 10 - Gravel
Mar 4, 2018

All in all, Gravel is a mediocre racing game; one that cannot challenge any of the top quality racing titles currently available on the market. The game has many qualities that the other recent release from Milestone enjoyed, but unlike the motorcycle racing genre, car racing genre is too crowded.

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Mar 1, 2018

The moment you step in the Possum Springs, You'll fall in love with it. Setting the bar high for interactive storytelling, Night in the Woods does every other thing just right; from magical artistic design to charming music to smart dialogues. One of the best indie titles in the recent years.

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Feb 28, 2018

Metal Gear Survive is a mediocre survival game, and that's it. All the great things about the Metal Gear franchise are gone and all you can find here is hour after hour after hour of repetitive survival gameplay. This is how you kill a franchise.

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ماکان علیخانی
Feb 24, 2018

As a fan of Mana series, this remake is a huge opportunity to try the old title in a new fashion. But as a fan of RPG genre, few players can survive this lengthy, shallow experience.

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Feb 21, 2018

Every moments in Typoman feels like Limbo. From the graphics to story and atmosphere all like the pieces from Limbo. The only thing that makes Typeman a different game is gameplay. In the first chapter of the game, gameplay feels pure and new, but in the last chapter it's just boring, and puzzles don't make any sense.

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Feb 20, 2018

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a very deep, atmospheric and ultra-realistic RPG title that will really challenge every hardcore fan of the genre.

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Feb 19, 2018

Aegis Defenders tries to provide a great experience with its pixel art visuals and tower defense mechanisms, and although some parts of gameplay are not polished enough, solid tower defense experience alone will worth your time.

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Feb 16, 2018

Crossing Soul manages to convey the 80's atmosphere it aims for and while being far from a complete game due to its gameplay problems, succeeds in offering a unique charming experience.

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Monster Energy Supercross in one of very few solid Motor Racing games that has been developed in recent years, and I strongly suggest that you give it a try if you are a racing fan. Even with very inconsistent servers and poor audio design and music, the game still offers a lot in terms of gameplay and visuals, and with continued support from developers, it can become a great racing franchise.

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8 / 10 - Owlboy
Feb 13, 2018

9 years in development and expectations were high when Owlboy came out; and it didn't disappoint. While gameplay is very classic and simple and story doesn't have lots to say, visuals and music are where the game really shines. Easily one of the best platformers of the year, if not ever.

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Feb 12, 2018

Even with open world gameplay which is a nice addition to the series, Dynasty Warriors 9 is still far from what it wants to be. Positive changes are there, but they are not enough to convince new players. However, fans of the series will have a great time playing it.

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With more focus on Batman character and showing some parts of Joker madness, What Ails you has managed to pull itself up and keep the fans thirsty for the last episode of the series.

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Feb 4, 2018

The Red Strings Club is a story-driven, pixel-art style point & click adventure that makes you think, think and think; about a very possible future that may just be around the corner for us, and about the current troubles that human race is facing.

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Feb 1, 2018

If someone asks me which games are similar to Monster Hunter World, I honestly don't know how to answer! It is a mixture of best Action RPG titles that put all qualities of the genre together, creating a new formula along the way. Even if you are not a fan of the genre, you should definitely give Monster Hunter World a chance, cause it'll be one the most special experiences you'll ever have.

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Jan 10, 2018

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter's too much focus on story telling might prevent it from offering a true adventure experience, but nevertheless the story, atmosphere and world design is so solid that you'll just love it.

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8 / 10 - SOMA
Dec 27, 2017

Soma aims to combine a weird story with a mysterious atmosphere and succeeds to achieve that goal, and although its gameplay might be too simple at times, it’ll still satisfy horror fans.

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4 / 10 - Black Mirror
Dec 26, 2017

Black Mirror reboot is a complete failure and disappointment. Broken gameplay and weak story is just the beginning, and as you progress into the game, you’ll come along an enormous amount of bugs and glitches that will make you to just stop playing and starting the uninstall process!

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With Dead Rising 4, you may not feel either fear, happiness, or excitement. It’s just another very good 3rd person action adventure game that’ll keep you busy with tons of zombie-killing fun and different types of jokes. Be warned though, playing it consecutively for too long may spoil the fun. Keep it slow and steady.

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