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Daily Mirror

447 games reviewed
76.7 average score
80 median score
70.2% of games recommended

Daily Mirror's Reviews

Each of the games in Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 are classics in their own right, even if they don't quite match up to the fan favourite Mega Man 2. These are faithful ports with no apparent technical issues present, so there's not much to complain about.

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Jul 18, 2017

For those already fans of the series, it's more of the Splatoon you love. It could just as easily have been called 'Splatoon Deluxe', but there's more than enough here to keep anyone from getting bored. As the Switch's big release of the summer, owners of the console will find it difficult to resist Splatoon 2's charm. It's a great shooter alternative to Call of Duty for kids and still a heap of fun for adults.

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The series is an important part of PlayStation (and gaming) history. Activision has done a lovely job of recycling Crash's best games and letting us all enjoy them all over again.

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If you're looking for the latest graphics and a deep, gritty game, you won't find it here. However, you will find carnage, power-ups, weapons galore, a well thought-out multiplayer mode, hundreds of bullet sponges to mow down, huge levels and tonnes of style. It's an irreverent retro murder fest that doesn't take itself too seriously and manages to not only be funny, but most importantly be FUN - because that's why we play games, isn't it? For fun? PEW PEW!

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Jul 12, 2017

This is not a game you want to have to wait for - it is a must-have for a console that it feels to have been made for. It is, as I say, a masterpiece.

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Jun 21, 2017

Get Even is a psychological thriller that fills your mind with questions and makes you determined to find out the truth – and I certainly had fun uncovering it.

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- Arms
Jun 7, 2017

Motion controls are a bit lacking, but ARMS is still immensely fun even with standard button controls. I'll definitely be mastering my technique in online matches long after I've beaten Grand Prix with every character. It may not be for everyone, but this is absolutely the Splatoon of fighters. I can't wait to fight you all online.

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May 30, 2017

Despite some minor gripes, Impact Winter is an otherwise solid game. It has the look, feel and general gameplay of an almost perfect game. However, its poor controls and clunky interfaces do ultimately bog it down. Impact Winter is a game about exploration and managing resources and, whilst difficult, it is a very rewarding experience if you invest the time and immerse yourself in its cold, frozen depths.

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- RiME
May 25, 2017

With so many optional collectibles, RiME succeeds in filling the collect-a-thon void that other titles have failed to fill. I'm looking at you, Yooka-Laylee. This is a game about exploration, discovery and adventure. It is not a game about killing your enemies, but rather figuring out a way to avoid them. It is a game about solving puzzles as you take in beautiful environments and a wordless narrative.

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May 23, 2017

In a nutshell, Injustice 2 is a beautifully crafted fighting game with a great balance between gameplay and story, while retaining that wonderful competitive flare of watching Batman and Superman go toe-to-toe with each other.

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May 23, 2017

Although Farpoint is the best VR game we've seen for a while, it's not the system seller that Sony really should have come up with by now.

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May 21, 2017

These are devastating flaws, but its core is still promising. It's not a terribly complex arena game, but it is competent and I can see it being good fun for hour-long plays at get-togethers. However, unless its online mode picks up, it'd be difficult to recommend this to anyone not looking for a party game.

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May 19, 2017

The Surge offers players hours of thrilling exploration combined with combat mechanics which encourages you to be cautious and consistent when entering a fight. If technology is going to do this to us in the future, I might have to grab the typewriter from the attic.

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May 16, 2017

Though it perhaps worked best on the PSP, with alternative control methods and 4K graphics, it's a welcome addition to the PS4 library and I can only hope that more PSP classics receive similar treatment.

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Lasting a few hours, this additional content may be too brief to justify a purchase from those with only a fleeting interest in the game. One of its three colosseums is frustrating to play, and the only new musical track can hardly be heard over cheering sound effects. However, for hardcore fans, three new varied challenges, a secret boss fight, a range of customisation items and a tragic story that lives up to the base game makes what was already one of video gaming's greatest accomplishments even better.

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May 1, 2017

Despite its straightforward gameplay, Little Nightmares is a title worth putting in the handful of hours that it'll take you to complete, and you'll be surprised by how much ends up sticking with you.

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The Disney Afternoon Collection is clearly the work of a team who care a great deal about video games and their preservation. Extras include high-quality images of design documents, cover arts, posters and more - many of which had previously been considered lost. A lot of love has gone into every frame of this, right down to its menus, and I cannot wait to see which titles developer Digital Eclipse tackle next. However, whilst some titles are platformer gems, others are somewhat unextraordinary and I can't imagine newcomers would stick with any titles.

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Apr 10, 2017

The harsh reality is that I wanted to love it just as much as anyone else. The team is clearly talented and Yooka-Laylee is a work of passion, but it's simply not enough. Yooka-Laylee is simply a chore to play and it relies too heavily on past glories and self-referential humour.

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Apr 5, 2017

There's some real fun to be had here in spite of its nuisances and both platformer fans of old and newcomers alike will find this enjoyable.

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Apr 1, 2017

Whether you're new to Mass Effect or a long-time fan like me, there's a passable adventure here. But in order to actually have any fun you'll have to ignore the enormous amounts of chaff and stick to the story.

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