Baseball Riot

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Critic Reviews for Baseball Riot
While Baseball Riot has a simple, quirky, challenging and meaty campaign, there is a real sense of deja vu. The art style and core mechanics are virtually the same as its prequel, and although it is aesthetically vivid and satisfying to beat a difficult stage or line up a perfect shot to obliterate a row of nasty foes, the grind you go through to beat it might deplete that addictive nature that puzzle games such as this strive for. All in all, the game ends up being a solid, but often frustrating and wholly unoriginal experience.
Baseball Riot contains a lot of content for a low price point, but it will only really be enjoyed in short bursts. The gameplay is easy to learn but difficult to master, especially with the differing enemies, various obstacles and, unfortunately, somewhat random ball physics. The latter factor will frustrate some players and luck does play a larger part in a player's chances of success than it should. While the levels do, predictably, get more difficult as the player progresses, the difficulty can spike unfairly in places. Finally, all of the achievements are tied to optional objectives and one of these is slightly buggy -- the completion is not easy.
_____________________________ "Anyone sinking money into this title for their console might regret that decision and wish they had tossed a few bucks on it in the app store instead.
Baseball Riot is a bright, colourful, physics puzzle game that will appeal to a wide audience with its simplistic gameplay, pick-up-and-play controls, and low price tag. It's very obvious similarities to Tennis in the Face prevent it from hitting a home run, but it comfortably makes it to third base. [If only we all had the same luck, eh? – Ed]
Given that it's on the portable Nintendo Switch console though, I don't think that's a particularly bad thing at all - in fact, it's a good thing! At just a few quid, Baseball Riot may not be the most original game in the world, but it's enjoyable to pick up and play in short bursts when out and about, making for a neat addition to the Switch's library.
This is a fun little puzzle game that's easy to pick up and easy to get addicted to.
There is very little that sets Baseball Riot apart from other similar games that focus on quick, simple fun and as such, this won't be a game that will keep players around for very long.
Review in Portuguese |
Baseball Riot could've done more with its gameplay to stretch its wings and not try to be another Angry Birds. Instead, it just doesn't do enough, and only hardcore baseball fans – or those seeking out an interesting but flawed puzzle game – will want to invest. Everyone else can easily look elsewhere to take their batting practice.