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Nindie Spotlight

4037 games reviewed
70.8 average score
70 median score
43.2% of games recommended

Nindie Spotlight's Reviews

Feb 9, 2022

I've been fascinated to see the variety of ways developers have tackled handling interactive story-telling, helping to take complex or emotional characters and events and use gameplay to suck people in further...

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9 / 10.0 - OlliOlli World
Feb 8, 2022

Given the overall lack of sports-oriented titles on the Switch in general, let alone from indie developers, it’s always a blessing to get something new to check out on the system...

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Feb 8, 2022

The Switch has been a real boon to fans of co-op gaming with the convenience of the joycon baked into even the base console, and that has yielded some interesting and very different experiences...

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6.3 / 10.0 - Pirate's Gold
Feb 5, 2022

Games that have either come from, or at least simply feel more suited to, the mobile space on Switch are always a bit trickier to evaluate...

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6.8 / 10.0 - Land of Screens
Feb 4, 2022

Since the time I graduated from high school in the early 90s the world has changed substantially, and the traditional ways people have socialized and kept in touch has been revolutionized (and not always for the better) by the Internet...

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Feb 4, 2022

Games that are heavily driven by stories can take a lot of different forms and also tend to be a mixed bag...

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6.6 / 10.0 - Maglam Lord
Feb 4, 2022

While I often fail to really "get" some of the titles that come my way that are driven by weirdo sensibilities and characters, every once in a while there's at least one that amuses me...

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6.4 / 10.0 - Swords & Bones
Feb 4, 2022

Perhaps the mistake here is in the attempts at marketing, but when you throw out the likes of Ghosts n' Goblins or Castlevania as inspirations for your game you're kind of teeing people up to expect a certain standard...

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Undoubtedly one of the most well-known literary figures of all time, the name Sherlock Holmes carries some clout with it, though over time it doesn't feel like the game world has done him much justice...

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Feb 3, 2022

There's something to be said for games driven by a novel design, and sometimes they can be breakout hits, but more often than not the novelty can feel like a crutch...

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6.3 / 10.0 - Broken Blades
Jan 29, 2022

The roguelike has certainly come into its own in this console generation, slowly moving from the fringes with a smattering of attempts in different genres to legitimacy now with a host of top-tier titles... but getting the formula right isn't always an easy task...

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7.5 / 10.0 - Super Onion Boy 2
Jan 28, 2022

Making budget games that in some way feel familiar when compared to beloved classics is always a bit of a gamble, but when they’re pulled off reasonably well and offer just enough to make them distinctive it can work out nicely...

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Jan 27, 2022

With the classic point-and-click adventure genre in full-on renaissance mode and a preponderance of options available to fans on the Switch it’s getting tougher to separate the merely average titles from the good to great ones...

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More than anything else with the Luminous Avenger titles, you could never say they aren’t visually stunning with their pixel art...

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6.8 / 10.0 - Vagante
Jan 27, 2022

Roguelikes can be really tricky to evaluate as their often inherent challenge is an addiction for some but can obviously put others off...

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4.7 / 10.0 - Pandemic Shooter
Jan 27, 2022

Games that are in some way timely to the circumstances of the world have a tendency to rely more on impulse buys than quality, at least that has been my experience...

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5.8 / 10.0 - PopSlinger
Jan 26, 2022

As a fan of new and odd ideas, the thought of a game that has a mix of elements from beat-em-ups, shooters, and a little music to boot sounded like it had real potential...

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Jan 25, 2022

One opportunity that the smaller teams and budgets behind typical indie games have is to take bigger risks, either blending together or warping genres to create experiences that are difficult to categorize...

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Jan 25, 2022

Tactical strategy RPGs have gotten some decent traction over the years since launch on Switch, but to date no indie game in the category has broken out as the clear champion in the category...

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7.5 / 10.0 - Baby Storm
Jan 21, 2022

What I genuinely love about indie games is their ability to surprise me...

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