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Nindie Spotlight

4037 games reviewed
70.8 average score
70 median score
43.2% of games recommended

Nindie Spotlight's Reviews

7.5 / 10.0 - Kinduo
Jan 21, 2022

Budget puzzle games are a bit of a “dime a dozen” proposition on the Switch eShop these days, but when they’re made well and with a decent hook they’re still able to grab my attention...

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7 / 10.0 - The Company Man
Jan 21, 2022

When you’re looking for a way to try to add some spice to a tried and true style of play in a game it doesn’t hurt to use theming that skewers an institution people generally understand...

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6.7 / 10.0 - Jack 'n' Hat
Jan 21, 2022

This is one of those indies where I can appreciate what they were setting out to do but the final implementation just doesn't quite deliver the experience they'd aimed for...

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8.4 / 10.0 - Windjammers 2
Jan 20, 2022

I’ll admit to having a bit of an old school weakness for the weird spectacle that the original Windjammers managed to create by mixing a relatively simple game played with a frisbee with the over-the-top attitude and personality of a professional wrestling match...

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8 / 10.0 - Pyramid Quest
Jan 20, 2022

My tendency with games is to gravitate towards things that are higher in intensity and will throw a challenge my way, but I’ve also come to appreciate slower-paced experiences over time as well...

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7.5 / 10.0 - Blackwind
Jan 20, 2022

What can I say, my ears always perk up at the suggestion of a game that in any way features mechs...

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7 / 10.0 - RPGolf Legends
Jan 20, 2022

With the general Switch line-up when it comes to both RPGs and Sports titles being thinner than would be preferred, my eyes lit up at the prospect of RPGold Legends managing to knock out two under-represented birds with one stone...

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7 / 10.0 - Scrapnaut
Jan 20, 2022

Typically when I think about the survival genre the focus that comes to mind is a balance between crafting, exploration, and fighting to stay alive...

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I suppose since a little while ago I reviewed a puzzle collection covering a variety of styles hyper-focused on domesticated animals of the feline variety; it is only fair that one celebrating the canine persuasion is available as well...

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6.1 / 10.0 - Survive & Craft
Jan 20, 2022

Among the genres represented on the Switch, survival is one of the thinner ones, so new entries are always appreciated...

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7.5 / 10.0 - Vivid Knight
Jan 19, 2022

When you think of RPG dungeon crawlers you’d normally assume it will fall into one of two camps, a traditional turn-based affair or a more action-oriented hack and slasher...

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6.9 / 10.0 - Guild of Ascension
Jan 19, 2022

It amazes me at how roguelikes have really managed to both increase and broaden their appeal over this generation...

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6.4 / 10.0 - Labyrinth Legend
Jan 18, 2022

I've always tended to have fun with a decent dungeon crawler...

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6.1 / 10.0 - Queeny Army
Jan 18, 2022

As a huge classic arcade run and gun shooter fan, having grown up on the likes of Contra, Rush'n Attack, and more, a quick look at Queeny Army caught my eye...

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Jan 17, 2022

Bringing back games for another run on modern consoles has always tended to be a mixed bag...

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7.9 / 10.0 - Nova-111
Jan 13, 2022

While it gets off to a bit of a light start, Nova-111 is the sort of game that'll sneak up on you with its challenge as it continues to add more complicated enemies, environmental threats, and varied tools to help you survive the further you go...

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6.3 / 10.0 - Headland
Jan 13, 2022

There's something to be said for creating and releasing family-friendly, approachable, and genuinely pleasant adventures on the Switch, and Headland certainly fits this mold thoroughly...

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Jan 12, 2022

Deckbuilders have become a full-fledged thing nowadays, with many pretty great ones on the Switch, but back when Card Fighters' Clash was released they were a bit more of an oddity...

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9 / 10.0 - Picross S7
Jan 10, 2022

You know you've really established something special when the name of your game becomes synonymous with all games within a given subgenre...

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Consistent with the rest of the Faircroft's Antiques series, The Forbidden Crypt is among the most polished hidden item puzzlers out there...

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