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Nindie Spotlight

4037 games reviewed
70.8 average score
70 median score
43.2% of games recommended

Nindie Spotlight's Reviews

7.4 / 10.0 - Crysis 3 Remastered
Oct 15, 2021

Just call me a black sheep, but until I played this third entry in the Crysis series it never really clicked for me...

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Oct 15, 2021

The second in the released Crysis Remastered Trilogy, for me this sequel plays very similarly to the original, and that's both a good and a bad thing...

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7 / 10.0 - Gleylancer
Oct 15, 2021

Even having played a ton of arcade shooters over time I’m still fascinated periodically when I run across ones that I’d somehow missed over the years...

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6.4 / 10.0 - Aloof
Oct 15, 2021

When you tread into the puzzle space with anything that remotely looks Tetris-ish you're unfortunately going to invite some level of comparison to it...

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Oct 14, 2021

Part golf game, part puzzler, A Little Golf Journey is hard to put in a pre-defined box...

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Oct 14, 2021

Maybe I’m just a sucker for a regular stream of puns when they’re dangled in front of me often, but having played quite a number of point-and-click adventures on Switch that started strong but then lost steam, Inspector Waffles managed to be an entertaining treat...

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Oct 14, 2021

Having generally been a fan of the Jackbox games, and this series, since the start it's always interesting to see how each new pack ends up playing out...

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7 / 10.0 - Ruin Raiders
Oct 14, 2021

When people think of tactical strategy titles, the gold standard set by the likes of the X-Com series and some refined tactical RPGs come to mind...

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6.7 / 10.0 - The Sundew
Oct 14, 2021

The renewed popularity in recent years of point-and-click adventures has been great to see, though certainly people who've hoped to see games that have a more serious tone have likely been a bit disappointed...

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6.4 / 10.0 - Nira
Oct 14, 2021

I'll freely admit that survival games don't tend to be one of my favorite genres, but having played several that even I have found compelling and agreeable (for a number of reasons) I wouldn't say I have an inherent bias against them either...

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6.3 / 10.0 - Aeon Must Die!
Oct 14, 2021

It's always interesting to see developers take some pretty big swings for the fences, trying out new variations in play style to forge a path of their own...

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6.2 / 10.0 - Bonito Days
Oct 14, 2021

This is an odd one that initially filled me with hope, but then had enough small disappointments pile up that it slowly lost its luster...

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6.7 / 10.0 - Starlight Alliance
Oct 13, 2021

On a general level, though things have begun to change in this generation, it can be tough to get people who've only enjoyed AAA titles over the years to take a chance on an indie title...

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Oct 13, 2021

This is one of those situations where marketing can backfire a bit explosively when citing the wrong popular title for comparison...

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Oct 12, 2021

While I've played indie games with a pretty wide variety of styles and levels of quality since the launch of the Switch I can't say any of them has defied easy explanation as much as Disco Elysium for me...

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5.7 / 10.0 - Bouncy Bullets 2
Oct 8, 2021

Mixing together elements of a shooter, 3D platformer, and perhaps to some degree a puzzler, Bouncy Bullets 2 is a bit of an oddity...

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8 / 10.0 - The Lightbringer
Oct 7, 2021

Certainly there are plenty of 3D action platformers on the Switch, and they take a variety of forms from intense to more casual...

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7.6 / 10.0 - Jack Axe
Oct 7, 2021

Tough-as-nails platformers have legitimately become a thing over the years, and in my experience with a few exceptions that break through to more mainstream success (looking at you Celeste and Super Meat Boy, in particular) people's appreciation of them tends to vary pretty wildly...

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7.5 / 10.0 - Gang Beasts
Oct 7, 2021

Both “wacky physics” and local multiplayer games have a tendency to suffer from people having extremely positive or negative views of them, either embracing and “getting” the style of play or likely despising it...

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7 / 10.0 - No Longer Home
Oct 7, 2021

Contemplative games are always a bit tough to review as I've found that where you are in life and what challenges you're currently facing (or have faced in the past) tend to drive the appreciation of the stories and ideas they're trying to share...

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