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1193 games reviewed
77.2 average score
80 median score
82.2% of games recommended

NoobFeed's Reviews

Feb 22, 2018

Metal Gear Survive takes a lot of risks foreign to the franchise. The use of survival techniques to simulate an actual life-and-death mission did provide more challenges to the adventure.

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75 / 100 - Railway Empire
Feb 17, 2018

Railway Empire possesses the strategy, complexity and choice of any good resource management or tycoon game.

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55 / 100 - WARTILE
Feb 17, 2018

Wartile’s undoubtedly gorgeous battle boards are its highest point and presentation-wise, the title nails the feeling of a living boardgame. It’s a pity then that the tactical potential of its gameplay remains unrealized.

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Much of Blade of Galadriel is the same as Shadow of War. The new way to recruit Uruks feels limited and while the story does provide some resolution to the plot the overall DLC is short.

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It is always nice to have everything you need packed neatly in a single box and, for those who value this, Resident Evil: Biohazard Gold Edition is what you were waiting for.

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Grab a copy of Nightmares from the Deep: Davy Jones and set sail to the adventure genre before cannon balls start flying again.

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Feb 4, 2018

Shadow of the Colossus PS4 still holds up today thanks to outstanding game design years ahead of its time. The soundtrack, story, and gameplay can easier be mistaken for a brand new modern release, and those who never played the game should add this to their PlayStation 4 library.

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Jan 29, 2018

Candleman: The Complete Journey is a more sedate experience which takes players through a beautiful, well-paced and relaxing journey.

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Jan 29, 2018

Dragon Ball FighterZ is a distinct and complex fighter that not only adheres to Dragon Ball and fighting game competitors but those seeking an intense action-filled adventure.

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Jan 28, 2018

Monster Hunter: World offers a huge fantasy full of challenging creatures to fight either alone or with other players. The intimidating monsters, meaningful upgrades, and diverse biomes require a lot of commitment to fully understand.

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What Ails You does a great job of setting up the finale for The Enemy Within. Most of the episode has you following a line from start to finish with very little variation in the gameplay.

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80 / 100 - Beholder
Jan 22, 2018

Beholder doesn't hold your hand and this can become an issue. It relies heavily on the player to self-teaching themselves about much of the game's mechanics.

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The Pillars of the Earth's Second Book - Sowing the Wind will left you waiting for the conclusion of the story and watching how your decisions carry on.

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55 / 100 - InnerSpace
Jan 16, 2018

With exploration becoming less desirable the more it’s attempted, writing that shies away from going in-depth and an unsatisfactory ending, journeying through InnerSpace’s world is something that can safely be skipped.

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Jan 15, 2018

It's clear that the developers had a vision when making The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, a solid single-player narrative where the player was given a little direction on how to uncover the game's mysteries.

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Dec 25, 2017

It’s astonishing that Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds has become what it is today, despite its endless flaws that make it barely playable. Perhaps PUBG is a testament that a game doesn’t need to be stable to be successful.

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Dec 21, 2017

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is an exciting and rewarding tale full of drama and tough decisions. Those who played the original game will definitely find more value here than newcomers because of prior knowledge of Chloe and most of the characters.

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Life is Strange: Before the Storm reminds us what it's like to grow up as a teenager, and the mixture of joy and vexation that comes with finding out which path is worth taking.

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Dec 20, 2017

Answers will be provided and new questions will replace them, coupled with uneasy decisions that alter the story as you progress, and Minecraft Story Mode: Season 2 provides more than enough reason to play after you're done.

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While it spoils a potentially great antagonist it gives a solid conclusion of everything that transpired. Minecraft Story Mode: Season 2 Episode 5 Above and Beyond provides the player with a finish that encompasses their entire journey into one 70 minute adventure.

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