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Digitally Downloaded

2710 games reviewed
73.1 average score
80 median score
55.9% of games recommended

Digitally Downloaded's Reviews

Aug 31, 2017

Ironcast has found itself the right home on the Nintendo Switch. In the way it plays, Ironcast benefits from spontaneous game play sessions which the Switch can provide due to its tablet mode.

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If you are the type that engages in video games for the quick thrill, then Pillars will probably drive you crazy and you should stir away. However, if you are fine with the other extreme, do not mind lack of arcade style challenges and are willing to take your time, then Pillars offers the depth and the learning experience that mere mortal books cannot deliver. Speaking for myself, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience Pillars had provided me with for that very reason.

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Aug 30, 2017

For a game so focused on the monstrous and the grotesque, Severed's power lies in how it shines a critical and emotional light on an intrinsic part of what it means to be human.

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Graceful Explosion Machine is simple, pure arcade fun, with a level of polish and attention to detail in the design that's rarely seen. It's the sort of game that you can pick up for a quick 5 minute session, and then find yourself still playing hours later.

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Mario + Rabbids could have been so much worse than this, but somehow Ubisoft's really done something special with it. And, as one of the rare cases where Nintendo has loaned its most precious property out to a third party, Ubisoft has done something that, I hope, Nintendo itself will be proud of.

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Quirky and creative, and so very funny, Rock of Ages 2 is unlike many "comedy" games in that it backs the humour up with quality gameplay, very worthy of respect.

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Aug 29, 2017

Warriors All-Stars is a delight.

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Aug 29, 2017

The Last Birdling is a game worth playing, especially if you enjoy a story of tragic love and friendship. It takes a timeless premise and puts just enough of a unique spin on it to make it feel fresh.

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Demetrios is nothing that great. Or special. The crudeness is unnecessary. The amount of things to sift through is unnecessary. And unfortunately, nothing entirely makes up for these downfalls.

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Aug 25, 2017

I look forward to the fresh roster updates, appreciate subtle tweaks to a series that I have been playing yearly for more than twenty years and thoroughly enjoyed the two major modes additions.

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Aug 24, 2017

Sundered proves that procedural generation and smart, hand-crafted level design are far from mutually exclusive.

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Unscored - Nidhogg 2
Aug 24, 2017

Whereas the original Nidhogg was a wickedly fast and immediately loveable party game, Nidhogg 2 pushes the boundaries and arrives with mixed results.

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Aug 23, 2017

Cities Skylines is a ridiculously clever and enjoyable game, and one that I expect I will spend a lot of time playing down the track. EA looks like it will not be revitalising Sim City as a franchise anytime soon, so I'm so glad that another developer has stepped up to the plate and created the game that the last Sim City should have been… and I am so glad it's finally on PlayStation 4.

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Aug 23, 2017

Mystralia's world is that of fine, refined escapism

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It's a masterpiece in building tension and in the way that it plays within the classical approach to horror, without relying on jump scares and endless bloodshed.

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Aug 21, 2017

SEGA's ... given us all something completely modern and "new" to play, and the entire Yakuza series continues to go from strength to strength.

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I like my games to have purpose, and I find The Lost Legacy to be a very purposeless game. It's fun, I enjoyed my time with it. I doubt I'll ever feel inspired to play it again, much less remember it.

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Aug 17, 2017

Moero Chronicle is a game that knows exactly what it wants to be, and it shows remarkable commitment in wholeheartedly sticking to the Compile Heart brand without sacrificing the quality of its delivery.

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Digitally Downloaded
Pierre-Yves L.

The Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 is a great re-release of the seventh through tenth entries, but it could have been much more, and it feels a little cynical that it's not. While there are the four games, the boss rushes and other challenges to be completed, this entry just leaves the impression that there should have been 'more' of everything.

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Aug 16, 2017

There's a lot of potential here, and Fruitbat Factory has done a superb job of bringing this game to us in the West. I can only hope that others will be able to look past some of the flaws and enjoy it.

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