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330 games reviewed
70.3 average score
72 median score
24.2% of games recommended

Pixelophobia's Reviews

8 / 10.0 - Verdun
Mar 21, 2017

Verdun surprises us with something fresh in terms of shooters. The Great War combat brings us back to 1914 where we are tasked with obliterating the enemy and pushing frontlines. Unfortunately it come with confusing class tier system, too wide weapons arrangement to be comfortable with any of them and a graphical bug every once in a while. Despite that I have no other option but to recommend the game.

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7.2 / 10.0 - We Are the Dwarves
Mar 19, 2017

The developers tried to do something refreshing with We Are the Dwarves, but they failed to deliver the experience on console. It would take a lot more labour to make it fir the format of couch leisure, but the game is way more exciting on PC.

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8 / 10.0 - MX Nitro
Mar 16, 2017

MX Nitro is the next level Trials clone. It not only throws us into the race agains the clock, but often also the other riders. If you loved trials you'll feel at home when it comes to the gameplay of MX Nitro.

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Mar 9, 2017

Pixel Heroes is a game of luck. It depends on our luck who we can hire, where we venture, what we get. It takes away significance of all the choices we make. This simple 2D RPG was really close to hit the mark, but missed by a mile.

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6.8 / 10.0 - Uncanny Valley
Mar 2, 2017

Uncanny Valley tries to be poetic story of horror, but it fails to deliver on this front in most cases. We are a security guard who is to protect some sort of facility and it depends on us where the story does. That's why for me it wasn't survival horror, I didn't visit lower levels. I didn't explore where I was unwanted. I was a good guy, and if story choices can strip you of the main hook of the game, it's a bad design.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Spheroids
Feb 26, 2017

Spheroids seems to be done quickly, cheaply and 20 years too late. Yet, it's an enjoyable and relaxing experience. I'd recommend getting it, but only when it's on sale as it costs too much for 6-8 hours of gameplay and poor quality.

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6.8 / 10.0 - iO
Feb 22, 2017

iO is a simple arcade game that requires us to transfer a ball from the start to finish. It can go faster, go slower, grow and shrink. We can play on enormous number of levels varying in difficulty and complexity. The only downside for Xbox Players is that game has broken achievements that can't be fixed with an update. Shame.

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8.7 / 10.0 - Warframe
Jan 18, 2017

Warframe is an excellent free-to-play title. It relays not on levels, but on your equipment and an ability to use it. This makes it difficult to start, but rewards every hour played. It offers long hours of gameplay, constant content updates and multitude of activities. It's almost impossible to get bored for first 100 hours. But it required dedication for sure.

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Jan 11, 2017

Oceanhorn is Zelda-like experience for every one of us who has never played one. For Zelda fans, it's just a familiar, if simplified, experience. For every one though it's a nice looking and somewhat challenging title to fully complete. It encompasses many of the open world RPG elements in small levels based on tiles. I'd recommend to play it, but maybe first try it on mobile.

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Nov 16, 2016

Jotun is a simplest game you can think of when it comes to 2D hack-and-dodge game. It's basically roll fest interrupted every once in a while by us hacking and slashing the enemy. It relies on remembering what an enemy does and when exactly. The game can be simply too difficult for impatient people and will not retain their attention. The rest can enjoy quite challenging gameplay.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Far Cry Primal
Nov 9, 2016

Far Cry Primal is a breath of fresh air when it comes to first person action games. It simplifies good old Far Cry formula but still delivers robust gameplay enriched with multitude of companions and weapon upgrades. If you like bows and spears it's a must. The only let down is heavy use of mystics and not relying on down to earth believable story.

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It's the third best TTG game for me thus far. It's not as polished as earlier games as we can experience mismatched dialogues and subtitles, popping textures and unremarkable, yet quite different origin story. BATMAN deserves a quick look and is a must if you are BATMAN fan.

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Oct 19, 2016

Hawken finally came to the consoles. Free-To-Play mech shooter rode the wave of Titanfall and fulfilled players' hunger for some more mech on mech action. The game features enough weapons and platforms to fit any playstyle. I only wish I could get out of the mech...

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Oct 12, 2016

Tiny Troopers: Joint Ops is a title that should have stayed on mobile. Simplistic and short levels, awkward switch from paid options to free ones, and earlier gameplays on mobile take away from console experience.

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Excellent and robust PC title being brought to consoles results in a mess. Warband is basically PC version of the game with remapped controls to fit gamepad and it was a mistake. The game is unintuitive and makes even simplest of an action a challenge.

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5.3 / 10.0 - The Final Station
Sep 7, 2016

The Final Stations has a poor and simple gameplay and lacks replayability. Playing the game again would mean struggling with controls and at times simply broken game. It has a few interesting factors like passengers themselves or a quest to keep them alive. The Final Station drowns, however, in the see of low budget 2D console titles.

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3.8 / 10.0 - Ben-Hur
Aug 24, 2016

There never was a promotional title released that was successful. Ben-Hur confirmas that years after release of games such as Yaris or Big-Bumpin'. Simple one-sequece games do disservice to gamers and discourage potential future customers.

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4.5 / 10.0 - Crush Your Enemies
Aug 18, 2016

Vile Monarch created a simple RTS, but in many ways they oversimplified things. Straightforward gameplay doesn't give us ways to fight unfair opponents, dialogues bank on cheap laugh and experience is just not that fun as it was supposed to be.

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7.5 / 10.0 - The Solus Project
Aug 10, 2016

The Solus Project is a nice looking survival adventure. We are stranded on a planet that can sustain life. We discover stories of its past habitants and try to enable rescuing ourself. It's quite good, but buggy game.

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7 / 10.0 - SUPERHOT
Aug 4, 2016

SUPERHOT is a great shooter. A breath of fresh air into the genre. The time moves only when you move which allows you to craft amazing action scenes and progress through story that many may call prophecy.

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