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Seafoam Gaming

373 games reviewed
66.5 average score
70 median score
41.8% of games recommended

Seafoam Gaming's Reviews

Jun 16, 2023

Honestly, after how brilliant the Breakers Collection turned out, and with how long the gap has been since the last Qubyte Classics drop, I was a little hopeful that some sort of refinement to this wrapper would have taken place: faster menus, some bonuses, or at the very least the removal of that godawful input lag. But no, unfortunately it all returns in stride here, and some cool key art on the store page isn’t enough to really save this package.

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Apr 13, 2023

Not a bad port job, but horrible in value, so much so to the point I can only in earnest recommend this at a steep discount or if you are that desperate for a physical edition. The fact they couldn’t even throw in as much as a scanned flyer in-game speaks volumes.

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Unfortunately, while the emulation is generally pretty good, there’s barely any features to speak of, with a confusing save state system that does nobody any sort of favors, and the NES game being left completely as is without so much of a manual or any other QOL mechanics, with the obscure, decent gem of a Game Boy title ported over without freaking Game Boy palette options or a LCD filter.

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Alas, Water Margin is an average game thrown into a bad wrapper, put out into the stores with little historical context or really any reason to know anything about it. Decent afternoon fun with a friend in local co-op, but not engaging for any other reason, since the repetitiveness will set in really, really fast if you play this by yourself.

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4 / 10.0 - BitMaster
Sep 28, 2021

Bitmaster is just average at best, with me finding the overall loop to be serviceable, but not much else. The roguelike aspects of grinding levels and constantly trying again to gain gradual upgrades and new characters seem cool at first, but the slow pacing just doesn’t work for a scorechaser like this, and I found these aspects to be more discouraging of future run attempts, rather than motivating me to go for yet another attempt to see how far I can survive.

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Jun 14, 2021

In conclusion, I can sum up this game as “the title I bought a $300 headset for that doesn’t even work with it anymore”, and that’s a big shame, as the core RPG here is pretty decent at best, but even that feels weirder compared to prior Neptunia RPGs, with some changes to the usual formula that don’t really feel that great.

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Mar 23, 2021

It’s pretty peculiar that it took me so long to even cover this, and I honestly forgot what made me drop the game and push it back in the queue all those years ago. Yet after finally spending more time with this game, I think I know why, and unfortunately, it just never clicked for me, both back in 2018, and here in 2021. Be wary of this city.

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4 / 10.0 - Bucket Knight
Feb 15, 2021

If this had a speedrun mode and fixed the awful controls, it could honestly be a decent enough speedrun title, but unfortunately, the complete lack of replay value and general bugginess of Bucket Knight make it a pretty bad experience, only really worth checking out for curiosity purposes.

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Oct 5, 2020

I may have been quite late in getting to covering YIIK, but in the end, was this worth the wait and time for me, as an RPG fan and a fan of 90s games and visuals? Honestly, I did come out really enjoying the art style for its cool quirky looks, and some of the music is legitimately awesome, but on the other hand, you have a horrid battle system and some voices that sound as if they were recorded from a tin can. It’s a weird mess all around, and even now, I don’t recommend you check this out. Just buy the soundtrack if you have to get anything out of this game.

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4 / 10.0 - Liege Dragon
Sep 29, 2020

Liege Dragon is a rather boring adventure, and it didn’t do that well even as a remake. The game’s mechanics feel even more simplistic when combined with the rather unpleasant presentation, and when the old version from 2011 looks way prettier and more fitting of the simplicity, that’s a pretty sad sight to see for a remade game like this, and I feel that some sort of option or tribute to the game’s original look would have been a pretty neat feature to see.

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Sep 14, 2020

Lapis X Labyrinth is an incredibly average hack and slash with not much going for it. You enter a dungeon, beat up enemies, gain new weapons, loot and skills, and then repeat ad nauseam with little incentive to keep going or play this for long bursts at a time. On Switch, at least you do have pick up and play possibilities, but I found even when playing this game in those sessions, it just wasn’t that engaging.

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Sep 10, 2020

Reason is a Sokoban game… That does the absolute bare minimum. The puzzles are fine, the game controls OK, but at the end of the day, that’s all that Reason provides. There’s no charm, no clever twist, no good looking visuals or assets, no good music, nothing of interest beside block pushing with a cute robot for fifty levels, in a format that you’ve probably done before. If you like these kinds of games, it works OK for more content of this type, but considering how there have been other Sokoban-likes on the eShop already, I just suggest you buy a prettier one like Box Land Demake instead, even though this is easily one of the more affordable takes on the genre, being only a dollar.

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4 / 10.0 - FoxyLand
Aug 27, 2020

In conclusion, Foxyland was a very mediocre platformer, with only a good art style to note as any positive. The gameplay is boring, the gem requirement is stupid, and the levels aren’t that fun to play. Oddly enough, the halloween levels were more engaging than the main game, but the fact they don’t even record the stars you get and seemingly don’t save your progress for completing them makes that level pack feel utterly pointless. This is a done to death, mobile quality experience that if you’re familiar with, you probably don’t even need to give this a glance. It’s basic platforming bogged down by frustrating mechanics.

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4 / 10.0 - Reed 2
Jul 16, 2020

Reed 2 feels like more of the same, and while that’s not always a bad thing to see in a sequel, I can’t help but feel that Reed 2 tries too much to make things harder than the first for no reason, and outside of an objective change in each of the stages, the whole experience feels almost as if I’m playing bonus levels of Reed Remastered that are terrible. Sure, the controls and other aspects are still solid, but when the level design is a step backwards instead of forwards, I can’t call Reed 2 a good sequel at all, and even using the term “Sequel” feels too generous here.

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4 / 10.0 - Gravity Duck
Jul 14, 2020

Gravity Duck isn’t a broken game, nor is it a badly made game. The biggest problem with it comes from the shallow nature and utter boredom factor you’ll experience. While League of Evil offered more collectibles, more content, and more fun, this game is just a linear romp from Point A to Point B, one that’ll get absolutely insufferable as you make it to the end of the second world with little in the way of anything impressive. The game works, and the concept is simple, but sometimes simplicity can be overdone, and that’s exactly what happened here.

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Cat Girl without Salad does indeed feel like an April Fools gag, for better or worse. While some similar gags like 8-Bit Bayonetta or the Shin Megami Tensei metroidvania still lead to solid games made in a shorter amount of time, Cat Girl ends up as a bigger mixed bag, due to being only three stages long, with each of those feeling like a dull slog through the mud. The powerups are super cool and nifty, but since they rarely appear and the final stage is filled with enemy sponges, they never felt truly realized or useful.

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4 / 10.0 - Metagal
Apr 14, 2020

In conclusion, Metagal is an utter mess. Floaty controls and lackluster presentation aside, I still found the weapons to be useful for the type of enemies fought in this game, even if they aren’t nearly as helpful as a Mega Man weapon would be. The boss battles are still fun, when you can get to them, but the game is filled with a ridiculous amount of cheap deaths and obstacles that you’re more likely to die to microscopic spikes over mistiming a jump. Combine that with a trophy set that literally gives up one stage into the game, (you can platinum this whole thing in under 20 minutes, it’s kinda absurd) and you have a game that could have used a lot more polish.

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Feb 12, 2020

1917 is a poor example of a vertical shooter. Trying to be a tribute to the games of old, it may look decent, but it certainly doesn’t play nearly as well or as tight as any of the classic games from devs like Psikyo. The strange, excessive blood and gore, poor level design and lackluster powerups make The Alien Invasion a very poor choice for a vertical shooter.

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Dec 25, 2019

Gotcha Racing Second is a racing game that reeks of genericness. Barebones presentation, generic music, boring track layouts, and little reason to keep more than one vehicle around, since you can replace your worst parts with better newer ones and just keep improving on the vehicle you already have.

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Jan 7, 2019

Fill-a-Pix just didn’t cut it for me. While it’s nice to have a different change of pace from Lightwood after a lot of Word Search and Picross games in recent years, Fill-a-Pix reminds me a bit of the dreaded Nikoli puzzle game Slitherlink, in that it’s so damn complicated even with all the tutorials and such that it’s a bore to actually solve.

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