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136 games reviewed
70.5 average score
70 median score
74.3% of games recommended

Darkstation's Reviews

Oct 25, 2019

The post-game content can be a complete nightmare for clueless newcomers because Disgaea 4 demands you to learn its systems in-depth so that you can break them in your favor. That being said, with lovable and quirky characters, amazing voice-acting, great writing, and excruciatingly complex gameplay, Disgaea 4 Complete+ is a dream come true for strategy game fanatics.

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Oct 24, 2019

Including all unavoidable failures and retries, it only takes two hours to play Stela through. In that sense, the asking price of twenty bucks is a bit too steep. However, the game is well done and the gameplay focuses only on the essential as there’s nothing extra to distract you.

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Oct 23, 2019

Aside from some minor visual glitches and pop-in and some finnicky platforming, A Knight’s Quest is not at a bad time but it’s not an experience that will stick with you, either. Its focus on humor instead of drama or pathos will be a selling point for players weary of self-important heroes and dark themes but on the flip side, humor is very subjective. From its title to its overall mechanics, A Knight’s Tale seems like a safely familiar variation on a popular but over-played theme, appealing for its recognizable form but less satisfying for its lack of creative ambition.

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Oct 22, 2019

If you can ignore some of its questionable elements, Fight'N Rage delivers one of the most mechanically satisfying brawlers out there. It feels responsive and fast, opponents’ attacks are well telegraphed that make encounters fair, and the parry mechanic adds an additional layer of complexity.

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Although it has an intriguing story that feels like a Greek mythology greatest hits collection, Argonus and the Gods of Stone impresses with a fresh setting and the transposition of the puzzle-adventure genre into the world of ancient gods and heroic characters.

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Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered advocates certain innocence that is lost in the today’s gaming climate. Too often games are about killing, killing and some more killing, told in gloomy, cheerless tones.

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Oct 18, 2019

Deliver Us the Moon is a good-looking game with a solid story premise that doesn’t quite stick the final landing.

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Oct 17, 2019

Blasphemous finds success by adhering to staples of the genre and executing them well. Coupled with its strong art style and design, it’s a great option for anyone seeking another Metroidvania fix. It doesn’t reinvent the wheel, but it proudly shows off its visual personality.

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Oct 17, 2019

Dune Sea feels like a work in progress. Though it generally succeeds with its pleasant scenery and occasionally inspiring music, the gameplay holds the game back from being the kind of experience it was meant to be.

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Oct 16, 2019

Candleman is a very fun game to play on the go as the short levels allow you to just pick it up and play whenever you feel the need. It’s also easily replayable due to the goals of lighting candles in each level, but overall, it’s a bit short. It’s a shame as I feel like there could have been many more avenues to be explored.

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Oct 15, 2019

The Sojourn is a beautiful game with numerous extremely clever puzzles but it has a hard time balancing its story and difficulty curve.

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Just because you have the technology to do something doesn’t mean you actually should. The cold hard fact is that I love L. A. Noire far too much to accept the odd quirks created as a result of a forced first-person camera, confined play areas, and frequent truncation of the investigations.

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Trails of Cold Steel III is a must play if you enjoyed the first two games in the series. The game is not radically different from the previous titles, so if you didn’t love them or just do not like JRPGs in general, it won’t change your mind.

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Oct 14, 2019

Not to mention your character is actually someone with a purpose in the story’s luscious context and not just some putrid-faced nobody fighting for whatever unclear reason.

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As a landmark title that other games have trouble matching even now, The Witcher 3 flourishes on the Nintendo Switch. With an immense amount of absolutely engaging content, a meaningful narrative, and a meticulously designed world to explore, there’s no doubt about the quality of the game.

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Oct 11, 2019

As an allegory, bringing light to personal or cultural darkness through art isn’t terribly original but it’s still relatively surprising for any game to have a wider subtext, and besides, Concrete Genie’s deepest pleasures are aesthetic.

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Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age is a masterpiece of design that balances tradition and subtle innovation and is very bit as entertaining on the Switch as it was on PC or PS4.

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Oct 10, 2019

There is, of course, nothing wrong with complexity and challenge in a game but Warsaw adds to the mix some capricious unpredicatability in its AI mechanics and design that can be frustrating, resulting in gameplay that is simply not on the winning side of the challenge/reward equation.

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Oct 9, 2019

The single player campaign is a bit of a wash, but your experience depends on what you want from the game. Daemon X Machina excels at playing against skilled human opponents and taking the time and care to customize your arsenals.

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Oct 8, 2019

John Wick Hex is a fun experience, but one that woefully fails to deliver on its premise. Nothing really demonstrates this more than the ability to play back each completed mission in real-time.

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