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136 games reviewed
70.5 average score
70 median score
74.3% of games recommended

Darkstation's Reviews

- Grid
Oct 8, 2019

If you shun DiRT Rally’s authenticity or F1 series’ almost tiresomely detailed race weekends and don’t mind the deficiency of online features, GRID is just about the best game you can get if you only fancy racing fast.

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Despite my issues with Puzzle Quest: The Legend Returns, the game is still one heck of a great experience, twelve years later. Battles are as exciting as ever, while the new wealth of classes and quests ensures that even series veterans will be able to get lost in this world all over again.

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Oct 7, 2019

Don’t let the nondescript and somewhat generic title cause you to look away. Indivisible is charming as all hell, sweetened with a bit of old school flavor, and a product of high craft in every regard.

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While there is no lack of stuff to do — story missions, side quests, and faction missions, not to mention the multiplayer PvP Ghost Wars suite which is the marquee feature for many players — not all of it is engaging and most all of it has been done before and better, not only by other shooters but by other games in the Ghost Recon franchise.

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Oct 3, 2019

As a design doc, a game that combines horror, sci-fi and Norse mythology sounds intriguing but in actually, Apsulov just seems uncertain of its identity.

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Oct 2, 2019

Due to unfortunate design choices, I just wanted to rush through everything and couldn’t exactly enjoy my time with the game. In short, Ancestors Legacy felt too much like a chore to play.

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The combination of a prose through plentiful and well-written dialogue and a peculiar, detailed cartoon art is really invigorating. Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones caught my insatiable imagination in a way no other game in the genre has done in a long time.

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Sep 27, 2019

Headliner: NoviNews isn’t meant to dazzle people with super tight, unique, and revolutionary gameplay. It is, however, immensely replayable as it gives room for you to play through the story again and make all sorts of different choices the second or third time around.

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Sep 27, 2019

Star Wars Pinball is a great collection of themed tables, and it manages to fit as many references from the series to please any Jedi or Sith Lord. Of course, if you’re not a fan of either Star Wars or pinball, I would first recommend Zen Studios’ other pinball tables or other Star Wars games.

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While it isn’t technically a new game, The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening looks and feels as fresh and inviting as any new game released on the Switch. It preserves all the strange, playful fun of the original while utterly transforming it visually and mechanically, and preserves everything that made Link’s Awakening a classic.

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Sep 26, 2019

Conceptually, Repressed is exactly the type of game that appeals to me. Delving into the repressed depths of the mind provides plenty of opportunities to tell an immensely profound and intriguing story.

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Sep 24, 2019

From its title screens to its combat mechanics, The Surge 2 copy/pastes a great deal from the two-year-old original and while it moves the franchise into a more open and populated world, I was hoping for a more dramatic evolutionary leap. Like its Soulsborne models and its predecessor, The Surge 2 is a challenging game, made more so by an inconsistent frame rate and sometimes imprecise combat controls.

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Sep 20, 2019

However, for all that talk about the game’s subject matter, its satire is no stranger than what you used to see in South Park’s heyday. Agatha Knife is all barks and no bite as it makes fun without being mean or mocking. I expected to sit through some profound lesson but much to my surprise – and without spoiling too much – the outcome was positive for all the parties involved. In the end, the unique presentation and a curious premise hide a somewhat familiar parody and the so-called criticism the game likes to think it represents isn’t as sharp as Agatha’s knifes.

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Sep 19, 2019

Before long, you will notice that the sweat you once poured trying to get through brawlers like Streets of Rage and Final Fight is absent here.

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Almost more than any other expansion or add-on pack, Realm of Magic changes the core gameplay and daily life routine of the Sims characters.

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Sep 18, 2019

Pagan Online’s Slavic fantasy pulls from mythologies that are slightly off the beaten path, but so much of the game feels like familiar — and what’s worse, less successful — tropes, mechanics and ideas gleaned from other ARPGs, MOBAs and mobile games.

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Sep 17, 2019

Sometimes people deride big-budget games as conservative, safe products, focus-tested and drained of imagination. But also, a bigger budget allows for quality writing, ruthless editors and designers with the chops to pull off a high concept.

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Sep 16, 2019

In 2014, I said that despite its issues, I enjoyed Bound by Flame and would like to see a sequel. While not a sequel, Greedfall is a successor to Bound by Flame and every other Spiders game and it’s absolutely their best work yet.

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Sep 16, 2019

Nauticrawl is an absolute treat to play. What it lacks in depth is made up for by its sheer devotion to an intuitive design. The game eschews the excessive tutorialization found in many modern titles in favor of letting the player learn for themselves.

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Sep 13, 2019

When the most critical bugs are eventually squashed (developers have promised a steady stream of patches) and the penalty for dying hopefully toned down a bit (or conversely, more resting points added to the world), Decay of Logos will rise up to its full promise.

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