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1651 games reviewed
70.1% of games recommended's Reviews

Mixed - Doctor Cat
Apr 25, 2024

In all honesty, I was pretty disappointed with Doctor Cat. I like the idea, and the artwork is spectacular, but the execution is not amazing. If you are looking for a jigsaw puzzle-type game and you are willing to shell out $6 USD for 12-24 puzzles, I can recommend this game. The puzzles are pretty fun. However, the rest of the game, from the music to the text, kind of let me down. I’m not sure how I feel about Doctor Cat. I am certainly not in love with it, and I know I am disappointed at what was missing, but I did have some fun with the actual puzzles. However, I’m not sure I can recommend this game.

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Apr 24, 2024

Poorzzle – Puzzle Alive is one of those puzzle games that is particularly frustrating. It’s clean, the action is great, and the sound design is okay, but the overall product is not as much fun as it could easily be. I was very disappointed with how this turned out, considering how good the basic idea, look, and feel of the game was. Free or not, I think this developer needs a few more playtesters and translation help.

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Liked-a-lot - Sagres
Apr 23, 2024

Sagres feels right at home on the Nintendo Switch, especially in handheld mode. It is an addictive adventure that can be picked up in long and short bursts that will particularly appeal to players who like numbers and stats. The difficulty can spike a bit unfairly in places, and missions can sometimes feel repetitive. But with an addictive gameplay loop and impressive detail to history and geography, Sagres is currently looking like one of the best hidden gems this year. If you’re looking for something different to become immersed in, then I highly recommend sailing the seas of the eShop to find this.

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Liked-a-lot - Sokobalien
Apr 22, 2024

If you like Sokoban-inspired puzzles, then Sokobalien is a great buy. For the price asked, you can have the game on your handheld device and take it with you. A great pick-up and play puzzler!

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Apr 22, 2024

Lunar Lander Beyond was a mixed experience for me. On the one hand, I liked how the game maintained the control scheme from the original, requiring patience and careful control to succeed in missions. The different ships, upgrades and pilot perks also add some satisfying variety to keep you interested till the end of the game. The reasonably short mission structure would also appeal to busy gamers who can only fit a few short sessions in here and there. Features I wasn’t so fond of was the stress meter which felt more like a nuisance than a rewarding challenge to overcome. Also, the missions, while showing some variety, felt a bit repetitive at times. Do I recommend the game? Yes. Lunar Lander Beyond is different from a lot of games on the market, and so long as you go in with a patient mindset, I think you’ll have fun with it.

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Apr 21, 2024

Ready, Steady, Ship! is another example of a game that turns a real-world occupation into something silly but ultimately fun. That is provided you’re playing in co-op. Single-player is not awful, but it highlights some of the game’s niggles, such as floaty controls, wonky physics and the experience feeling more mundane. But throw a controller at another player, and much of this is overlooked since you can just sit back and have fun with the silliness on screen. Add to the star system not being tied to a time limit, and you also have an experience that’s welcoming to those who have found other co-op games a tad stressful. Need another game night for two? Then consider Ready, Steady, Ship! for your next purchase.

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It won’t take long to fall in love with Nowa and his initial teammates on the Watch, and the bittersweet story beats come achingly fast in the first act of the game. Those who played the prologue game, Eiyuden Chronicles Rising, won’t have to wait long to meet some familiar faces and learn the answers to some of the questions left hanging there. From there, the journey is a comfortably familiar but emotional one, where power-hungry villains separate friends and family under the banner of a war that threatens to grow out of control. It’s a beefy game, too, with backers who already got their copy claiming that they’re clocking 60 hours on a fast-paced playthrough, and I’m suggesting that around 80 is going to be a fair hour count for most players. Chock full of stuff to do, things to explore, and characters to meet and collect; for some of us, this is the game we wanted when we were teens and still enjoying our last free summers. Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is a fantastic JRPG, wearing its old-school quirks like a badge of pride, with even its deliberate annoyances feeling like a wool flannel shirt. I can safely say it’s a terrific game and one its backers will welcome home with delight.

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Apr 18, 2024

Paragon Pioneers 2 is an idle simulation ideal for patient players who enjoy making small changes and returning later to see the larger effects. However, I’m not a particularly patient person, and while I took delight upon returning to Paragon Pioneers 2, seeing that my little pioneers had been busy at work during the time I was absent, I’m not into idle gameplay. I much prefer to play a game and see the effects there and then. But for those players who enjoy idle gameplay, Paragon Pioneers 2 is definitely a game to try either on PC or mobile.

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Apr 15, 2024

Harold Halibut is a long-awaited game that more than pays off the wait. It’s a classic adventure game with a lot of soul that shouldn’t be missed.

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RestorArt: Fairwood Hills Collector’s Edition is a great game. While some of the people are a little uncanny valley, the artwork you’re “restoring” is nice to look at overall. The music and sound effects are great. You can turn the tutorial off at any time. There is a lot to like about these sorts of games. If you enjoy puzzle mash-up games like Maze Of Realities and Twistingo, you’ll really like this game as well.

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Apr 12, 2024

Since discovering productivity apps, I’ve spent quite a while testing some of them. My daily app is Virtual Cottage, but now, with Spirit City: Lofi Sessions, a worthy opponent has arrived. Between its cozy esthetics, the potential for more customizations, and the integration of other YouTube playlists, I can spend time with Spirit City: Lofi Sessions.

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Liked-a-lot - The Planet Crafter
Apr 12, 2024

The Planet Crafter provides a free new injection of green life to the survival genre. As opposed to starting in a forest and chopping trees down. You are instead creating that forest from nothing. The game employs familiar crafting and survival elements that have been seen in many other games. I think the only deterrent to some players is there is a lot of busy work in this game that may not click with people not taken with the genre in previous attempts. However, if you are new to the genre, Planet Crafter is a great starting point. And if you are a fan of the genre, it brings plenty of that addictive crafting gameplay and exploration, which will keep you hooked for some time. Add onto that the ability to play with friends, and you may just have your next online game, a night game. As for me, I can see myself jumping on this on Steam Deck for some time in the coming year and possibly beyond.

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Apr 11, 2024

Cirrus Business has the framework to be a cute, wholesome game, with growing plants, restoring the energy for the biomes and lovely graphics. I feel the balance of Cirrus Business Economy, as the game calls it, isn’t right. But, if you are more nimble-fingered than I am, you might have no trouble beating the Slobsters and gathering all the Windsprinkles you need.

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Apr 10, 2024

All in all, Sophia the Traveler is a solid entry in the hidden object genre. It has all the hallmarks of an excellent game. For me, the hint recharge time was a bit long. This, coupled with the vast scenes with more minor elements to find, such as bone or a backpack, made for an exhausting rather relaxing experience. But this game is for you if you like detailed hidden object scenes.

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Apr 9, 2024

Between Horizons is an excellent combination of my favorite genres—sci-fi and detective mystery. It is a well-crafted game that shows great attention to detail and care. It’s a short game: it took me about 4 hours to complete it: but it also has a lot of replay value with its multiple endings. So, if you like sci-fi and investigating, do try Between Horizons; you’ll like it as much as I did.

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Liked-a-lot - Botany Manor
Apr 8, 2024

There is no denying that Botany Manor transports you to a bygone era. I had a thoroughly enjoyable time digging around to find the growing conditions of the forgotten flora, ensuring my herbarium blossomed in completeness and unearthing Arabella Greene’s life.

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Apr 7, 2024

Overall, Storyblocks The King concept looked great on the Nintendo Switch page; unfortunately, playing it proved to be a frustrating affair. If you are interested in checking out Storyblocks The King, do yourself a favour and play the game on another format, as hopefully the controls will be much better

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Apr 7, 2024

I like Corbid! A Colorful Adventure: it’s a colorful, innocent, and fun little puzzle game that is family-friendly. The main character is cute, and I love that he can change colors. You get friends and fix robots, and all sorts of other fun puzzle things. It has really good movement, interesting puzzles, and cute characters and animation. It has issues, but overall, I like it. I think with a few fixes, Corbid! A Colorful Adventure could be a really good game.

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Apr 6, 2024

All of that said, I came in wanting to like Terra Memoria, and in the end, I still mostly do. It’s chunky, yes, and the tone is sometimes a little off – maybe it’s the South Park exhaustion, but a subplot about ‘they took our jobs’ didn’t hit quite the right note for me when it was introduced – but its charm really is undeniable. The game is just too bright, breezy, and pretty to stay cranky, and its flaws can be soothed by taking breaks and coming back to it when you’re ready. The world building is also something that the developers put a lot of care into, and that’s also a delightful surprise. I’d be thrilled to revisit these characters and their quirky, magitek-laden world again in the future. It’s an indie delight, through and through, and I’m happy to say that, yup, it gets the green

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Liked-a-lot - Tchia
Apr 6, 2024

Tchia is a love story of the New Caledonia region and its people. The gameplay is fun and pretty satisfying, with many quests for the player to complete and collectables to find. The soul mechanic sets you up for some very weird and interesting solutions to puzzles or circumstances in Tchia, and it’s my favourite thing about the game. If exploring a beautiful island is your thing, too, you will enjoy playing this game.

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