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Spiritual or not this is a poor sequel to the Panzer Dragoon games, and its tame and repetitive action will certainly not win the series any new fans.
Cleverly progressive one moment and tediously predictable the next, next gen Killzone has all the same strengths and flaws as the older games – just now with even better graphics.
A poor quality video game by any measure, but what this joyless throwback is doing being a key launch title for the PlayStation 4 Sony only knows.
The best Dead Rising so far and purveyor of some of the most entertainingly absurd weapons in all gaming – just don't expect any depth or longevity.
A fun demonstration of the Xbox One's capabilities but unfortunately much more a stealth sequel to Kinectimals than it is a proper Tycoon game.
One of the best Zelda games of all time and one which manages to quietly rewrite the series’ usual formula in some surprising, and surprisingly successful, ways.
At first a HD remake of Wii Sports seems a faintly ludicrous idea but the game is still a great introduction to gaming, and to the potential of motion controls.
The worst Mario & Sonic game yet and not just a waste of a crossover but a genuinely poor mini-game compilation, and one that makes both the Wii U and the GamePad look bad.
Not the best entry in the series, but it does have some of the best puzzles. As well as a bombastic, if slightly confused, story that will leave both new and old fans wanting more.
There is innovation here and even if it's not always in exactly the areas you'd wish it's enough to ensure that Call Of Duty's status as the world's favourite FPS is still largely deserved.
Frustratingly shallow and hamstrung by underdeveloped gameplay mechanics, and yet somehow the fact that that an open world pirate game exists at all is enough to provide a certain amount of fun.
The best new Pokémon for a decade and a game of exquisite depth and longevity, with visuals and online options that finally do the series justice.
Still one of the best survival horror games of the generation and one whose thick atmosphere and surreal sojourns work surprisingly well on the PS Vita.
The best non-Mario platformer ever made and a stunning work of imagination, where the visuals, music, and gameplay all resonate in perfect harmony.
Never quite as good as the smart writing and clever ideas seem to promise, but still a thoroughly entertaining parody of the best of 2D Zelda.
Gaming’s ultimate eSport gets a well-considered makeover by the masters at Valve, although new ideas, and fixes for old problems, are currently thin on the ground.
An inspired mix of roguelike and platformer that dares to be fair with its rewards and its penalties for death – although not necessary its random medical conditions.
The definitive version of one of the most beautiful video games ever created, not to mention the best Zelda game that never was.
Probably the best dungeon crawler in the world, including Diablo III. And what it lacks in storytelling and originality it makes up with pitch perfect design and pacing.