HomepageNookGaming's Reviews
Wandersong is a unique game in how it uses singing as a mechanic and wonderful in how bright and colorful it is. It has great humor and is well worth picking up.
In the end, this is a fairly short and simple visual novel with some comedy. If you have an interest in Japan and visiting it, it should be an interesting read. To me, the interactions with characters were better than the story and I was very impressed by the use of animation.
I would personally recommend Newton and the Apple Tree to visual novel fans who enjoy games with a focus on story, but don’t mind the odd lewd joke or more depending on their version. I personally felt like it overdid it at times, but not to an extreme. The cast of characters is quite interesting, as is the story. It has wonderful art too.
Die for Valhalla is a decent game and the possession mechanic is interesting. Other than that though, it doesn’t really stand out. There are quite a few similar side-scrolling beat ‘em ups and this is a fine example of one. If you loved similar games and want something else along the same lines, it’s worth grabbing. If you only play the occasional one, then there are better examples out there.