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915 games reviewed
75.4 average score
80 median score
58.3% of games recommended

GamesRadar+'s Reviews

[T]his kind of game needs to be hyper-slick to stand out, and Hyrule Warriors Legends isn't slick. Passable, certainly, but not the stuff of legend.

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Mar 18, 2016

Republique is filled with interesting ideas about the very real fear of modern-day fascism and the omnipresence of privacy-killing technology, concepts that are more often found in literature than video games, and the way it approaches its themes through the security cameras of a dystopian nightmare is admirable. But all the interesting ideas in the world are moot if the game can't make a satisfying experience out of them, and sadly, Republique fails to stick the landing.

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Mar 15, 2016

Getting to punch, kick and burn things as a Pokemon is a delight, but it doesn't feel fair when playing with others.

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Mar 10, 2016

Bruising, buggy and beautiful, UFC 2 is a technically triumphant fighter, but its combat can easily flounder and frustrate.

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Mar 8, 2016

There's a definite delight to claiming the spoils of your killing, though. The Division scratches that 'gimme slightly better loot' itch, hard and fast. You're constantly bagging vaguely superior gear and flicking into the menus to equip it and make your character slightly more powerful or useful.

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Mar 3, 2016

Action Henk borrows great ideas from classic time trial games and delivers a decent, challenging campaign. Multiplayer isn't very fun, though, and it's all been done better elsewhere.

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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD preserves the best and worst of the 2006 original. Its opening can be tedious, but it's worth enduring so you can experience such a magical world.

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At best, Romance Dawn is a no-frills JRPG that relies on an almost photographic memory of the anime to enjoy. At worst, it’s a boring, monotonous slog through a universe you never feel like you belong to. If I hadn’t already sunk 20 hours into this adventure and were given the choice to do it all over again or take a long walk off a short plank, I’d take my chances at the bottom of Davy Jones’ locker. Do yourself a favor and watch the anime instead.

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A well-designed and enjoyable puzzler. However, control issues, repetitive music and a lack of tactical freedom mean it's unlikely you'd choose to play this over real Hitman on your console.

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Feb 22, 2016

Primal takes the great structure of the Far Cry series, but little of its character. No clear goal and a limited arsenal end up making this feel a little prehistoric itself.

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Feb 19, 2016

Rocket League transcends its chaotic mishmash of sports, racing and fighting to create an elegant and endlessly competitive game for the ages.

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Under the cheery looks is a surprisingly gripping shooter; one that, second time round, offers a healthier spread of modes and an addictive breadcrumb trail of hero progression.

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A great combat system and world held back by immersion-breaking dialogue choices.

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Fire Emblem Fates smartly revises a quarter-century old battle system and offers ever more reasons to care about your little chess pieces, but neither version does enough to welcome new players.

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Fire Emblem Fates smartly revises a quarter-century old battle system and offers ever more reasons to care about your little chess pieces, but neither version does enough to welcome new players.

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Feb 15, 2016

Street Fighter 5 is deep, endlessly fun, and immensely inviting, but local competitive play is currently the primary way to enjoy it.

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Feb 14, 2016

One of the best horror games ever made, this will scare you in incredibly clever ways and make you question everything you see.

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Though it doesn't stand up to the franchise's grander releases, Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia is a fun and thoughtful stealth experience, easily the best to bear the Chronicles name.

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Feb 8, 2016

Unravel's appeal goes far beyond pretty levels. Beautiful, poignant and with an iron grip on your heart, Yarny manages to effortlessly deliver a wonderful platformer and a bittersweet message.

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Feb 8, 2016

A stunning example of interactive storytelling, Firewatch's greatest success is making you feel like it's really happening to you. And the less you know about it going in, the more you'll enjoy it.

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