Chris O'Connor
Overall if you've enjoyed the Might and Magic Heroes games before then you won't be disappointed, if you've only tried Kings Bounty before then I'd suggest jumping into Heroes VII it will seem familiar but also a little more "real" in style.
Blues and Bullets gives you the rawness of the emotion that has parallels to L.A. Noire
But back to the original question "does it deliver?" Yes and no. I can see what it's trying to do and there are moments of fun, but for me it just lacked a degree of polish or something that would make me eager to get to the next level. Instead progression felt like more of something I had to do rather than wanted to do. I will no doubt play more in the future, but it doesn't have the same simple brainless fun that the classic C&C series did. A noble effort that many will find a great deal of fun in, whilst others might find it lacking something.
Rememoried is a very different game on the PC that is great value but does lack some direction
The Talos Principle: Road to Gehenna is more of the same variety of puzzles to pleasingly tax your brain… taking you to the point of frustration before finally clicking how you need to place that connector gem to release the next android. I am very happy to have more of this wonderfully realised world and existence… the Matrix for Androids!