Daan Koopman

193 games reviewed
74.2 average score
80 median score
56.6% of games recommended
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Nov 12, 2013

This might not be the most interesting experience in the franchise, but at least, it once again, offers an impressive multiplayer offering for the Wii U.

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Dec 2, 2013

Newcomers and veterans alike will scratch their heads at missing plot points or elements that are simply glossed over leaving only hardcore fans knowing what exactly is going on. The presentation is acceptable, but the surprising lack of stereoscopic 3D and some weird animations will make it not all exactly tick. The open sea of 3DS software has a bevy of good games to explore but sadly, Romance Dawn isn't one of them.

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9 / 10.0 - NES Remix
Dec 18, 2013

If you can get behind the notion of old school difficulty and adore the WarioWare formula, NES Remix will hit all the right notes. It doesn't shy away from its retro roots, but rather fully embraces them.

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Dec 30, 2013

Knytt Underground is quite a spectacle with great looking environments and solid gameplay mechanics. The game has its share of faults, but with that being said, it is worth your time if you only to see the large world that Nifflas has created. That is enough to keep you playing for the ten hours that it lasts.

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Jan 1, 2014

Once it is all over though, you won't really feel a desire to return. The experience is an uneven one, but it balances just enough on the right side.

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May 14, 2014

Scram Kitty and His Buddy on Rails is quite an engaging game, but you need to learn it to fully understand it. Not everyone will be willing to do that as you need a steady hand to complete the many challenges it offers. Once the gameplay clicks though, you can bask in the brilliant level designs and lovely presentation. Scram Kitty is an amazing, stressful rollercoaster that comes together incredibly well.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Super Toy Cars
Jul 25, 2014

Super Toy Cars ends up being a mediocre outing. For some, it might be enough to play through the content it offers and bust it out when friends are over. It is the best way to experience this title after all and it works all well enough. If you are playing alone, you can go through all the events on offer, but the lack of online features gives only limited appeal.

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7 / 10.0 - Ice Cream Surfer
Jul 31, 2014

Ice Cream Surfer is a fun little shoot'em up, and is both wonderful to look at and play. With only six levels it is a short adventure, though the game is really playable. It is sad that online leaderboards were not included as it would have rounded out the experience nicely. Bugs aside, the creativity of the title does shine through.

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8 / 10.0 - Bayonetta
Sep 21, 2014

The original Bayonetta remains the crazy, unique action title from a few years ago. There are newly added controls and some Nintendo related costumes, but the same content is still here in full force. That in turn makes the presentation somewhat dated and there are framerate drops throughout the game. Also the game can be relentless when it wants to be and outrageous when the plot allows it to. That chaos will not serve all players well, but those who stick with it will have a brilliant time.

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9 / 10.0 - Bayonetta 2
Oct 12, 2014

Bayonetta 2 is one of the best games to ever grace the Wii U. The sequel feels tighter, less obnoxious, and is a blast to play through.

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8 / 10.0 - Tetrobot and Co.
Oct 24, 2014

The adventure is relaxing to play, but when you really want to get the full 100%, your brain will have some rough hours ahead. That is when the craft of Tetrobot and Co. truly shines through!

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7.5 / 10.0 - Ultimate NES Remix
Nov 3, 2014

Ultimate NES Remix is a nifty collection for the Nintendo 3DS. It isn't the full featured package of your dreams, but the games they have chosen are quite playable and make for a great way to spend your time. For the veteran of the Wii U games, this new collection might be not enough to warrant to a second go, but having these challenges on a portable system is certainly a nice thing. The online features of NES Remix 2 are also mostly here, though I do think that the leaderboards are what more direct than the random Miiverse posts. Those two things might give Ultimate the edge it needs to convince you.

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8 / 10.0 - Cosmophony
Nov 7, 2014

Cosmophony is not a perfect game, but a very entertaining one at the very least. The gameplay and presentation are really smooth and get you in the mood for a go. The difficulty ramps up a bit too fast for my liking though and not everyone will see the end of what the developers have prepared because of it.

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Many of the features, like Pokémon-Amie, return to the game, but they managed to make extra subtle tweaks in this remake. Locations and situations have been changed up, capturing monsters is delightfully tweaked with the sneak mechanic, and the pace of the adventure is nice and brisk. While getting Mega Stones is a chore and presentation is still somewhat inconsistent, Game Freak knows once again how to pull off a remake in style.

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8 / 10.0 - Tengami
Nov 19, 2014

Tengami is a game that you need to experience. The lush environments, interesting gameplay and the clever uses of the pop-up book world deserve recognition. It is a short game, no doubt about that, but that grin on my face never faded for a moment. I could wish for the main character to walk faster, but I would miss the world that Nyamyam has built. I am happy that I didn't miss it and really hoping that many will feel the same.

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Nov 28, 2014

Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric is simply a disaster. To my knowledge, it is the worst retail game I have played in a long time. The game is boring, chock full of problems and glitches, and doesn't know when to be quiet for even a moment.

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Dec 7, 2014

The story is awful, the progression is inconsistent and the game is way too short to even consider it right now. With more polish and a longer development cycle, Shattered Crystal could have been very enjoyable. Now it is just what it wants to be: An okayish tie-in to a new Sonic cartoon.

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7 / 10.0 - Watch Dogs
Dec 9, 2014

Watch_Dogs on Wii U is a tricky one. The game isn't bad, far from it even, but the six month wait is a bitter pill to shallow. Not much has been added to make it truly different from other systems and the overall presentation could have been slightly better. The large amount of missions, the huge world to traverse and additional functions give this game a solid running time of 20 hours. There are problems here and there, but if you decide to pick it up, you can have potentially fun with it.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Spy Chameleon
Dec 30, 2014

Spy Chameleon is an excellent game for the Wii U eShop. With a huge variety of puzzles and a constant stream of gameplay ideas, the game never loses steam. You might get a little lost at times and the leaderboards take a while to boot up, but that shouldn't stop you from picking this title. The game gives you multiple reasons to replay levels and that is, above all, simply fun to do. Spy Chameleon is one of those games that never stops being novel and for the right reasons!

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8 / 10.0 - Underground
Jan 10, 2015

I had a surprisingly fun time with Underground. The title oozes intrigue and brings a unique control setup to the Wii U eShop. Some minor setbacks detract from the experience, but the interesting gameplay and controls triumph over the issues. After you learn the controls, this is a puzzle game worth spending some serious time with on your Wii U.

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