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Chris Capel

Favorite Games:
  • The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
  • Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
  • Deus Ex

164 games reviewed
73.7 average score
80 median score
53.0% of games recommended

Chris Capel's Reviews

Professional writer (it says so on his card), in-between novel writing Chris J Capel has been writing about videogames for over ten years. From humble beginnings on LucasArts fansite The International House of Mojo Chris fulfilled his lifelong dream and joined the team on the UK's greatest ever gaming magazine, PC Zone, for their last two years of life. These days Chris can mostly be found at, the new name for the now fully PC-focused games site previously known as Strategy Informer. He writes reviews, features, editorials, previews, and the odd bit of news as well as create as many entertaining videos as he can get his hands dirty on. And yes, he'll finish that novel soon.
6 / 10 - Scarlet Nexus
Jun 24, 2021

Bandai Namco's latest falls disappointingly short outside of the thrills and spills of its excellent battle system, but your mileage may vary depending on your fondness for anime.

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Aug 28, 2019

A fun and deeply scary game - and the multiplayer needs to be experienced.

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9 / 10 - Ion Fury
Aug 14, 2019

A nostalgic '90s throwback that's challenging, funny, cleverly designed, and shockingly attractive both despite and because of its ancient engine, which enables gigantic levels packed with detail. Chris J Capel

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Jul 25, 2019

Considering it's 'only' a spin-off, this is a riotous and well-designed entry in the series - however, it's built with co-op in mind. Solo play is fun if flawed, but play with a friend, and you'll both have one of the best shooter experiences of the year so far.Chris J Capel

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Jun 25, 2019

The enjoyable Cthulhu detective story is enough to be worth seeing through, but it’s a mystery why the other parts of the game couldn’t be as strong.

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May 14, 2019

One of the most engaging and original story-based games this year. It's dragged down by some trite videogame elements but its characters elevate it above its contemporaries.

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Feb 14, 2019

Far Cry New Dawn may be a shorter Far Cry experience, but it’s one of the most fun games in the series since Blood Dragon.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Just Cause 4
Dec 9, 2018

On one side, we can’t deny we had a lot of fun dipping in and out of Just Cause 4. It’s an exciting, crazy sandbox with some wonderful tools and pretty non-stop action. The downside is - Just Cause 3 did most of this stuff a lot better.

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Dec 2, 2018

The remastered version of the Indomitable Gauls' latest adventure is here, but is it worth going back to Las Vegum?

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Oct 31, 2018

It's hard to complain about the amount of game here, and if you're a DC Comics fan you'll have a lot of fun, even if you had that same fun before.

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6 / 10.0 - Call of Cthulhu
Oct 29, 2018

Call of Cthulhu is an undeniably fun adventure game with some great ideas, cool stealth moments, and it never devolves into a shooter like Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth did.

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Sep 11, 2018

Lara Croft's latest adventure finally breaks the shadow of Uncharted

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Sep 7, 2018

The final DLC expansion for Far Cry 5 is dead on arrival

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Aug 31, 2018

The ultimate management strategy? So much more than Theme Hospital 2

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8.5 / 10.0 - Strange Brigade
Aug 28, 2018

Strange Brigade is tip-top fun with lots of bang for your buck, to use a dirty Americanism. A single offline campaign playthrough with a decent amount of exploration can run around 11 hours, and that's before you bring in the Co-op, Horde Mode, Score Attack, and secret hunting. Crucially, it's all incredibly fun, with entertaining shooting, a good level of challenge, hilarious traps and a good-natured atmosphere.

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6 / 10.0 - Phantom Doctrine
Aug 14, 2018

XCOM: Enemy Unknown meets Mission: Impossible! But not as good as that pitch suggests

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If The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit cost a bit of money, we'd still highly recommend it. The fact that it's totally free means it's elevated to a must-play, even if you have no plans on playing Life Is Strange 2 - and if you're considering it, play this now. Any minor quibbles we might have, like some interactive points not being obvious, drop away when you remember that it's free.

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6 / 10.0 - Prey: Mooncrash
Jun 20, 2018

There are a lot of people who will get a kick out of Prey: Mooncrash, and we respect this - and we realise and like that it's a different type of challenge to the main game. However, we loved Prey and Mooncrash just left us cold.

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Jun 11, 2018

Jurassic World Evolution may not be the best theme park management game, but it's the most exciting dinosaur management game. And that's enough for us.

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7 / 10.0 - Vampyr
Jun 5, 2018

A compelling story and premise bogged down by some bad design decisions

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