Blake Grundman

141 games reviewed
71.7 average score
75 median score
43.6% of games recommended
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10 / 10 - It Takes Two
Mar 24, 2021

A fantastic presentation buoyed by constantly enjoyable, varied gameplay and wonderful level design make It Takes Two a must-play for fans of platformers. And even anyone who's ever wanted to play a Pixar movie.

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9 / 10.0 - FIFA 17
Sep 26, 2016

It was nice to see EA Canada go back to the drawing board this season. The addition of The Journey, along with their already solid on-field simulation, really helps set FIFA 17 apart for the crowd. When you also throw a brand new game engine atop the growing pile of enhancements, you end up with a simulation that more than justifies its existence. They’ve really outdone themselves this year.

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9 / 10.0 - Lara Croft Go
Dec 14, 2016

If you couldn’t tell from my last bit of criticism, I am legitimately grasping at straws when trying to find negative aspects of Lara Croft GO. In a year that has been jam-packed with quality releases, this is an experience that can hold its own. You genuinely owe it to yourself to give this game a try, regardless of whether or not you are a Tomb Raider fan. It is just that good. And when you consider that the game costs less than a ten spot, this purchase should be a no-brainer. Give Lara a chance and you will not be disappointed.

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9 / 10.0 - InnerSpace
Jan 16, 2018

In case you couldn't tell, InnerSpace is a game that you should be playing. The well-realized worlds, exceptional aesthetic and compelling exploration mechanics complement each other tremendously well. If you can get past the occasional bout of unnecessary complex exposition, the evolution of each environment tells a compelling enough story to keep you enthralled from start to finish. Drop everything and check out what deserves to be one of the sleeper hits of 2018.

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9 / 10.0 - Subnautica
Dec 4, 2018

If you couldn't tell, I was blown away by Subnautica. What initially appeared to be a knee-high kiddie pool worth of depth, suddenly gives way to a literal ocean of gameplay opportunities. And while it has certain technical limitations, these are certainly not going to discourage the non-critic audience from at least dipping a toe in. It's easily one of the coolest, engaging, and most gratifying experiences I've had with a game in 2018. Come on in! The water's fine.

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9 / 10.0 - NHL 19
Sep 13, 2018

Virtually everything about NHL 19 is a genuine step forward in quality. While some modes received the lion's share of the attention, it feels like damn near everything received SOME love. If you have been on the fence, now is the time to lace up and hit the ice. We'll see you between the pipes.

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Sep 6, 2019

At the risk of sounding overly infatuated, I cannot begin to understand how the hell Torchlight II has aged so well. The art style, combat mechanics, and even loot drop loop are so finely tuned that it feels like the game fits in as well now as it did, seven years ago. With the obvious exception of the big boys over at Blizzard, the argument could be made that this is the best dungeon crawler on current generation consoles. Factor in the price tag of a mere $20, and this becomes an instant must buy. Just do yourself a favor and download this game. You can thank me later. …Don't worry. I'll wait.

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9 / 10 - Nuts
Feb 4, 2021

Games like Nuts don't come along very often. A compelling storyline and intriguing puzzles combine to create my favorite gaming experience of 2021, so far. Don't let it's simple demeaner fool you. There is far more going on under the hood than meets the eye. This is an investigation that deserves your attention, as soon as possible.

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9 / 10 - Loop Hero
Mar 4, 2021

Thought it seems simplistic at first, it doesn't take long to see the true depth of Loop Hero. Thanks to its very approachable design and killer gameplay hook, this is the kind of addicting and engrossing experience that can steal whole weeks from your life. Just don't say we didn't warn you!

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Sep 9, 2021

Somehow the team over at Deck Nine has taken the franchise to the next level. Life is Strange: True Colors is an experience that can resonate at an emotional level that's rarely seen nowadays, delivered with both maturity and grace. You'd have to be crazy to miss out on this epic adventure in small town, America.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Pinball FX2 (VR)
Nov 29, 2016

Pinball FX2 VR has completely morphed my perception of what VR is capable of as a platform. It helps that the folks over at Zen Studios went above and beyond to make the experience trans formative. As both a gamer and a pinball fanatic, I cannot recommend this release highly enough. The scary part is that it can only get better from here. I will see you on the leaderboards.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Madden NFL 17
Aug 22, 2016

At the risk of sounding too cliché, Madden 17 was the next necessary and logical progression that the series needed to make. The evolution of mechanics, both on and off the gridiron are a staple of what keeps fans coming back each season. With the offensive balance now restored, games will be more true to what the audience consumes weekly on television, while still keeping things at least moderately approachable. Additionally, spending the past nine months focusing on what the fans deemed to be most important is just one of many eye opening steps in the right direction. This may not be the best Madden title ever, but it is definitely the most promising entry this console generation.

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8.5 / 10.0 - MLB 17: The Show
Mar 28, 2017

After years of consistent quality, it almost goes without saying that MLB The Show 17 is a great game. The simulation makes several significant evolutionary steps forward, while still not losing sight of the genre’s storied past. Both newcomers and veterans will find something to appreciate in this year’s outing, along with a little bit of nostalgic appeal sprinkled throughout for good measure. There has never been a better time to become a card-carrying member of The Show Nation.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Tooth and Tail
Sep 19, 2017

It's rare for a game to sneak in under the radar and genuinely catch me off guard. Tooth and Tail is one of these infrequent pleasures that feel like discovering a diamond amongst the coal. This is a stellarly constructed and well-considered RTS that goes a long way towards showing how the genre can stand out, even without the aid of a keyboard and mouse. When also factoring in the approachability that the art style brings to the table and its shockingly deep well of unit types, it becomes obvious that this is the full package. So, lace up your boots and reach for the ammunition. It's high time to blow some drunken squirrels back to hell, where they belong. Fire away, soldier.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Unravel Two
Jun 13, 2018

It somewhat goes without saying, but Unravel Two feels like the organic evolution of the franchise. The introduction of cooperative mechanics proved to be just enough change to keep things fresh, while still preserving what made the original so special. Weaving the matured puzzle design in amongst the already stunning art style produces a visual patchwork quilt that is unlike anything else on the market. If you can set aside the odd storytelling decisions and the occasional platforming quirk, Yarny's newest quest is one you won't want to miss.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Madden NFL 19
Aug 2, 2018

If you were to look up the word “consistent” in the dictionary, there should be annotation referencing the Madden franchise. EA has cranked out solid installments year-after-year, and this iteration is no exception. They've made strides forward on many fronts, including more realistic controls, new ways to interact with lineups in franchise mode, and several additional Ultimate Team experiences. Sure, there still might be the occasional physics quirk, but Madden NFL 19 still cements itself as the premier football simulation on console.

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8.5 / 10.0 - MLB 19: The Show
Apr 2, 2019

For all the complaints that I have about this year’s installment of MLB The Show, it’s still easily the most comprehensive and gratifying sports title on the market.

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May 3, 2019

One of the staples of an awesome game is the fact that it leaves you jonesing for more. Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark accomplishes this with a style and grace of a bygone era of game design. Here's to hoping there is more content on the way, because I can't wait for my next dose of tactical action.

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Nov 15, 2019

There’s no need to consult Yoda, Fallen Order absolutely deserves to appear in your immediate future.

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Sep 7, 2021

While it may not redefine the Metroidvania style of games by any stretch of the imagination, F.I.S.T.: Forged in Shadow Torch is a stellar example of the genre done right. Featuring mildly interesting characters, a world teeming with life, and a well-designed map that is very player-friendly, it genuinely feels like it does damn near everything right. As long as you don't mind an occasional table flip encounter here and there, this is a hare-raising adventure for the ages.

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