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Scott Ellison II

Falcon, CO
Hawk SE
Hawk SE

Favorite Games:
  • Myst / RIVEN
  • Red Dead Redemption
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

408 games reviewed
77.3 average score
80 median score
82.6% of games recommended

Scott Ellison II's Reviews

Scott is Editor-in-Chief of Saving Content. He is also a Veteran of the United States Marine Corps and is married with three kids.
May 5, 2022

Rush Rally Origins shows its roots in rally games of yesteryear while also bringing modernization to the table. I found that neither camera view made it easier to play for long periods, I still was compelled to come back regularly. I had an absolute blast while playing, and continue to do. There’s a ridiculous amount of content to be found here, that play sessions could be as little as a few minutes or whole hours at a time. I look forward to the developer bringing their traditional and mainline rally games to PC and consoles. Rush Rally Origins embraces its origins to be an accessible, dense, and just plain good rally racer.

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Apr 18, 2022

Nightmare Reaper is a different kind of retro shooter, one you should absolutely play. This is metal incarnate with a blistering soundtrack from the hallowed Andrew Hulshult. It has some mild frustrations, but there’s an exhausting amount of content that’s either excellent or even optional like its mini-games. The retro FPS is enhanced by a looter shooter arsenal, and roguelite randomization is exceedingly well done and incredibly fun. When I say there’s nothing like Nightmare Reaper, there really is nothing like Nightmare Reaper.

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Mar 31, 2022

Weird West is a fantastic immersive sim that works doubles as an isometric action RPG in concert. Sadly the stealth is clumsy, the throwables clunky, but this is one of the best games of its kind. Over the twenty or so hours, you’ll encounter quirky characters, feral supernatural beasts, and unravel and intertwining mystery across five different playable characters that’s rarely been seen to culminate in a climactic end. Weird West feels like you’re playing something new and fresh, and it absolutely delivers as being one of 2022’s greats.

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Mar 16, 2022

Shredders is pure, focusing on snowboarding while still being entertaining, and for that it succeeds. It’s something that’s never too demanding or too easy on you, and you can just perform tricks to your heart’s content, or work your way through the campaign. The game is available on PC and Xbox, and I do recommend you check this out on Xbox Game Pass if you have it. FoamPunch has a lot of ambition and desire to make something great, and while it does miss the mark a bit, it’s something you should still play. Shredders is a gratifying game that feels a little undercooked, even though the roster of pro-snowboarders that talk in the game sound totally baked.

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Mar 11, 2022

FAR: Changing Tides offers a richer and fuller experience over its predecessor. Okomotive went above and beyond to make the puzzles more involved and elaborate, yet intuitive to solve rather quickly. The environmental storytelling of Changing Tides is equally compelling and emotionally impactful. There’s not a demanding aspect of the game, and it likes to let you breathe for some truly relaxing moments. While you should play FAR: Lone Sails first, they’re complimentary to one another and I must implore that you play both regardless of order. FAR: Changing Tides is a wonderful sequel, it has so many wondrous moments of greatness that you won’t forget.

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Feb 28, 2022

Shadow Warrior 3 is not a bad time, it just isn’t as forward thinking as its predecessors. It’s a mess of ideas with a flawed execution that leads to disappointment. There’s a healthy armory of fun weapons to shoot, upgrades to acquire, and finishers that are fantastically bloody to keep you entertained. Lo Wang’s movement and world traversal is the best it’s ever been. Flying Wild Hog gets so much right, but the parts they don’t overshadow the whole experience. Shadow Warrior 3 is so staggeringly linear and short, and without any real replayability to speak of, is a game that falls on its own sword.

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Feb 24, 2022

GRID Legends is every bit the successor to 2019’s GRID that it should be. There’s a lot to love here, and this is Codemasters at their best. You have a compelling story with great characters full of representation and diversity, multiplayer that works untethered to a mode or platform with ease, and top-notch racing and competition that’s unrivaled. GRID Legends takes risks this time around, giving variety where it’s needed, and is an intense arcade-meets-simulation racer that simply does it better.

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Feb 3, 2022

Roll7 has mastered the essence of skateboarding, captured the chillaxing mood of what it is to be a skater, and achieved an impeccable control scheme. This is a game brimming with personality that the series didn’t quite have before, and now it just exudes it with the utmost confidence. Whether you’re looking to achieve gnarvana, nirvana, or nerdvana, there’s something for everyone here. OlliOlli World is pure perfection with flawless execution.

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Gone is the grit and limited color palette that set the grim tone for Dying Light, but the brighter aesthetic provides hope in an otherwise hopeless world. Dying Light 2 Stay Human gets so much right, and feels so much better to play that I can’t help but get excited at all the things I have yet to do. Techland has made a more compelling, complex, and well-paced game where pushing the player to make decisions without a known outcome is easily its best feature. While it has a familiar open-world design we’ve seen before, it’s one that I’m eager to return to. Dying Light 2 Stay Human has the best melee combat and parkour in the business, and is now the most satisfying of the series.

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It’s hard to pinpoint why this expansion just isn’t included into Serious Sam 4 as DLC, because it misses out on varied and complex modding offerings. Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem is half the price and length of Serious Sam 4, making this standalone expansion worth the price of admission. This new team at Timelock Studios has tapped into the history of the series for absolutely brutal arenas that would make Croteam blush. Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem is to Serious Sam 4 as DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods is to DOOM Eternal. Which is to say that if you thought the main game was too easy, Siberian Mayhem is here to kick your ass for the most challenging set of levels with a smarter use of the numerous enemies on-screen.

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Jan 21, 2022

God of War is nothing short of brilliant, beautiful, and brutal. From its incredible story to the combat, this is a one camera masterpiece start-to-finish. While it is priced at $50, is several years old, this is PlayStation 4’s best game now available on a personal computer. Made for players old and new alike, God of War is a fresh start for Kratos and the series, and is totally enthralling. God of War is one of the finest games ever made, and the PC version elevates it to incredible heights.

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Jan 18, 2022

Nobody Saves the World is reminiscent of other games in the genre, yet not at all like them. It quickly becomes clear that Nobody Saves the World is out to do its own thing its own way, and that’s refreshing what you’d expect from DrinkBox. Over the course of the 20-hour journey, I was ready to see it end, thanks in no part to its grindy element. I do wish it was a bit more focused, but exploring the map, opening up pathways, and finding its secrets are something I enjoyed. This is incredibly inspired, ambitious, and full of that humor that DrinkBox Studios is known for, making Nobody Saves the World an instant classic.

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Dec 16, 2021

While it’s not a SteamWorld game, it still has that Image & Form charm we know so well with Thunderful Development. It took me 3.5 hours to see the end of the game, got 14 out of 16 upgrades, and am missing only 5 achievements. It’s very fun to just navigate and explore this world, taking in the sights and sounds It may be short-lived, but it's a highly enjoyable adventure I want more of. The Gunk establishes itself as a unique and memorable journey worth taking.

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Firegirl: Hack ’n Splash Rescue is a gorgeous game, as the 2D sprites against 3D backdrops go really well together. The core gameplay of putting out fires and combating the various monsters is really fun, as is engaging with the metagame that drives the upgrades. But the repetition and lack of variety in the levels is very draining and tiresome. Future content patches could address these concerns, but until then I advise caution. Firegirl: Hack ’n Splash Rescue has a solid foundation, but the over-reliance on repetition and grinding is not as enjoyable as it should be.

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Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon is pure fun, whether it be bumping enemies into oblivion or performing a palette swap costume change back at camp. This hybrid of genres is never frustrating or repetitive thanks to its variety and overall good nature. With accessibility and difficulty options, there’s a level of customization that makes this approachable by anyone. The gameplay loop is dare I say addictive, very rewarding as gems are never lost, and you’re always making progress towards a full run with any given character. It may take you over a dozen hours just to see the ending, and that’s with just a single character. Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon is every bit blissful as it is unique and satisfying, where every ending is a new beginning.

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This standalone expansion is only a taste of the incredible gameplay, and should encourage anyone to go get the main game, or even replay it. Aiko’s Choice offers enough to bring new players in at a smaller price point and satiate the fans it has made the last five years – and that’s worth celebrating. The gameplay doesn’t stray from the expected, but it is extremely polished and engaging all the way through. Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun – Aiko’s Choice is an exceptional stealth tactics game, and one of the best expansions to exist.

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Dec 3, 2021

Chorus has exceptional gameplay and a vast expanse to explore within the confines of its planetary system. It unfortunately suffers from a technical issues that hold it back from greatness. And while it may not have the best voice acting or story, it more than makes up for it with its space combat and freedom to explore through its design. Deep Silver Fishlabs have made gameplay the focal point, and it shows. Chorus is the kind of game you can’t get enough of, and have to experience everything as it’s so rich and engaging.

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Nov 23, 2021

With the modest price and low time commitment it asks of you, Exo One is worth everything that you give it. I’d like to see the developer do more in this universe, but I have no idea what that would even look like. So maybe less is more. The solitude of playing the game is persistent, giving a sense of dread even when you have no attachment to the character or events in the game. All that you feel is the desire to go home, and to be safe and sound in a familiar place again. Exo One is cryptic, experimental, and all-around enchanting.

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Nov 22, 2021

It’s clear that DICE have some work to do, but this is an incredibly ambitious and auspicious game. The specialists are my least favorite part of the game, especially with their end-of-round quips, but hopefully they’ll find their place in time. Battlefield 2042 delivers on the core gameplay, and the promise of 128-player combat zones in All-Out Warfare. Hazard Zone is off to a favorable and suspenseful start, but it needs more to draw me back regularly. And with Portal, the most memorable mode, Battlefield 2042 protects its future by preserving its past. This is a triple threat offering of multiplayer mastery DICE is known for, and Battlefield 2042 is only getting started.

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Bright Memory: Infinite doesn’t overstay its welcome, but with a lengthy of only an hour and a half to see the credits, feels like it only just got started. And because of that, it still feels like a tech demo that should be something more – a criticism shared by its predecessor. It’s style over substance, but respectful of your time, and that’s hard to find. Bright Memory: Infinite is nothing short of impressive by FYQD-Studio, regardless of anything else. Bright Memory: Infinite’s ambition is never fully realized, but that doesn’t stop it from being a gorgeous, flashy, and entertaining game.

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