Kim Snaith

609 games reviewed
73.5 average score
80 median score
74.8% of games recommended
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8 / 10.0 - Loddlenaut
Nov 16, 2023

Cute, joyous and packing in an important message to boot, I adore Loddlenaut. This is the epitome of relaxing, stress-free gaming, with the only thing you need to worry about being keeping your oxygen topped up. Cleaning up the oceans is fulfilling in a way that few video games are – and getting to interact with the adorable loddles is simply a bonus you’re going to want to keep coming back for.

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8 / 10.0 - American Arcadia
Nov 15, 2023

Taking six to eight hours to complete, I’ve blasted through American Arcadia in just two sittings, being utterly gripped the whole time. The side-scrolling platforming and first-person puzzle gameplay blend together seamlessly, with the story here being king. Despite a few small presentation issues that need ironing out, the gameplay here is flawless – and jumping from Angela’s first-person viewpoint to being in control of a side-scrolling Trevor via her computer monitor is nothing short of genius. If you enjoy adventure and puzzles, and like the sound of a story that’s reminiscent of The Truman Show, this is a game not to be missed.

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8 / 10.0 - Spirittea
Nov 13, 2023

If you enjoy the likes of Stardew Valley, you’ll get a kick out of Spirittea. There’s serious joy to be found in seeing your bathhouse improve over time, but that’s only part of the fun to be found here. Simply existing in Spirittea’s unique little world is wonderful, making friends with its colourful residents – and enjoying a spot of karaoke. It’s a unique take on the genre, for sure, and if you’re not too spooked out by spirits, Spirittea is absolutely worth soaking up.

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Nov 13, 2023

There isn’t anything else quite like Super Crazy Rhythm Castle. Unique and innovative, this zany adventure through music and puzzling is undoubtedly one of the best co-op games in 2023. Sure, you can play it by yourself, but you’re going to have more fun when you’re battling it out with friends. Do yourself a favour and make sure this is on your playlist when you have friends over this holiday season: you absolutely will not regret it.

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6 / 10.0 - Fashion Dreamer
Nov 10, 2023

Creating outfits is hugely entertaining. If you’re the type of person who spends far too long in a game’s character creator screen, you’re going to have a whale of a time piecing together outfits in Fashion Dreamer, making everyone look their absolute best. But that’s about all there is to do here. Sure, showing off your own designs in your showroom can be entertaining, especially if you’re playing online. But a serious lack of substance and any semblance of challenge really lets the experience down. Playing dress-up is a fun and relaxing way to pass the time, but if you’re expecting anything more, you’re going to be disappointed.

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9 / 10.0 - This Bed We Made
Oct 30, 2023

A short but focused and utterly compelling experience, This Bed We Made is a mystery that we simply couldn’t pull ourselves away from. As wrong as it feels to be in Sophie’s shoes, snooping into things that didn’t concern us, it didn’t take long for us to be utterly engrossed in the mystery that unfolds. This is a detective game done right, with engaging puzzles and the perfect balance of player autonomy and guidance when you need it. The team at Lowbirth Games has revealed itself to be an incredibly talented bunch of people, and we can’t wait to see what they come up with next.

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8 / 10.0 - The Gap
Oct 19, 2023

The Gap is a very pleasant surprise, and a great amount of praise needs to be showered onto its developer, the two-person team of Label This. This is a clever and engaging thriller, brought to life with believable characters and a very grounded approach to science fiction that we can really get behind. It isn’t without the odd hiccup, but they’re easy to forget once you’re absorbed into Joshua’s compelling story.

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Solving a compelling mystery is always rewarding, and Agatha Christie – Murder on the Orient Express absolutely nails the thrill of stepping into the shoes of a celebrated detective. Allowing you to take the lead on a intriguing case, Microids’ latest visit with Poirot gives players just the right amount of agency, presenting us with a varied and engaging mixture of puzzles to solve. Add to the mix pleasing visuals, good voice acting and a story that’s worth sticking around for, and you’ve got a very good mystery game indeed.

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Transformers: Earthspark – Expedition would have benefited from a wider range of activities; as it is, repetition doesn’t take long to set in thanks to limited mission variety and bland environments. But it’s not all bad: taking control of Bumblebee is plenty of fun, and being able quickly switch between two forms keeps the action fast and fluid. It’s hardly going to set your world on fire, then, but if you’re a Transformers fan, there’s enough to keep you occupied for a few hours.

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8 / 10.0 - Bilkins' Folly
Oct 12, 2023

For fans of puzzles and point and click adventures, there’s so much to love in Bilkins’ Folly. Sure, it may leave you stumped from time to time, but its charming pixel art and lovable characters are enough to keep you invested. With a solid sense of progression, plenty of islands to explore and so much content to sink your teeth into, it’s a must-play for any wannabe treasure hunter.

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Aug 24, 2023

It may look basic, but don’t be fooled: Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate is packing one hell of an enjoyable strategy game underneath its old-school aesthetic. If you’re not a chess fan you’re going to struggle – but if you are, the only struggle is going to be tearing yourself away from jumping in for just one more game. Playing chess has never felt so bad-ass.

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8 / 10 - Fort Solis
Aug 22, 2023

It’s short enough to play through in one sitting, but that’s for the best: once you get started with Fort Solis, you’re going to struggle to pull yourself away. It’s a tense, haunting journey that will have you hooked from the word go, keeping you on your toes as you wonder what awaits around every corner. Perhaps its overall story could have packed a bit more punch, but we still lapped up every second of it as we explored the fascinating and eerie titular space station.

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8 / 10.0 - Skye Tales
Aug 17, 2023

Skye Tales is an easy game to recommend; both for younger players and for adults who want an easy-going, cosy game to spend an evening with. It’s short – you’ll be done in a matter of hours – but almost every minute spent in its colourful, joy-filled world will leave you feeling warm and fuzzy inside. It won’t appeal to everyone, with even the game’s hardest puzzles being rather straightforward, but when it comes to a game to relax with, they don’t get much better than this.

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8 / 10.0 - Garlic
Jul 21, 2023

If you’re a fan of fast-paced platforming and like a challenge, consider Garlic a must-have. Add to that its budget price and its excellent sense of humour, and you have an indie gem that really does deserves more attention than it’s had so far.

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8 / 10.0 - Viewfinder
Jul 17, 2023

If you’re a fan of first-person puzzle games, Viewfinder should be considered essential. Sure, its story leaves something to be desired, and some of its puzzles don’t quite hit the mark. But even the worst of the bunch keep you engaged enough to see this clever little puzzle game through to the end. Never outstaying its welcome, Viewfinder has left a lasting impression on us.

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9 / 10.0 - Dave the Diver
Jul 7, 2023

A triumph in just about every way, Dave the Diver is undoubtedly going to be one of 2023’s biggest success stories. This gorgeous adventure keeps you hooked no matter what you’re doing. Whether you’re serving up sushi, catching fish or exploring the depths of the oceans for long-lost secrets, you’ll struggle to pull yourself away. We just love it. Even if it does leave us craving sushi – but it’s a small price to pay.

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8 / 10.0 - Dordogne
Jun 22, 2023

Dordogne’s unique selling point is undoubtedly its art style. It truly is beautiful – perhaps one of the most gorgeously animated games we’ve had the pleasure to play, even. And yes, the visuals alone are almost enough to carry the game. Despite the odd misstep, though, we did thoroughly enjoy the story and came to care for Mimi and her grandmother – as brief as our time with them was. It’s small, it’s quaint, but it’s touching – and it’s one of those special games that reminds you life is precious, fleeting and nothing should be taken for granted.

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8 / 10.0 - Park Beyond
Jun 15, 2023

Does Park Beyond capture the magic of Theme Park World from the early 2000s? Not quite, but damn, it tries. It feels like a nice, happy medium between the complexity of Planet Coaster and the simplicity of Theme Park: stick to flat rides and prefab coasters if you want, but if you’re the more creative type, you’ll get a huge kick out of the freedom Park Beyond’s coaster building and design tools give you. Packed with personality, plenty of gameplay and some truly wonderful ride designs, Park Beyond is a must for theme park sim fans.

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It’s not the same as getting a brand new game, but when it comes to Katamari, we’ll take whatever we can get. We Love Katamari REROLL+ Royal Reverie is just as delightful as the original, and it’s clear a lot of work has been done to make this 18-year-old game look just as good as ever. Some of its more random levels aren’t quite as enjoyable as they should be, but as a full package, this is Katamari at its best.

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9 / 10.0 - Grindstone
May 8, 2023

Grindstone‘s premise is simple in the best way possible: this is the sort of puzzle game that really gets its claws into you and doesn’t let go. Getting a high score in a daily challenge is a thrill, and getting a record-breaking chain is oh-so-satisfying. It helps that it looks fantastic, too, with a sumptuous hand-drawn art style. If you’re after a casual puzzle game with some substance, you really can’t get any better than this. Just prepare yourself to be unable to put it down.

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