Brian Dumlao

284 games reviewed
72.9 average score
75 median score
48.6% of games recommended
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6 / 10.0 - Shooting Stars!
Feb 25, 2016

If you can ignore the nonsensical story and execution, Shooting Stars is a decent arcade shooter. It isn't necessarily bullet hell, but it remains challenging, and the randomized power-ups and bosses make up for an otherwise repetitive level of difficulty. Despite the game's short length, the various combinations give it some legs since no two playthroughs are thoroughly the same unless you're gunning for the daily challenge. For arcade shooting fans who want something traditional but ultimately casual and don't mind an off-the-wall paint job, Shooting Stars is worth checking out as long as you don't expect too much.

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The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition is a difficult game to like. It has a battle system that is challenging but boring to use since it fails to take advantage of the gameplay mechanics. It has a decent story that is bogged down by uninteresting and unlikeable characters. It also doesn't have much for older players who want to find an excuse to return to the game. If you don't mind the quirks and rough attempts at humor, then you may enjoy The Witch and the Hundred Knight.

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6 / 10.0 - Super Snow Fight
Jan 7, 2016

Super Snow Fight is a fun but shallow experience. By their very nature, snowball fights are fun, and the addition of power-ups adds a nice twist. The arenas don't do much since there are so few of them, and with no differences in characters, the game can quickly get tedious. Still, it is enjoyable for quick sessions, more so if you haven't unlocked everything the game has to offer. It makes for quick holiday-themed fun, but it won't overthrow other heavy-hitting local multiplayer games anytime soon.

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Sep 14, 2015

Legend of Kay: Anniversary is a below-average adventure platforming game. The platforming and combat have flaws but are otherwise fine, while the camera makes bad situations seem worse. The presentation has been buffed up a bit, but the terrible voice acting drags down any excitement one may have from the simple story.

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Sword Art Online - Re: Hollow Fragment is definitely for the fans, especially since it makes no real effort to ease newcomers into the world. At least it has a better translation for fans to enjoy, and the combat remains solid, especially around bosses. Nothing else was added to this version, but the game remains absolutely packed with content, and that's before you factor in online play, which has a decent community going for it. While outsiders may want to wait and see if the sequel serves as a better entry point, fans who skipped the Vita version will enjoy this iteration, despite the flaws.

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6 / 10.0 - Submerged
Aug 26, 2015

Submerged tries to go for the same vibe as Journey but falls short. The game world is interesting, but the brief stay in it is tiresome since you're only given one environment. The climbing mechanics are so easy that the courses don't provide any challenge, so the only tough part is in finding the supply drop locations. It doesn't help that the main story isn't very intriguing, and neither is the story of the city, especially since you figure it out faster via the cut scenes than from the illustrations you pick up. There's no need to rush and check out Submerged right away.

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Mar 14, 2017

Space Hulk: Deathwing can't seem to win on either front. As a solo experience, the gameplay is mediocre, the AI is rather inconsistent, and the objectives lack imagination. As a multiplayer game, it is pretty much dead. There's stuff in here for a dedicated Warhammer 40,000 fan to be excited about, especially how the game looks, but it certainly isn't the best outing for the license.

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May 8, 2017

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 has the potential to be a solid B-tier title. Most of the good trappings of open-world games are here, and the sniping mechanics are as solid as ever. The missions provide some great variety since you can take different approaches, and the crafting and different weapons are nice to have, even if you never use more than your default set. However, the presentation isn't up to par. Some of the mechanics are finicky, like shooting and tagging, and the AI can waffle between being superhuman and dim. More importantly, the load times immediately sap any fun that could be had from the title. A few of these things can be fixed with a patch, but until they're addressed, it's best to approach GW3 on consoles with caution.

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6 / 10.0 - NBA Live 16
Nov 30, 2015

Compared to last year's iteration, NBA Live 16 is merely a slight improvement compared to that game's larger overhaul. Though the other modes have received little to no attention this time, the inclusion of Pro-Am injects some fun into the series. The presentation is fine, but the flaws are becoming more apparent as some elements remain unchanged. The gameplay still needs some work, especially on the defensive side, but at least those who lean toward offensive play have a few new weapons in their arsenal. The series still isn't a real competitor to the other basketball series, but the potential is there. How long it'll take before it reaches that potential remains to be seen, especially since we expected that to occur in this year's version.

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May 23, 2016

Much like the internal woes that befell titles such as Duke Nukem Forever, it is unknown if Homefront: The Revolution would have benefitted from some stability behind the scenes. What is known is that the result is a title with some potential that was never fully realized for one reason or another. The idea of running guerrilla-style missions and liberating areas in an open Philadelphia may not be new, but it remains appealing. The missions, however, are rather monotonous, and the game drags on due to the lack of a solid story and characters backing it up. The multiplayer meets the same fate, since the co-op experience is dulled by a lack of level variety. Coupled with a number of bugs and other technical issues, it's difficult to enjoy The Revolution since the beginning of the year was unusually crowded with quality titles.

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Jul 27, 2015

In the end, No Time to Explain is hurt by inconsistency. The laser gun physics produce platforming that relies on luck more than skill, and the boss fight pacing, with the limited lives in tow, sucks away some of the joy you'd get from the battles. That's a shame since there are some pretty good puzzles present, and the sections where you don't use the laser gun are very enjoyable. If you're really craving the Super Meat Boy caliber of difficult platforming, you might want to give the demo a shot before committing to No Time to Explain.

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6 / 10.0 - 1954: Alcatraz
Apr 28, 2014

Despite doing a number of things right, 1954: Alcatraz doesn't feel special. The characters are intriguing but ultimately one-dimensional, and the story fails to take advantage of the time, location, and the branching paths idea. Though most of the puzzles use common sense instead of asking players to use obscure logic, they feel easy and there's the sense that the title isn't very challenging. Combined with a less-than-stellar visual presentation, 1954: Alcatraz doesn't reach its full potential. Adventure fans may enjoy this, but they'll also feel that this could have been much better.

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6 / 10.0 - Dusty Revenge
Oct 23, 2013

Dusty Revenge has lots of potential and looks very eye-catching. The combat system is satisfying enough despite some cheap enemy tactics, and the boss fights are quite good. However, the camera/HUD issues and the limited use of sound is disappointing, and collision issues and bugs pop up often. The varying quality on the controls can infuriate, especially during the platforming segments in the latter half of the game. For $10, the experience is still worth it but only if you've already played the better titles in the genre.

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6 / 10.0 - A City Sleeps
Dec 11, 2014

A City Sleeps is a better experiment than it is a game for dedicated fans of rhythm games and shoot-'em-ups. The fusion makes for a game that sounds great on paper, but tying the shots so tightly with the predetermined rhythm makes for a less-than-satisfying experience. The difficulty spikes and haphazard way in which the power-ups are strewn about makes for a game that seems tailored for hardcore shooter fans, despite some seemingly inviting mechanics and graphics. Since the game is so brief, it becomes tough to recommend the game to all but the most dedicated of shooter fans.

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Feb 26, 2014

As long as your expectations are tempered, Halo: Spartan Assault is a serviceable game. It works as a top-down shooter, but you'll miss the enemy intelligence of the older games. The bite-sized missions can be good, but unfortunately, that means the whole game amazingly short. The presence of co-op is nice, but when you see how limited it is and how little online community engaged there is, the mode might as well be invisible. Most of all, the presence of microtransactions that are not only highly disposable but also pricey is hurtful when you consider that this is the most expensive version of the game. If you already have the game on a Windows 8 device, then it isn't a bad idea to get the Xbox One version if you're a fan or just want to share progress back and forth. Otherwise, wait for a sale or wait for another first-person Halo.

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Apr 18, 2014

The Last Agent is right up there with Fallen Angel as the best of the DLC packs available for Dead Rising 3. Considering the issues that still occur here, such as lots of fetch quests and vehicle missions in such a short time period, that's not saying much. However, the weapons in this pack are very nice, and most of the side-quests aren't annoying. Though the character isn't very interesting, at least his story makes sense in the world of Los Perdidos. It isn't exactly a ringing endorsement for players to pick up the DLC, but if you already have the season pass, it wouldn't hurt to spend some time with this pack.

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Mar 20, 2014

Fallen Angel is certainly the better of the two DLC packs so far, but that isn't saying much. Angel is certainly more interesting, even if they barely give her a backstory, and the story is more interesting once you see it as part of the bigger picture. The side missions make up for the rote main missions, and the additional weapons are nice. The main campaign is painfully short and doesn't give you much of a reason to spend $9.99. There are two more DLC episodes to go, so here's hoping they'll be more exciting.

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6 / 10.0 - Blue Estate
Apr 17, 2015

Blue Estate is surprising in both good and bad ways. On the one hand, it delivers some good action with a surprising amount of cinematic flair. It also shows that the lack of an actual light gun can work quite well. On the other hand, the rather short game can feel too long, and the humor fails at being funny. If you can live with those shortcomings, the game is worth checking out for light gun fans who are jonesing for a new experience.

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6 / 10.0 - NHL 15
Sep 25, 2014

In the end, NHL 15 feels like the skeleton of a better hockey game. Even with the missteps, the core game mechanics are solid and provide players with some fun hockey experiences. Those who don't care much for anything beyond this will be pleased with what's on tap. For those looking for the more involved modes the series has traditionally offered, they are either missing or watered down to the point that they feel like inaugural attempts rather than classic modes that have been tweaked for the better. The game will be patched to address some of these issues, but as far as what's on the disc or initial digital download, it seems like a step backward. With the groundwork already laid out, the hope is that NHL 16 will be a more complete hockey package. For the time being, NHL 15 just isn't what fans are looking for.

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6 / 10.0 - #killallzombies
Nov 29, 2014

#KillAllZombies is something of a paradox. The core game is simple but strangely addictive once you get past the initial horrible impression. The random nature of the terrain and the perks keeps the experiences different, and the live-streaming integration is a nice touch, provided you have an active audience interested in your exploits. Unfortunately, the game can feel like a grind as you work toward weaponry that actually makes a difference, and the lack of modes makes the game feel both rushed and incomplete. Combined with the price and lack of cross-buy, which other twin-stick shooters on the system offer, it's rather difficult to recommend #KillAllZombies to anyone but the most dedicated twin-stick shooter fans.

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