Rossko Keniston

204 games reviewed
70.4 average score
70 median score
65.2% of games recommended
7 / 10 - SkyScrappers
Oct 21, 2018

So if you wanted SkyScrappers from the PS4 and PC on your Switch, you’ve got it. You have the definitive version thanks to the brilliantly executed Tate Mode, allowing SkyScrappers to be played in a far more natural orientation. There lack of any real updates elsewhere is a bit of a shame but let’s be honest, I’m just glad I now have SkyScrappers on my Switch. It’s a welcome return to a game I thought I’d never see anything more of again and that’s just fine by me.

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All in all – and I hate finishing reviews like this but there’s no real other way of saying it – if you got something out of the main game, you’re going to want to dip in here. It’s nothing more, nothing less than exactly what you’ve already played, just more of it. And seeing as we’re big fans of Strange Brigade, that’s absolutely fine by us.

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Oct 9, 2018

Minor camera/control niggles aside, there’s very little here I can moan about. It’s essentially the most open-ended wrestling sim you could ever want, and its creation tools along with the fully customisable licensing ensures there’s more than enough here to ensure you’re never going to get bored. How can you when the game essentially never ends?

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9 / 10 - Velocity 2X
Sep 19, 2018

Velocity 2X then remains an absolutely unmissable experience. The control issues may initially throw off the seasoned player, and you’ll have to adjust rather dramatically, even with a single button change it’s crazy the affect it has on your knowledge of the game. That being said, it’s still utterly, utterly brilliant.

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Sep 16, 2018

As I was forcing myself to play through this game for the sake of the review my partner was watching on and having a right old laugh at me attempting to rip out teeth, quite literally. We’ve played the game together several times and came to a very strange conclusion that the game is far more fun to watch someone play than it is to play yourself.

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Sep 9, 2018

The more I navigated my way through the game I realised that I can’t steer these characters into any kind of direction which would require me to dig myself out of a hole or to build my way back up. There’s very little peril and it makes the entire experience really rather uneventful.

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Sep 3, 2018

Ninjin Clash of Carrots is a blast in co-op, but difficulty spikes may put you off the challenge on your own.

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9 / 10 - F1 2018
Aug 25, 2018

F1 2018 then is another damn near spot on recreation of the worlds biggest motoring sport. It looks absolutely divine, is loaded with fan service and presented like a gift-wrapped set of car keys to a world that’s going to test your metal if you give yourself up to the absurdly detailed depth this game offers seasoned players. If you master F1 2018 and every single corner of its intricacies there’s every chance you could probably run your own F1 team in real life.

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Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes is a genius game to port to the Switch. It’s so absurdly entertaining, so enthralling and addictive that it’s knocked out Mario Kart 8 as our go to multiplayer game for the time being. Its unique aspects ensure that it’s an essential title to add to your Switch line-up, and is yet another port that’s found a brand new home. I now prefer playing it this way to VR, which is something I never thought I’d say as I ranked it as one of the best PSVR experiences a couple years ago.

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8 / 10 - Polygod
Aug 19, 2018

Polygod then is going to test your metal in every sense of the word and should you want a hardcore rogue challenge you’re not going to go wrong here. Krafted Games have um, crafted an experience that is partly ridiculous, partly wonderful and altogether just tough as balls.

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Aug 12, 2018

Road to Ballhalla then is a fun old time and whilst it isn’t going to blow you away in terms of original mechanics or gameplay, the smart and fiendish level designs, sense of humour and replay factors are enough for us to recommend it, especially if you’re going to want something to play on a journey. There’s enough here to keep your brain ticking over for a good while, and the sense of completion is hugely satisfying.

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5 / 10 - Anamorphine
Aug 8, 2018

Sadly, at this present moment I just can’t recommend Anamorphine. It’s powerful, intense and delicate in its depiction of mental health care with a touching and emotional journey, but your patience will be tested with its issues that sadly have to be ironed out before I can say it’s worth buying. I’m going to be keeping an eye on it, because there is a story here that is genuinely worth your time.

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8 / 10 - Overcooked 2
Aug 6, 2018

Overcooked! 2 then, whilst not a revolutionary leap from the first is still as madcap and downright ridiculous as its predecessor and then some. It’s still hilarious to play with friends and adds enough fresh elements and ideas to keep ardent fans delighted. It’s still hard as nails in some parts but the gentle easing in of new mechanics ensures you’re always ready for what’s to come. It’s now replaced Overcooked! on the top of our multiplayer game night lists, and if that isn’t high praise I don’t know what is.

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Jul 29, 2018

1979 Revolution makes you think, and makes you thank whomever it is you believe in that the majority of us are born in a time and place of peace.

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9 / 10 - Semblance
Jul 23, 2018

Semblance is yet another Switch title that’s easy to recommend. The excellent level design, the ‘platformer-is-a-mechanic’ headline lives up to its promise and then some, with a wondrous visual style and a heartbeat throughout which pumps the blood of a revitalised genre through every vein of its code.

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8 / 10 - Mothergunship
Jul 22, 2018

Mothergunship is a great game thanks to its genuinely brilliant gunplay, fantastic craftings mechanics and a steep-ass difficulty curve. It can be frustrating but it’s most assuredly never boring and earns an immediate place on your hard drive.

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Jul 22, 2018

It’s all a bit crap then, but to be honest there are laughs to be had. I can’t recommend you go out there and buy this game. In a July like this there are so many actually good games to go out and try and that you can’t be spending money on turgid nonsensical garbage like Guts & Glory.

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7 / 10 - Bomber Crew
Jul 15, 2018

Bomber Crew is difficult and begins with a cumbersome tutorial and a fiddly control scheme. If you’re willing to stick it out past the tutorial though you’ll discover a rewarding, thrilling experience that keeps you focused and holds your attention better than most simulators of late, purely because you’ll just fail if you’re not paying full attention to every little cog in this particular machine. It’s fast and frantic and takes no prisoners and that’s just what it should be.

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Jul 10, 2018

Whilst it’s probably not going to be bothering Mario and Sonic atop the kart -racer leader boards anytime soon, it’s fun, full of vibrancy and a great choice to crack out over the summer months.

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8 / 10 - Runbow
Jul 4, 2018

Runbow is yet another great port for the Switch and offers a fiendishly difficult but hysterical time. Grab some friends and get the best out of this game by playing with others.

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