Chad Goodmurphy

189 games reviewed
69.0 average score
70 median score
40.7% of games recommended
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Feb 2, 2016

Although it can often be too frustrating for its own good, Fortified has a lot going for it, and will appeal to those who like to work together with their friends. If you're a solo gamer, however, you'll want to pass on this one, because it's just not built to be the lone wolf-accepting title that it purports to be.

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AIPD: Artificial Intelligence Police Department is a solid twin-stick shooter, which takes a lot of inspiration from Geometry Wars. However, while it's fun to play in short spurts and can be made quite challenging, there's little variety to be found and the game's replayability suffers as a result.

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Jan 19, 2016

Gemini: Heroes Reborn has a bland and forgettable opening segment, but once it picks up and hits its stride, it turns into a surprisingly decent game.

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Jan 16, 2016

Oxenfree is a gorgeous and artistic adventure game, which demands attention. It is, however, kept from greatness due to some unfortunate technical problems that can lead to a lot of frustration.

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Jack The Ripper's inclusion into the game isn't jarring, nor is his arc disinteresting, although its story lacks the kind of detail that would've made for a narrative home run. On the other hand, the gameplay is solid and it's surprisingly deep overall, making it a worthy purchase for fans of the series.

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Rainbow Six: Siege is an intelligent and quality shooter that allows for varied approaches. It is, however, unfortunately held back by repetition, server issues and a noticeable lack of variety. Fans of the genre should definitely look into it, and be mindful of the fact that lots of free DLC is planned, but not everyone will fall in love with its design.

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Nov 30, 2015

Just Cause 3 can be a rather fun game, but it's not the sequel we were hoping for. There are some very impressive things to be found within its large-scale and explosive quest, and on its insanely large world of Medici, but technical problems and dated mechanics hold it back from living up to its potential.

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Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash is a mechanically decent game that is slew-footed by a lack of interesting gameplay modes. There's online play, but outside of that there's nothing of real substance to be found. As such, the game feels light and lacking, and doesn't have the type of hook that one would hope for. It's a shame, really, given how great Mario Tennis used to be.

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Although it's been a bit uneven as a whole, Telltale's Game of Thrones series concludes with multiple bangs thanks to a deep and memorable final episode. Multiple outcomes -- including some rather sad ones -- also combine to create a replayable and continually interesting finale.

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Nov 9, 2015

In creating Fallout 4, Bethesda has built upon one of the greatest games of all-time and released a very impressive and immersive sequel. It's not perfect, or the exact sequel that I was hoping for, but it's a rich and detailed experience that fans of the series will surely appreciate.

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With Rise of the Tomb Raider, Crystal Dynamics has created a well-polished and impressive sequel to one of the best reboots I've ever played. It isn't perfect, and can be a bit overwhelming at times, but it's still an excellent game and well worth checking out.

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With Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Treyarch has delivered a massive and feature rich shooter that offers nearly unparalleled value and replayability. It also happens to be the best Call of Duty game of this generation, and one of the best in general.

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Nov 3, 2015

Ghost Games' Need for Speed reboot came with lofty promises, but fails to achieve greatness in any category, be it racing, building or customization. The core gameplay experience is half-decent, but it's marred by frustrating AI, technical imperfections, handling hiccups and constantly wet roads.

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Darksiders II was a great game back in 2012 and still is today. In fact, it's one of the better action-RPGs out there. However, when it comes to its remastered Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition, what was supposed to be the best version of the game suffers from unnecessary technical issues and is disappointing as a result.

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Polarized may have trouble determining whether it wants to be a movie or a game, but it's still a solid ending to a very good episodic series. There are high points to applaud, and memorable moments, even if things get a bit too convoluted at times.

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Transformers: Devastation is a solid and fanfare-filled beat 'em-up, but repetitive gameplay and a lack of variety keep it from being great.

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Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection presents fantastic remasters of three incredible games, and is an absolute no-brainer as a result.

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Oct 5, 2015

Despite the omission of pro guitars, keyboards and online play, Rock Band 4 remains a very good, impressively well-made and infinitely replayable rhythm game that fans are sure to enjoy. Harmonix also sees it as a platform instead of just a game, meaning that this is just the beginning of what's to come.

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Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 should not have seen the light of day. It's boring, runs poorly and is, above all else, broken to the point where a crash corrupted my save file. Don't support this lazy cash grab.

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Sep 29, 2015

NBA Live 16 is nice-looking and features some interesting modes, but sluggish and problematic gameplay prevents it from being up to par.

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