Jason Faulkner

194 games reviewed
78.2 average score
80 median score
69.4% of games recommended
Jan 1, 2014

It's fun to play for hours or just a race at a time, and it's this that gives it the staying power that will keep you coming back for more.

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8 / 10.0 - #IDARB
Feb 2, 2015

#IDARB reminds me of the core reason why I play videogames, the honest fun and good spirit of the design with the tight competitive gameplay make this a perfect game to sit back and let the world slip away. It has its flaws here and there, and it's not got a ton of variety, but I love it. Besides, it's free on Xbox Live Games with Gold right now, so just grab it, ya dingus!

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Mar 2, 2015

Whether you're a fan of sci-fi, real-time strategy, or simply just video games in general, Homeworld Remastered Collection is a must-have if you haven't played the series before. For those who spent years guarding their precious pressings of these classics, it's time to rejoice, the Homeworld series is just as good as you remember it.

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3 / 10.0 - Shelter 2
Mar 9, 2015

Although the game is only $14.99, the entertainment value offered is far below that.

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9 / 10.0 - Cities: Skylines
Mar 10, 2015

There's a bit of universal appeal that comes with building and maintaining your own virtual city, and for a while I thought that magic had left the industry. I was wrong. Cities: Skylines is a title that will eat up hours of your time, and with a commitment from the developers to continue support for the title in the future, and Steam Workshop integration, the huge amount of replayability the base game has will become even bigger. I wholeheartedly recommend this game and can't wait to see what modders and Colossal Order have in store for us in the future.

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Luckily, the package as a whole is satisfying enough to overlook most of its flaws. The only one that came up to bother me time and time again is that the story is very weak in comparison to the rest of the series, and oddly enough given the wide-open gameplay, it's very linear. There's no weird questions, or whodunits when it's over, it's all spelled out for you and that's just not how Metal Gear is supposed to be. However, with Kojima's track record of innovation and tenacity, regardless of any announcement that he's no longer involved with the series, I believe he'll make sure that the legacy of the Metal Gear series lives on in some form or another. Even though Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain wraps up the saga of Big Boss, I feel we've only just begun...

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Oct 23, 2015

This game was reviewed on a physical copy provided by the publisher.

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Nov 17, 2015

This game was reviewed on a digital copy provided by the publisher.

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Jan 7, 2016

Ultimately, even with the bugs and other issues, it was refreshing to get a chance to play a survival title that was more about the struggle against the elements instead of other players.

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Jan 22, 2016

This game was reviewed via a digital code provided by the publisher.

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4 / 10 - The Witness
Feb 14, 2016

I really wish that I could have enjoyed The Witness in the way so many others seem to. I tried, really I did. I attempted to see what was so "mindtwisting," "transcendental," or how it provokes "natural epiphanies." I just couldn't though. All I saw were endless line puzzles which felt like endless padding, like the creation of the island itself was as far as the developer got in planning and then realized they had to have some sort of driving mechanism to justify it. The depressing thing about it all is that it's such a waste. The island is a lovely place, and its oversaturated colors give just the right touch to a world that is vaguely fantastical. If Blow had put some variety into the puzzles, preferably using the excellent environment to its fullest, and actually telling a story instead of the lazy minimalistic mess that we got, this title could have been a Myst for a new generation. Instead, it's a dull, frustrating, pointless hike through a lovely, colorful, dead place. If you're looking for the same effect on the cheap, I recommend a box of crayons, a puzzle book, and a nice coloring sheet. You can use the money you have left over to get a game worth your time.

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Dec 12, 2016

As a game, Final Fantasy XV inhabits that special place that titles like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt; Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4; and the Elder Scrolls games do. While you're playing it, you're an inhabitant of its world, and it's a place that can be almost as vivid as reality at times, with its own history, lore, and culture. As a Final Fantasy, FFXV returns the series to the wonderment that Final Fantasy VII inspired in a generation of gamers.

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Jan 17, 2017

2064: Read Only Memories is a great game for anyone who agrees 100% with what its heavy-handed, politically-charged plot forces down your throat without question. However, like a political conversation on social media, 2064 is long-winded, overly aggressive in its message, ill-presented, and accomplishes nothing.

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Jan 19, 2017

Gravity Rush 2 is a game unlike most of what’s out there on offer right now. It might take a little getting used to, especially if you didn’t play the first game, but if you give it a chance it will absolutely grow on you. Taking on the role of Kat is rush of an experience, and there’s so much here to absorb that you’ll need a couple dozen hours to get through it all. Whether or not you played the original Gravity Rush or are looking for a unique game to add to your PlayStation 4 library, Gravity Rush 2 is certainly a breath of fresh air.

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Feb 13, 2017

Sniper Elite 4 offers more of the same great gameplay that its predecessors were known for while tightening it up for the current generation.

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Feb 14, 2017

If you have an Oculus Rift headset and Oculus Touch, I heartily recommend Everest VR as a great way to introduce others to VR or as an awesome trip through the history of the world's highest mountain.

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8 / 10 - For Honor
Feb 17, 2017

For Honor will inevitably be a favorite of mine. It combines easy to pick up, complicated to master fighting and action-style gameplay with compelling gameplay types and there's nothing quite like it. However, if you were looking for a single-player game, you might not want to purchase this title. The heart and soul of For Honor are its multiplayer modes, and unfortunately, at this time, there are enough issues with matchmaking and peer-to-peer connections that you may want to wait until Ubisoft has some time to fix those problems.

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By avoiding the pitfalls, other open-world adventures have made too often, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild makes itself an instant classic.

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Mar 9, 2017

I think Bomberman is cool and cute, but this title is not the launch that the Nintendo Switch deserved. By either offering more new content or pricing the game reasonably, Konami could have jump started the Bomberman franchise, which has been MIA for years. Instead, Super Bomberman R just doesn't give the value or the fun that the price commands.

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For those who yearn for the days of platforming yore, Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment is a dream come true.

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