Justin Sharp
- Metroid series
- Legend of Zelda series
- Super Mario series
Justin Sharp's Reviews
While the game does feature a full 10-Season Franchise mode, Postseason, Home Run Derby, and more, it just felt like the core foundation (gameplay) of the game was neglected. Development for the game was handled by MLBAM (Major League Baseball Advanced Media) which produces the amazing MLB At-Bat app so hopefully, they'll be able to improve the series with each new iteration. With RBI Baseball 19, I really hope they focus on the quality of the gameplay and making sure it's fun to play. They've got the modes and the visuals are pretty solid–now it's time to refine it. I honestly don't think I would recommend this game unless there's a steep discount or improvements are made.
While AWAY: Journey to the Unexpected features some great 2D character models and animations, the gameplay simply didn't provide a fun experience. Close-up first-person combat and first-person platforming has never been easy in games and AWAY doesn't take any meaningful step forward in solving those issues.
There's not a whole lot to Slam Land. The game is only $7.99 but I don't think you'll get much value from the game even at that price. The gameplay loop just isn't satisfying enough. It's a simple premise and results in an overly simple game.
There are much more capable racing games I’d recommend for the Switch, and unless you have some fond memories of the original game, I wouldn’t recommend this remaster until a steep discount happens.
While certainly unique, Screencheat Unplugged just never quite hit that level of fun to keep me coming back for more. The fact that most modes and weapons are behind a slow grind to unlock means that most folks won't see much of the game's content. Ideally these types of games “hook” you in the first few rounds but I didn't experience that in my play sessions with friends. Screencheat Unplugged has a lot of polish to it, but there isn't a lot of incentive to keep players coming back.
If you're a fan of the Senran Kagura characters, manga, and/or anime, I'm sure you'll find some enjoyment with Reflexions. However, if you were a fan of the action gameplay featured in previous titles, this game won't scratch that itch. It's a very different experience to be sure. The visuals are definitely the game's strong suit but the repetitive gameplay reduces the experience and replayability overall.
In the end, I didn't enjoy my time with Dandara. The controls, while unique, just didn't work well for me–especially in combat. Dandara wants players to explore but the incentive just wasn't there. If you're looking for a Metroidvania with a unique control experience and a great art styles, Dandara might fit that bill. Otherwise, I'd pass on this otherwise beautiful game.
I wish I had good things to report from my time with Joggernauts, but it was more sour than sweet. While it may hold some fun for the first few levels, the appeal quickly wears off. If you are in the mood for a unique, challenging runner with co-op play, Joggernauts may provide some fun for you. However, you might want to wait for a sale.
If you are looking for a decent, relatively short (4-6 hours) adventure game with a great art style, Fe will definitely scratch that itch. I just wish the platforming was tighter and more responsive.
Overall, Samurai Shodown! 2 has come over quite well to the Switch. If you've played the original, you'll find most everything is in-tact save for the trading card send/receive system (which is understandable). Cards can still be collected in-game, just not traded to friends from what I could tell. I can think of some better fighting games on the Switch that I would probably purchase first but for a walk down memory lane or to see a classic portable fighting game in action, Samurai Shodown! 2 is certainly a fun novelty.
For the most part, R.B.I. Baseball 20 is the best the series has been in a lot of areas–even the soundtrack is better this year!
While certainly an interesting game, Metro 2033 won't be for every first-person shooter fan. However, if you enjoy a more thought provoking, story-driven adventure you'll most likely enjoy yourself. With all of the game's DLC included, there's a good amount of content to keep you busy.
With so many unique ideas, it's amazing how much Nintendo got right with this imaginative new franchise when it debuted back in 2001. While the controls aren't the best on the 3DS (a proper second analog stick would do quite nicely), the game still holds plenty of charm.
Overall, Heroki is a very polished, solid game. For only $9.99, there's a decent amount of content and beautiful visuals. The game's art style reminded me a lot of the Lost Winds games from the Nintendo WiiWare days. Heroki has a lot of things going for it, but the lack of diverse levels really drag down the experience.
Overall, Mario Tennis Aces is a decent game. It's not great, but it could be with some tweaks here and there. If you're looking for a decent new multiplayer game to add to your Switch library, it's certainly worth a look. Unfortunately, for the content offered, $60 is a bit much. It felt like Nintendo was really trying to stuff in some extra modes to warrant that price tag, but I don't think it feels like a complete package. Its core gameplay is fun, but I would wait for a sale.
Overall, the game features a decent amount of content but not for the price. For $39.99, I would expect to get more content than what is here. As a big Batman fan, I enjoyed the story but after we've had the chance to play as Batman in other games, it feels like a step back to go the full story-driven route. However, if you enjoy more of an emphasis on story in games, you might have fun with Batman: The Telltale Series–I would just wait for a sale first.
All that being said, Hob is still a solid title with a good amount of content. You're looking at 10 hours easily with even more if you're going for 100% completion. While certainly not of the same quality of a Legend of Zelda or even Hyper Light Drifter, Hob still has some great entertainment value if you're looking for a good adventure/exploration game.
I know I've spent a lot of time discussing my qualms with this new formula for Zelda games but I did still enjoy myself. Don't get me wrong, everyone should play Tears of the Kingdom. The new outfits to find are fun and varied, the caves are really interesting and Ultrahand has some fun uses. It is an incredible achievement but it's just not what I'm looking for in Zelda games. That's a shame for those of us that want those classic elements back. I don't think the Zelda 'formulas' are mutually exclusive. I think there's a better balance they can strike but they're not there yet. I can only hope Nintendo takes stock of the sincere critiques of these two Zelda games and find ways to accommodate all Zelda fans moving forward.
It's hard to knock the Delicious Last Course on anything other than I just didn't find it very fun - as was the case with the base game. Everything else though, from performance to visuals and music, is top notch. If you're a bit of a glutton for punishment and want some more bosses to fight, the Delicious Last Course might be up your alley. And, for only $7.99, it's pretty easy on the wallet.
I was really looking forward to Mario Strikers: Battle League, and for the most part it has been a worthy successor, but it's a little hampered by the complexity of the gameplay. Even scoring goals can be a bit difficult overall. Soccer is definitely not known for high-scoring affairs but it is simply too difficult to score goals in the time allotted. This does seem to be different from what I remember in the previous games. It was a bit easier to score goals and that is definitely missed. There's a balance that sports games need to strike, but Battle League does tend to be just a bit more difficult. Still, there is a lot to love about Mario Strikers: Battle League, but it almost made me want a remaster of the first two games more than anything.