Joe Devader

100 games reviewed
75.9 average score
80 median score
65.0% of games recommended
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Sep 24, 2019

The Switch port seems to run quite well, and with an upcoming sequel confirmed alongside its release, now is the best time to jump in. I certainly can't call it a good game, but I can definitely call it a fun game. If you enjoy a cheesy bad movie from time to time, Deadly Premonition is probably for you.

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5 / 10.0 - The Sinking City
Sep 17, 2019

It does some interesting things such as using bullets for currency, causing the player to have to weigh the options of fleeing from or killing a threat. The sanity effects caused by being in disturbing situations or using Reed's investigation abilities too much are cheesy but mainly unobtrusive and add a charm to the game I did not expect. Nonetheless, even with these fun aspects, the significant technical problems and boring traversal of Oakmont make me hesitate to suggest the Switch be your chosen platform for visiting this doomed town.

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Sep 13, 2019

Overall, these remakes of the Spyro trilogy are great, and new and old fans alike will probably have a lot of fun with them. I know I did. But that doesn't change the fact that certain bits and pieces of dated mechanics and designs do hold these games back ever so slightly from being almost as great in 2019 as they were in 1998.

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Sep 5, 2019

The game has a lot to say and not much interest in whether or not it's exactly what you want to hear. I think it's an interesting experience that anybody with an interest in politics should absolutely check out, and its "no perfect solution" approach is very interesting even if it is oversimplified. The heavy handedness and the lack of gameplay variety make this game feel hard to recommend.

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9 / 10.0 - Heave Ho
Aug 29, 2019

Before we knew it, we had been playing for four hours, laughing so hard I fell off my couch on several instances. It is the perfect game to pull out during a friendly get together or party, with a control scheme that anybody can wrap their head around and shenanigans that will cause just about any group to laugh until they cry. If you enjoy local multiplayer games, you owe it to yourself to give Heave Ho a try.

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5 / 10.0 - Hamsterdam
Aug 1, 2019

I think the developers of Hamsterdam are on the right track, and I look forward to any future games they make using lessons learned from this one, but I cannot see myself returning to the streets of Hamsterdam any time soon.

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6 / 10.0 - Etherborn
Jul 18, 2019

But these are overshadowed by the thin layer of frustration caused by the loose controls and overly restrictive camera. There is potential here and if you enjoy more artful puzzle games like the ones this game has been heavily compared to, it's at least worth a look. Just be ready for a few hangups along the way that might take you out of the experience.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Lethal League Blaze
Jul 13, 2019

With a combination of fun gameplay, likeable character designs, and an incredible soundtrack that even features a song by the legendary Hideki Naganuma, this game is sure to have your friends screaming in pure hype as everybody in the room gets the hang of it. As my roommate and I played and gradually improved, we got into sections where the ball got faster and faster, eventually reaching speeds of 1000 miles per hour that had me sweating since I was so excited for what was happening. If you enjoy a good multiplayer experience, Lethal League Blaze is a must-have.

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Jul 6, 2019

With well-acted narration, plenty of variety in terms of gameplay, and a powerful tale that will have you coming back to find any details you might have missed, What Remains of Edith Finch is a must have for any Switch owner who enjoys a captivating story.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Anarcute
May 30, 2019

Despite its generally low amount of content, Anarcute is enough fun to keep you playing to the end, with the full package making it incredibly difficult to count the little game out. I found it impossible to ever be in a bad mood while playing this game, spending my sessions bouncing my foot to the incredibly upbeat soundtrack while sending my cat army to throw a gas truck at a group of fascists and shouting about how I was going to "tear down the PETriarchy". It's good old fashioned chaotic fun, and in the end it doesn't really need to be anything else to succeed at what it's going for.

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7 / 10.0 - Darkwood
May 26, 2019

Darkwood is a game with potential, and I certainly hope the developers take any lessons learned from it and return with the killer horror title they’ve come close to creating.

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6.5 / 10.0 - World End Syndrome
May 18, 2019

Overall, if you are already a fan of visual novels as a whole, Worldend Syndrome will probably be successful at drawing you in. If you’re not already a fan of the genre, it isn’t likely to change your mind.

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Overall, VA-11 HALL-A on the Switch is a marvelous port that works far better than I ever expected it to. The new controls may take some getting used to, but after a few minutes tinkering with them I found they came pretty naturally, and overall the game has kept the charm and likeability that drew me to it back in 2016. Gameplay may get a bit stale after long sessions of play, but for small relaxing wind-down sessions at the end of the night, you'll find no better place to be than in Jill's head during yet another shift at the bar.

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6 / 10.0 - Neo ATLAS 1469
Apr 8, 2019

The game may be fun in some ways, but after an hour of having the instruction manual read at you, you're likely going to stop caring about this game and decide to move on to the next.

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7 / 10.0 - Skyhill
Mar 23, 2019

A successful run may take you no more than around two hours, but you'll likely find yourself going back for another crack either with different perks or on a higher difficulty just to see how far down you can get. Seeing the numbers slowly tick down as I went made me truly feel like I was progressing, even as each floor was functionally identical to the last. If playing a game over and over until you've figured out every secret and strategy is something that you enjoy, Skyhill is one you should at least give a glance.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Rotating Brave
Mar 21, 2019

Attempting run after run, slowly getting more used to the game and making it further and further each time feels satisfying even if just for a fleeting moment. This feeling combined with the beautiful art and driving soundtrack made me eager to jump back in for my next go mere seconds after each death. If you're in the market for a game you can pick up to play for a few quick minutes before getting back to work, Rotating Brave may be the game that can fit the bill.

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4 / 10.0 - Anodyne
Feb 27, 2019

A clunky jump mechanic meant to be used in poorly designed platforming sections; a crowded HUD made so simply for the sake of looking more “16-bit;” enemies that are either easier to fight standing still or are designed purposely to be annoying, unkillable obstacles; and a map made entirely of dead ends and corridors all come together to make a boring and fractured slog largely not worth playing. If the final mechanic had been the core mechanic the entire way through, perhaps Anodyne would be worth the time investment it asks of you. Hopefully some of the lessons learned making it will be applied for its upcoming sequel, and the small bits of potential it does have can shine.

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7 / 10.0 - LOVE
Feb 16, 2019

If you're itching for a precision platformer of this type, you're really better off looking into kuso instead since you'll get almost everything that LOVE offers anyways.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Samsara Deluxe
Jan 30, 2019

Whether you're on the hunt for a new brain teaser or simply looking for something to play for a few minutes on break at work, Samsara is probably a game you should put on your list. Disappointing sound design aside, I found that the experience was fun both on my own and alongside friends as they tried to help me solve a particularly difficult level. It's not perfect, but for what it is and what it's trying to be the game does find some success.

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Jan 20, 2019

Despite all its flaws, however, I cannot completely count out Fairy Fencer F. It is dated and may not be a great game or even a good game all things considered, but overall I would consider it a pretty okay choice if you're simply browsing the eShop in search of a quick “junk food” JRPG. There's not a lot of substance to it, but it will at least keep you busy and entertained in some form for the twenty or so hours it will take you to complete a single route.

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