Deadly Premonition Origins

FairDeadly Premonition Origins header image

Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

Nintendo Life
7 / 10
God is a Geek
5 / 10
IGN Spain
6.5 / 10
Metro GameCentral
7 / 10
Hobby Consolas
80 / 100
Digital Chumps
8 / 10
8 / 10
Niche Gamer
5 / 10
Creators: TOYBOX Inc.
Release Date: Sep 5, 2019 - Nintendo Switch
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Critic Reviews for Deadly Premonition Origins

Nintendo Life

Ross Keniston
7 / 10
Nintendo Life

Deadly Premonition Origins is chock-full of major issues that in any other series would be reason enough to be cautious of its upcoming sequel. Despite this, the characters and the world of Greenvale are more than enough to make you forgive its fundamental technical flaws, as you can't help but fall for an absurdly fun narrative and a protagonist that keeps you invested throughout. You may play the game and utterly hate it, but we'd advise you at least give it a chance. It's such a strange and captivating experience that we wager many of you will become lifelong fans regardless of its myriad problems.

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Deadly Premonition Origins looks bad on the switch, and there are various issues including poor frame rate and awful driving controls, but its just as bizarre as it ever was.

IGN Spain

Unknown Author
6.5 / 10.0
IGN Spain

Port that keeps everything bad - and good - of the original game while we wait for its second (and Nintendo Switch exclusive) part.

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Metro GameCentral

Unknown Author
7 / 10
Metro GameCentral

As unique a vision as video gaming has ever seen and one able to use its many incompetencies – including an unfortunate number of new ones – to entertain and surprise.

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Deadly Premontion Origins it's a cult classic that keeps being as shocking as surprising, a unique survival horror that you'll love or hate. We're from the first group, and still amazes us how crazy and strange it is, if you can forgive its technical flaws (looks like a PS2 game). Switch's port it's far from perfect, but now you can enjoy anywhere.

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As far as what makes Origins special, well, there’s not much.

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Deadly Premonition Origins, like previous versions of the game, is far from being perfect; like a million miles away. But it’s quirky, unique and memorable, and that goes a long way. Whether you follow the game through to its ending or not, it’ll stay on your mind for years to come.

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Gaming is a bit more interesting with Deadly Premonition existing. It may not function that well, it’s ugly as sin, it’s often frustrating, but it is also is a very personal expression of a guy’s interests. When it is all over, it can feel like you have gotten to know Suehiro on some deeper level than other games could. Another reason why Deadly Premonition is so loved is that it is a very friendly game.

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Industry Coverage

Deadly Premonition 2 Hits Switch in July

Deadly Premonition 2 Hits Switch in July

Deadly Premonition 2: Blessing In Disguise is exclusively coming to Switch in July, the team behind the game announced today.

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