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Lee Mehr


Favorite Games:
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  • Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
  • Star Fox 64

254 games reviewed
57.5 average score
60 median score
32.7% of games recommended

Lee Mehr's Reviews

His gaming history spans several console generations: N64 & NES at home while enjoying some Playstation, SEGA, and PC titles elsewhere. Being an Independent Contractor by trade (electric, plumbing, etc.) affords him more gaming luxuries today though. Reader warning: each click given to his articles only helps to inflate his Texas-sized ego. Who knows? He may become your next favorite game critic to detest. [NOTE: Reviews from VGChartz, DarkStation, & TechRaptor reflect a more wide-ranging spectrum to review scores. Although still reflecting the score closest to my personal opinion, reviews from GamingNexus reflect a scholastic value--a heavier emphasis on 7-10 scale.] [NOTE #2: All PS4 games I played were on a secondary PSN ID, not the one listed.]
Dec 12, 2023

Apropos of The Symbiote, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a faster, bigger, & stronger sequel, but also partly corrupted by certain design & narrative decisions.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Cocoon
Nov 26, 2023

With a mind-bending core concept, breathless pacing, and splendid presentation, Geometric Interactive's debut puzzler will keep you rapt up through every world within a world.

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Nov 19, 2023

While Blue Isle Studios' continued dedication to the source material is commendable, it can only go so far with fundamentals that are more emaciated than the titular horror mascot.

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Telltale & Deck Nine's bottle episode can be split into two clean parts: the poignant finale and the monotonous journey to reach it.

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Nov 9, 2023

Telltale & Deck Nine's Expanse prequel weaves a compelling-enough yarn, but archaic design elements could tempt even ardent fans into spacing it.

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Despite a few noticeable setbacks, it's ape-solutely bananas just how well Rare's latest crossover expansion harnesses the spirit and mood of a bygone adventuring era.

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4.5 / 10.0 - Whateverland
Oct 23, 2023

The "whatever" part in Caligari Games' sophomore title initially suggests boundless wonders, but is more akin to someone shrugging their shoulders by the end.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Party Animals
Oct 18, 2023

It's not without some noticeable foibles, but if the best gauge for success was how often I said "just one more game… just one more game" then it deserves heaps of paw-sitivity.

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Oct 6, 2023

The linguistic labyrinth woven into its puzzle design, world-building, and presentation makes Chants of Sennaar nothing short of a towering achievement.

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Oct 3, 2023

Neat gameplay nuances (and some catchy tracks) can only go so far with writing that makes me root for Volcano High's extinction event.

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6 / 10.0 - Under the Waves
Sep 29, 2023

Parallel Studio's latest avoids drowning from formulaic story & design critiques, but whether the plunge is still worth it greatly depends on your Pacific taste.

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Sep 20, 2023

Despite the Xbox version currently lacking the better control scheme (mouse & keyboard) available elsewhere, Strange Horticulture remains an evergreen puzzler from start to finish.

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4 / 10.0 - Hello Engineer
Sep 20, 2023

As a series, Hello Neighbor's modus operandi can be seemingly summed up like this: sell a neat concept and then utterly fumble the execution.  Hello Engineer sticks to that script, but at least with a dash of panache and actual craftsmanship.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Venba
Sep 9, 2023

Visai Games' narrative-cooking debut is a special case of over-relying on flavorful spices – music, art design, etc. – to compensate for paltry servings.

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8 / 10.0 - Viewfinder
Sep 1, 2023

An impressively-designed puzzler that'll leave an indelible mark on anyone's cerebral photo album.

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7 / 10.0 - TOEM
Aug 23, 2023

Although limited to a fault, TOEM's fusion of earnest charm and breezy adventuring nevertheless makes for a photo-positive experience.

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6 / 10.0 - Maquette
Aug 21, 2023

For a puzzle game exploring altered perspectives within its mechanics and themes on a grand scale, Grateful Decay's debut can be considered a limited success.

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6 / 10.0 - GYLT
Aug 5, 2023

While Tequila Works' inspiration to explore bullying forms a valuable blueprint, the end result isn't as well-bylt as originally expected.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Mundaun
Aug 2, 2023

While it's impossible to paper over certain gameplay missteps, Mundaun nevertheless excels in crafting an authentic interactive folk horror.

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Jul 28, 2023

Crime Boss: Rockay City is a has-been roguelike mashed together with a has-been FPS that's mostly filled with has-been movie stars.

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