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Tyler Treese

607 games reviewed
71.0 average score
75 median score
49.0% of games recommended

'Shadow Complex Remastered' looks better than ever, but doesn't add much in terms of content. That's fine, though, as the core game holds up as one of the best Metroidvania adventures ever made, and doesn't feel dated at all. First-timers are in for something truly special, while returning players can look forward to experiencing it all again. Just don't expect it to feel new.

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May 5, 2016

There’s a ton of replayability, however, and the game’s trophies reward multiple playthroughs.

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May 3, 2016

After an extremely positive first hour that was tremendously terrifying, Neverending Nightmares wears thin. The gorgeous visuals aren't enough to save the game from its own tedious design, and ultimately I was bored by the time the game ended less than three hours later. There's a lot of interesting ideas, but very few are capitalized on in any captivating way.

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Once you begin to pick up its systems, you’ll find a fighting game that has plenty of depth, but makes it easy enough to jump around with its cast of characters.

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Corpse Party is a faithful port of the original PC version, but that's not enough when the PSP remake added so much more to the experience. The extra chapters are a nice addition, though, and make it a decent buy for diehard Corpse Party fans. Just don't expect to be scared.

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Apr 28, 2016

Zen Studios has a knack for creating licensed pinball tables. With this outing, they've managed to capture the feel of Alien while also making three fun pinball tables that will keep you playing for months to come.

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Apr 27, 2016

Daniel Linssen's The Sun and Moon is a fleshed out version of a really genius idea. While it never strives to become more than just a difficult platformer, it manages to hit all of its marks. If you're looking for something more unique than your average game, then pick it up!

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6 / 10.0 - Party Hard
Apr 27, 2016

Party Hard is seemingly a patch away from being a much better game. The stealth gameplay is satisfying, but a game can't be this difficult while also being unfair to the player. The technical issues that bring down publisher tinyBuild's latest game are disappointing and really tarnish a solid base.

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95 / 100 - Severed
Apr 26, 2016

It’s a beautiful game that needs to be seen, and every single aspect has been designed with care.

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While it stumbles in a few areas, Rocketbirds 2: Evolution is still a mostly enjoyable shooter. The levels are large and filled with discoveries, but since there are only 6 of them, it's a pretty short experience. The co-op multiplayer also falls flat, so there's little in terms of replay value here.

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Apr 25, 2016

Alienation is a solid shooter that halfheartedly ends and then asks players to do it all again. The hooks just aren't there though to make it a game that you want to replay after completing its relatively short campaign.

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'Shantae and the Pirate's Curse' is a highly enjoyable platformer that doesn't take any risks. It's almost like comfort food in a way. You know what to expect, and it scratches that particular itch, but it's ultimately empty calories. Hopefully WayForward Technologies will take more chances and innovate with the next entry in the series, 'Shantae: Half-Genie Hero.'

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Despite the name, there really aren't many classics included in this compilation. The historical value is rich, though, and the 3D remakes by M2 are top notch. It's just too bad that better games weren't included.

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89 / 100 - SpeedRunners
Apr 21, 2016

While there is plenty of depth to be found in SpeedRunners, it’s surprisingly a simple game to get into.

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- Koi
Apr 19, 2016

KOI is a pretty face with not much to offer beyond that. The gameplay has little substance to it, and it feels repetitive, even though the whole thing lasts less than two hours. It's a nice idea, but one that shows China's indie scene still needs time to develop.

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Apr 19, 2016

'The Collider 2' just doesn't have enough substance to make it an enjoyable experience. In fact, it even seems like in several ways to be a step back from its predecessor. There's a solid base, though, and with a few tweaks to the progression system it could be a much more enjoyable title.

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Apr 18, 2016

Episode Two of Blues and Bullets isn’t bad, but it sure is underwhelming.

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Apr 14, 2016

Soda Drinker Pro is a hilarious joke, but that doesn't make for a compelling game. While you'll get some laughs out of the hour and a half it takes to complete, you won't be thrilled with the secret unlockable game which is more of a disappointment than the virtual soda drinking.

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30 / 100 - Resident Evil 6
Apr 12, 2016

_______________________ “Awful level design, repetitive structure, and mediocre gameplay plague all four of the game’s campaigns.

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Apr 11, 2016

Armature Studio is really coming into its own as a developer and 'Dead Star' is proof of that. It's one of the most accessible MOBAs to date, and doesn't feature the high barrier of entry that plagues so many of its contemporaries. This is largely circumvented thanks to a wonderfully done tutorial. There's not another game quite like it on the market, which ensures that I'll continue to go back to it frequently.

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