James Luff

532 games reviewed
68.6% of games recommended
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Dec 14, 2020

Heroes of Loot is a simple fun arcade gameplay to play in those short gaming bursts alone or with a friend. While there’s not much more depth to its design sometimes simple is all some gamers need.

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Liked - Death Tales
Dec 13, 2020

While I started out feeling lukeworm on Death Tales the more I played it over short gaming sessions the more I enjoyed its loot mechanic and art style. The floaty combat has it flaws that won’t suit everyone. This is easily a game I would recommend if you’re looking for a simple action platformer to shut your brain off for awhile before getting back on with some work. Don’t fear the reaper, Death Tales is alright.

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Liked-a-lot - Phogs!
Dec 12, 2020

Phogs! is a game that will make you and hopefully a friend smile from ear to ear much like the constant smiles of the dogs you play as in this game. The joy of this title really comes from sharing the experience with someone else. But if that’s not possible for you then this is still nice casual puzzler to cosy up with and enjoy in handheld mode.

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Dec 11, 2020

While I have been harsh on Oniria Crimes I do feel there is a niche audience for this game. If you’re able to immerse yourself in the world and like the idea of a tough point and click game this might be for you. In the games current state, I would still recommend waiting till it gets some much-needed patching. Not a game for me but I hope it finds some fans because of all my critique the idea here is at least different.

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Dec 11, 2020

Electro Ride is a decent racing game. The graphics and music are the clear highlights but the gameplay and basic racing design doesn’t make this particularly special. The difficult start may put off gamers new to the racing genre. If you want a simple racing game that gives you some 80’s vibes there is fun to be had here. Just don’t expect much more.

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Loved - Haven
Dec 10, 2020

Haven is a game best enjoyed with someone else while making yourselves comfy on the sofa. While not without its flaws, a brave decision to focus on the story about a couple makes this a unique title worth immersing yourself in. The music is brilliant and the characters are just lovely. The story may go through the typical beats that I expect lovers to go through in a typical film. Its the talent of the voice actors and the accessibility of the gameplay for most audiences that keep you hooked till the end. Sometimes in life a game just hits you and ends up being better than you could possibly imagine. Haven to me is one of those game made even better because I got to share it with someone special.

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Liked - I, AI
Dec 9, 2020

I, AI has a good premise for a space shooter but doesn’t seem to do much with it. What is left is a decent space shooter that will appeal to fans looking for a simple to moderate challenge but won’t appeal to the hardcore space shooter audience. A fun enough space shooter but shame it didn’t do more to stand out from the rest.

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Dec 8, 2020

Out of Space is a game well worth picking up in co-op. It’s an original and unique concept that I can’t say I have experienced in a game before. While it has a few niggles it doesn’t stop this from being something you’re sure to create wonderful gaming memories with.

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Liked - BFF or Die
Dec 7, 2020

BFF or Die is just the ticket if you’re looking for a simple puzzle co-op game to enjoy with family or friends on the sofa. The aliens themselves are fun, it’s just a shame the setting is a bit dull. Still, the gameplay is solid. Not so much fun alone but might make for an ideal experience to kill a few hours with your BFF on the sofa.

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Liked - More Dark
Dec 4, 2020

More Dark may be based in hell but this experience ends up being a simple puzzle game that will keep you busy for a few gaming sessions before moving on to something else. Short and sweet with a few arcade games to break up the puzzles. A decent coffee game at a cheap price.

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Liked-a-lot - The Alto Collection
Dec 3, 2020

The Alto Collection is a lovely set of Zen games with simple controls and beautiful music and graphics to enjoy as you adventure down the mountains again and again. Grinding issues aside this is easily a game to return to if you just want that quick gaming fix. Plus this is one of the few games I can think of that gives a bit of love to Lamas so its all good.

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Nov 27, 2020

The Cherry Orchard is an interesting attempt to bring the theatre experience to video games. Audio issues, graphical glitches and art design that just didn’t seem to come together as well as it should make this hard to recommend to anyone but the most die hard of theatre lovers. The credit I will give the title is it did remind me of the good times I had going to the theatre when I was younger. But in those moments of reminiscing I was reminded how much I would rather just watch the theatre production of the title this is based on. I actually feel one day the theatre experience will come to video games effectively. But as the Cherry Orchard shows we’re not quite there yet.

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Liked - Micetopia
Nov 25, 2020

Micetopia is a fun simple Metroidvania that plays everything very safe. Good controls, graphics and a short campaign that feels over a little too soon. The definition of what I have come to call a coffee game. But by playing it safe Micetopia doesn’t have that special something that makes it stand out from the crowd. If you’re looking for a nice short title at a nice price, this will keep you distracted for a few play sessions.

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Bubble Bobble 4 Friends: The Baron is Back is a great package for fans of the old days as well as introducing a new audience to the cuteness of Bub and Bob. Bubble Bobble 4 is a feel-good arcade game that offers a balance of casual and challenging modes that are sure to please a wide audience of gamers. It’s good to have this dinosaur duo back on top form.

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Nov 18, 2020

In its current state, it has decent rogue-lite elements. Not so much fun alone but the experience really comes alive when playing co-op locally or online. With patching, Metaverse Keeper would make a welcome addition to fans of the rogue-lite genre. But in its current state, I would advise approaching this with caution.

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Mixed - Slide Stars
Nov 17, 2020

Star Slides is a short title to play alone or have some unintentional laughs with a second player. It’s silly fun that would have been easy to recommend at a cheaper price point. But since that’s not that case here, I would say save your money and slide on to something else worth your time. At least it doesn’t have microtransactions, so that’s good.

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Liked-a-lot - Linelight
Nov 12, 2020

Linelight is quite a shining light in the sea of Switch releases this November. If you’re looking for a nice casual puzzler with great music this is an easy one to recommend for all ages. Linelight is like an adult colouring book. Simple in concept but provides some mindfulness that feels both good for the soul and fun to play.

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Liked-a-lot - Gunslugs
Nov 11, 2020

While not as strong as some of Orange Pixels other works. Gunslugs is still a simple to the point run and gun rogue like that’s perfect if you only have small amounts of gaming time to spare, plus you can throw a joy con at someone on the bus and play together which is always awesome. Gunslugs may be 5 years old but like that old CD from that band you like, it still holds up today.

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Disliked - Lunch A Palooza
Nov 8, 2020

Lunch a Palooza has all the ingredients for a fun party game but the order we are given ends up being more of a food related disaster. Awkward controls, confusing gameplay and a level that causes motion sickness. This is a lunch that needs a lot more time in the oven before it’s ready for consumption.

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Oceanhorn 2 is an ambitious step up from the first game in the series. While many will compare the game to Nintendo’s hallmark series. Oceanhorn 2 bravely throws it’s hat into the ring to enter the fray. While there are rough edges to its combat it was the small little things about this game that overall kept me engaged. Exploration is fun and the world is beautiful, it’s a title filled with many surprises. A delightful adventure that I hope gamers will enjoy as much as I did.

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