James Luff

532 games reviewed
68.6% of games recommended
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Feb 2, 2021

Overall, I enjoyed reviving the fallen enemies to aid me in battle and the score for this game is pretty good. Sword of the Necromancer has some interesting ideas but it doesn’t quite come together to stand tall against other titans in the roguelike genre. The combat lacks satisfaction and the game feels a little light on items in the build I played. It feels like there is more to come though with potential future updates. Maybe with time, it will become more than just a good roguelike experience.

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Liked-a-lot - Turrican Flashback
Feb 1, 2021

Turrican Flashback is a great way to enjoy four fantastic retro games. The extra features and various display options and rewind are most welcome and each game runs great on the Nintendo Switch. Some titles are sadly absent in this collection but what is present is solid. Whether you’re new or old to the Turrican series, this is a great place to jump in, rather than hunting down the original copies of the games and hardware. Because where Turri-can…you can!

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Liked - Golden Force
Jan 29, 2021

If you like your 2D hack and slash games with challenging gameplay Golden Force is well worth picking up. But if you’re picking this up for co-op I’d say be careful. Also, additional difficulty settings and less gold grinding to get new items would have made this experience more accessible for a wider audience. That being said, Golden Force does have that retro old school feel of pattern recognition that will appeal to some gamers. Plus it has the coolest old man character I’ve played as in a video game in recent memory. Nice work.

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Liked-a-lot - Bonkies
Jan 29, 2021

When you look at a game like Bonkies it’s hard not to smile. Cute graphics, sounds and a puzzler that is highly enjoyable to play particularly if you can enjoy it with someone else. No monkey business here, the developers have created a wonderful experience which is sure going to bring smiles to many people’s faces, who I’m sure could really do with it in these challenging times.

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Umihara Kawase: BaZooKa! is a spin-off of the Umihara Kawase series. This series has actually been floating around in the gaming ether for quite some time all the way back to the Super Famicon. In the main series, it’s a colourful little platformer where you use a fishing hook to navigate around platforms and defeat various fishy enemies. If you want to look into the series further the easiest way to play the old games is on Steam but there was also a recent title Umihara Kawase: Fresh released on Nintendo Switch in 2019. BaZooKa takes many of the ideas of this series and turns it into more of an arcade title. Let’s explore in more detail.

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Jan 27, 2021

Otti the House Keeper may not be the biggest looker but its gameplay has some interesting ideas that make for an enjoyable blend of tower and defense and puzzle. Sadly the Otti port to Switch is not as strong as PC. Control issues, both touch and button based, make the experience more frustrating than it should be. Look at the PC version which seems like it could easily run on most laptops. It also has a free demo on Steam but be careful with the Switch version.

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Jan 26, 2021

Ziggy the Chaser is a game that is a bit like Pac Man if it had ugly 3D character models and gameplay that feels slower and lacking the additive feel of an arcade title. There is room here for a better experience but what is on offer feels a little too plain to recommend fully.

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Liked - Loot Hero DX
Jan 24, 2021

At the end of the day Loot Hero DX is a very basic game at a cheap price point. For some the experience will be an enjoyable distraction for a few minutes. The gameplay lacks depth but there is something kinda fun about just moving down enemies and watching the gold fly towards your character. It is understandable that many gamers will be expecting much more. To me Loot Hero DX is like a stress ball. You play it for a bit to blow off some steam. Put it down and get on with your day.

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Jan 20, 2021

Four in a Row isn’t terrible, but it’s not exactly a title that’s going to grab gamers’ attention on the eShop. There are cheaper games that you can spend hours playing, when all Four in a Row has going for it is one mode you may want to play with the AI, or your grandparent, I guess. Though I would suggest calling your relatives instead and just letting them know you’re thinking of them. I felt more compelled to play a real board game than play more of the video game version.

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Jan 19, 2021

War Truck Simulator should not be for sale in the state that it is in. There was a huge missed opportunity here to make something different and original but all the game ends up being is an awful PC port. It’s a reminder of why quality control is essential for game development. Do not buy this.

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Liked-a-lot - Double Dragon Neon
Jan 13, 2021

Double Dragon Neon is a surprisingly deep brawler that is very tough to play alone but excels if you’re able to enjoy it in co-op. The upgrade system feels a tad too grindy but with an excellent soundtrack I found it very difficult to put this game down. If somehow you missed this back in 2012 then the Switch version is a very welcome addition to any brawler fans collection. It’s also hilarious and lord knows we all need a good laugh these days.

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Liked - Charge Kid
Jan 12, 2021

Charge Kid may have a simple graphical design but its design its quite unique if you’re looking for a good head-scratcher and have the reflexes to match. This is not a game that will appeal to everyone but at a cheap price point, it may be worth a try if you’re looking for something different.

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Liked - Stardash
Jan 10, 2021

Stardash is a simple run to the right and finish platformer. The journey to get there will be tough. You may want to throw your Switch or joy cons at times so if you don’t like that sort of stress probably best to avoid this one. The Gameboy nods are cool but the game doesn’t fundamentally do a lot to stand out from the crowd in its genre. It’s the definition of what I’ve come to call a coffee game. Something to sit down and play in small bursts, just be careful not to throw your Switch across the room.

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Liked-a-lot - Synthetik: Ultimate
Jan 3, 2021

If you’re a fan of rogue lite games and twin stick shooters Synthetik: Ultimate is a essential purchase. With so much content and customization options this is a game to get pretty lost in. It keeps the story minimal and the action straight to the point. Despite failing constantly as one does in a typical rogue lite game Synthetiks unique take on the genre makes it one I’ll go to often.

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Dec 30, 2020

Boot Hill Heroes is a decent RPG with a heart of Wild West gold. While some might find the graphic style a little crude there is a meaty RPG to get stuck into here with an interesting battle system and customization options, also the characters and story telling are pretty neat too. Grab your cowboy hat and prepare for a Wild RPG adventure.

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Liked - Unto the End
Dec 29, 2020

I ended up leaning towards the hate it side of the Marmite argument with Unto the End mostly because of its combat system which I really could not get my head around. I guess I’m getting old and my reaction times are slowing. At the same time though I feel the developer does deserve some credit. The art style of this game is simple but beautiful and when things were flowing well I was really in awe of this game. There will be some gamers out there that will adore this game for it’s punishing difficulty and get a sense of grand achievement on completing. For most though I would say approach with caution. What Unto the End has is good hence my rating but it’s just not going to be for everyon

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Dec 27, 2020

Shakes on the Plane has all the right ingredients for an enjoyable co-op game but much like turbulence on a plane the balance just feels off and much of the game to me was spent frustrated and confused about where we went wrong. A pity because there is fun to be had here. Maybe with some tweaking and patching it could make for a much more enjoyable title. For the moment I would approach this plane ride with caution. Also, don’t forget to fasten your seat belt.

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Dec 24, 2020

Freddy Spaghetti feels a bit like a novelty Christmas present. Some will open the gift and get the joke and like it but others will open it probably be polite and smile and not understand, then possibly give it away to someone next year. It’s a nice price to take a chance on, maybe even consider buying it for a friend, but if you’ve not been sold on physics-based games like Octodad or Human: Fall Flat before this will unlikely be the one to win you over. I guess it is the best video game ever about Spaghetti though.

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Liked-a-lot - Monster Sanctuary
Dec 23, 2020

Monster Sanctuary was a nice surprise for me. While on the surface it looks familiar to popular monster-catching games Monster Sanctuary feels like a darn decent RPG that I would recommend to any fan of the genre. It’s Monster Sanctuary’s unique and detailed battle system and generous customisation options that make it stand out from the crowd. I loved exploring the world with my blue wolf I called Stephen and I see myself revisiting it again.

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Dec 22, 2020

Space Invaders Forever has some entertaining games but it is disappointing the developers did not put a little more work into this collection. Each game feels like a straight port from its original system instead of being adapted and improved for the Switch. If you’re a Space Invaders fan it may be worth a look but you may want to look into the Space Invaders Invincible collection. If you’re just testing the Space Invaders waters this is a pretty good place to start. For a fan though, I was very sad coming away from this.

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