James Luff

532 games reviewed
68.6% of games recommended
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Liked - Thunder Paw
May 2, 2020

Overall, Thunder Paw is a safe coffee game. It just doesn’t really take any particular risks to make it stand out. Suitable for a quick gaming session and priced accordingly. Everything Thunder Paw does is just fine. The developers have a great art style, soundtrack and general idea here. But it just needs something extra to make it stand out from the enormous crowd.

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Liked-a-lot - Duck Souls+
Apr 30, 2020

Duck Souls ended up being a delightful surprise for me. I was smiling the whole way through the game and was a little sad the game ended so soon. I was even drawn to replay the game on hard mode. Something I rarely do with platformers of this calibre. The balance seemed just right. A fun cheap platformer that is well worth the price of entry.

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Loved - Bad North
Apr 28, 2020

Bad North is a fantastic pick up and play strategy game (a genre I’m usually terrible with). With difficulties to suit most gamers. Simple controls and tons of replay value. This is a game I’ve returned to again and again. I can’t guarantee playing this game will prepare you for an actual Viking invasion. But I can assure you there is plenty to love whether you want a quick gaming session or a long night in defending from invaders. Once your done with that you may also want to play a bit of Bad North.

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Apr 24, 2020

Galaxy Warfighter is a simple, to the point shmup. If you’re new to the genre this is a cheap way to test the water. More advanced shmup fans may find this just a little too simple. The later quarter of a game also starts to become quite the grind. By that I mean I had to repeat levels over and over until I had sufficient upgrades to progress. But if you want another coffee game, something to dive into for a few games now and then, Galaxy Warfighter will scratch that itch. Despite levels and bosses becoming repetitive I couldn’t help but be compelled to press on with this game until I fully conquered it. At least to give my pilot Hex the happy ending he deserved.

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Liked-a-lot - La-Mulana 2
Apr 21, 2020

With La – Mulana 2 its simple: if you liked the first game buy this one. La – Mulana 2 will challenge you in many ways across an adventure which will take you easily over 30 hours. You will laugh, and probably cry (on boss fights). You’ll get lost, but that feeling when everything just falls into place and you manage to progress just a little further is a great feeling. The developers clearly put a lot of effort into crafting La – Mulana 2. I say take on the challenge if you dare.

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Apr 16, 2020

Save Your Nuts has its heart in the right place. While all the ingredients are here for a fun multiplayer game it just feels like it needs more polish. The game doesn’t quite feel like the simple pick up and play experience it should be. Maybe with some future patches Save Your Nuts could rise above these niggles. In its current stage it’s a fun messy party game, suitable for all the family.

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Liked-a-lot - Cat Quest II
Apr 14, 2020

Are you a cat lover, or a dog lover? Well we might just have the purrfect game for you. This game is no dog’s dinner, in fact its quite ameowzing. Not ruff around the edges at all. Ok now that I’ve got all those puns out the way (not sure I believe that one, I’m sure they’ll be some paw) it’s time to talk about the game. The first Cat Quest is an action RPG where you play a cat across a large open map to complete multiple side quests, sort out the big bad, and save the day of course. Cat Quest II does all that but also adds a dog, and most importantly lets you play co op

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TRDS is a fun game to mess around with but that fun for me didn’t last long. I can see this title being a lot of fun with families that just want to mess around in a large open world and create their own amusement with the tools provided. I think if you’re a dedicated gamer who likes the idea of tough controls, hard to control vehicles and delivering packages, this might be for you as well.

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Apr 5, 2020

Card Game Bundle Vol. 1 was a wonderful surprise for me. If you’re new to card based video games this is an excellent bundle to get you started. Frost is very brutal and sad whereas Monster Slayers is brutal but hilarious. You get quite the nice contrast of styles. I love how both titles are very pick up and play and are incredibly re-playable. They are also ideal to play between other games or if you just need something to return to for a quick fix. I never thought in my writing days I would give a top score to a game titled Card Game Bundle Vol.1 but here we are.

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Mar 26, 2020

Initially I was warmed by the retro inspired pixel graphics and music. Dandara dares to be different and it just works. Crazy difficulty spikes made the later areas of the game quite frustrating. Regardless, I can’t deny I still had a lot of fun and the game made me look up some history which is good in my books. As I returned to replay the game I thought about the real Dandara and her struggle to fight against an incredibly difficult cause for the time. While the fight against slavery doesn’t compare to the the struggle of finishing a video game. I spent around two hours fighting the final boss before I succeeded. The lesson I guess I picked up from this is never give up no matter what. You can make it through.

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Liked - Wenjia
Mar 26, 2020

Wenjia is a game I would describe as a Sunday afternoon game. It’s a short experience that’s casual and relaxing. Ideal to enjoy while chilling on the sofa or equivalent comfy chair with a nice drink. So take it easy and lets see what Wenjia has to offer. I also noticed this is the second game where you play as a cat I have reviewed for this site but don’t worry, no cat puns this time.

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Feb 21, 2020

How to even begin with Dark Tower? This title is a a puzzle, top down dungeon crawler RPG – I think. Apparently this type of game exists in a very niche genre according to the internet. But despite the confusion it may cause I’m going to do my best to review this rather unique indie title. Strap on your best cloak because its time to head into a dark dungeon.

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