Cory Clark

57 games reviewed
73.7 average score
80 median score
64.9% of games recommended
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5 / 5.0 - Hi-Fi Rush
Feb 6, 2023

Look, I can wax poetic about this absolute wonder all I want, but you’ve got to play it to really see how epic this game is. Not even the biggest nitpicker could find a thing to make better in this, because it just does such a damn good job of being exactly what it aims to be. Do you like music? Do you like action games with a bit of platforming? Do you like charm and atmosphere in your games? If you answered “yes” to any one of those three, go boot up your console or PC of choice and find this gem, you owe it to yourself.

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5 / 5.0 - Pacific Drive
Feb 20, 2024

Developer Ironwood Studios’ first go at the rogue-like genre has not only come out fresh as it gets but also put such a unique spin on a classic crafting/survival formula that I sincerely hope the term “road-lites” takes off. Hardly a pothole was hit riding along the anomalous, unstable ridgelines, with a perfectly-tuned balance of cautious material gathering, intense and atmospheric car treks, and wild sci-fi worldbuilding. I was absolutely enamored by the “car”-acterization of the humble station wagon that’s your mobile base, with the Quirk system being a highlight of the various gameplay mechanics that made Pacific Drive’s number one character stand out, just as it should. Truly, I felt like it was me and my clunker-bucket against the world, or, at least, this hellish sci-fi melting pot we were stranded in. Ironwood Studios has a sunny, clear road ahead for them, so here’s hoping they keep on truckin’, knowing their first IP went off without a hitch.

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Sep 27, 2021

The simple, pick-up-and-play racing action keeps things tame so anyone can pick one of the several rides and zoom down the masterfully crafted tracks without any fuss and little learning curve. With only a few misgivings to work on as of this review, Hot Wheels Unleashed has first place already in the bag, and I’m eager to see it continue succeeding down the line.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Arietta of Spirits
Aug 20, 2021

Arietta of Spirits is one seriously charming journey. It exudes the kind of warmth and casual sense of adventure that you can only seem to find in these indie gems. From its stellar spritework to the way the music and ambient sounds wind their way gently through the deep forests, everything comes together to deliver a game that’s easy on the eyes and memorable. And while this spirit’s tale is quite a bit shorter than most, the scene set around it radiates a vibrance that truly lets this fairytale soar. If you have a few hours to spare and got the funds, you’d be remiss not to give this ghost story a fair venture.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Sumire
May 27, 2021

Sumire’s themes are deep and challenging. While the gameplay itself is casual, the story and content are anything but. If you need a game that will tug at your heartstrings and that doesn’t shy away from making you consider difficult subjects, give this surprising little gem a chance.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Time Loader
Nov 3, 2021

All in all, would I recommend this robot-fueled time travel adventure? Absolutely! Even though the story serves as yet another example of why one shouldn’t trifle with time travel, the fun involved makes turning the clock back to 1995 seem pretty enticing. From solid physics to flawlessly detailed environments, Time Loader takes the player on a wild ride through the past, and launches the neglected 2D puzzle-platformer genre into the future like a speeding DeLorean leaving flame trails in its wake.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Nightmare Reaper
Apr 5, 2022

When I have to struggle to pry myself away from a game to actually write my review, you know it’s done something very right! Minor gripes such as the lack of a proper title screen and the procedural generation skipping leg day here and there are completely outweighed by how much raw fun can be had from blasting demon hordes away with some of the most creative guns I’ve seen in a long while. With a rocking soundtrack, addicting gameplay loop, and creative progression system, Nightmare Reaper delivers a bloody and bountiful harvest. If you’re a fan of old-school shooters, there’s no reason to miss out on this one.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Redout 2
Jun 17, 2022

Developer 34 Big Things hasn’t just given AG Racing a new stepping stone; they’ve gifted us an entire landmass here as proof that they’re here to keep revitalizing a fading genre. While the difficulty spikes are on the tall side, the unlockable system missed a few spot checks, and the AI may be off its meds, I can see far more than 34 big things to love about Redout 2 and I can’t wait to see where this series takes AG Racing to next.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Hunt The Night
Apr 12, 2023

Bloodborne meets Legend of Zelda worked out much better than I would’ve ever hoped. The bosses can have quite the malicious edge to them, especially a supremely sadistic second boss, and the platforming can be, quite literally, hit or miss. Nonetheless, the combat is so fluid but focused that it’s hard not to fall in love with how it handles. Cleaving apart zombies, then immediately whipping around to pistol-snipe a wolf all set to a firm and punchy soundtrack is just icing on the cake, especially with the added flavor the better bosses bring to the table.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Viewfinder
Jul 21, 2023

While it is on the short side, what Viewfinder does is remind us that there are still universes of awesome new mechanics and concepts for gaming to explore. The ability to drop a 2D photo’s physical contents into any 3D space at any time and have it work flawlessly is something you have to experience yourself to understand. With gently ambient music, soothingly warm visuals, and a brief but thoroughly worthwhile story, you’ll be effortlessly absorbed into its magical world. Viewfinder has such a unique, well-executed premise, it takes the whole puzzle genre into the darkroom and develops it into something wonderfully new.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Remnant II
Aug 2, 2023

Remnant 2 captures that sense of wonder and mystery that drives the feeling of exploration; the kind that awards players who sink their teeth into the world around them. It feels like I’m always spotting something new, even after resetting the worlds, and I cannot emphasize enough what a great gameplay loop it provides. Sure, not every boss is fun, and there’s plenty I straight-up hate, and yet I keep on coming back for more. There are so many builds you can mess with, so many weird and wild guns, and a very solid blend of RPG elements and roguelite elements. The gunplay feels great, and while the difficulty can be challenging, you’re given more than enough tools to conquer these randomized worlds. With so much to explore, Remnant 2 will have you rooted in your seat for many hours to come.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Horizon Chase 2
Sep 26, 2023

Horizon Chase 2 is, in its most distilled form, the perfect modern arcade racer. Its mechanics are scaled back but refined, the drop-in/drop-out multiplayer works well and never fails to excite, and the game has just enough customization to make every racer feel at home behind the wheel. While I’d love to see some more cheeky references thrown in to add to the fun and the game could certainly benefit from some DLC tracks down the road, it’s nevertheless filled to the brim with a charm and a love-letter to classic coin-op racers that’ll keep fans coming back for a long while. If arcades were still around and prevalent, Horizon Chase 2 would be my cabinet of choice any day of the week.

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Oct 16, 2023

Chances are, if you’re checking out a review for a sequel to the best Hot Wheels game to be released in the past ten years, you know why you’re here. You see tracks in the most normal locations and think about how fun an orange and blue retreading would look, and Hot Wheels Unleashed 2: Turbocharged is right here, ready and willing to fulfill that fantasy, with a massive collection of cars to do it with. Simple mechanics compliment such a smooth racing experience, making for an easy to recommend, pick-up-and-play arcade racer just as tried-and-true as it gets. Seeing your favorite rides come to life in such a carefree and exciting way will probably release all the endorphins you think it will, even with the tunes and engine sounding a bit out of shape. If your diecast childhood dreams ever catch up with you, you can’t do any wrong picking up Hot Wheels Unleashed 2: Turbocharged, along with a few Hot Wheels cars while you’re at it (you know you want to).

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4 / 5.0 - Alien Scumbags
Aug 22, 2021

If you’re in the mood for a few good laughs and some great gore, Alien Scumbags has everything you’re looking for. While simplistic and occasionally exhausting, the combat still provides a fine challenge and plenty of rewards for exploring during your alien slaughter. Add to that the staggering amount of references found throughout the campaign, and it’s clear this was a project born of passion and dedication. As long as you don’t go in expecting a revolutionary gameplay experience, you’ll find little not to love about Alien Scumbags.

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Aug 4, 2021

The ultimate thing to keep in mind if you want to enjoy this game is that it is absolutely vital you play this like an old light gun game. Don’t go in expecting depth or length because there isn’t much here. It’s meant to play like an arcade game: short, sweet, and to the point. That’s the whole idea, and once you get that ingrained in how you play, it becomes the best damn arcade shooter you’ll play in a long while. No complicated systems, no powerups, not even much in the way of plot. Just you, zombies, a bit of witty banter, and the fastest gunplay this side of the urban jungle. I’d say for a mere $20, Zombieland VR: Headshot Fever has more than enough heart to satisfy that arcade itch while leaving more than enough room to grow into something even better down the road.

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4 / 5.0 - Boy Beats World
May 27, 2021

If you enjoyed Crypt of the Necrodancer to any capacity, then you’ll definitely find a tune to dance to here. For those less inclined to bustin’ a move while you’re bustin’ heads, approach with caution. Boy Beats World won’t hesitate to put you in your place and expects you to get a grip on the groove right from the get-go. The dancefloor isn’t for everyone, but if you still got a taste for that sweet oscillating bitpop, waltz your way over to a walkthrough, ’cause this one could sell on its music alone. The beat drops on May 28th, 2021, so tune in for the mix on Steam!

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4 / 5.0 - Klang 2
Oct 19, 2021

So what’s the verdict for this trip down the synthwave highway? As an avid EDM junkie, this is the sweetest treat for my eclectic earholes, and this review should prove that Klang 2 dares to grab that fated fruit of masterful rhythm combat. The aesthetic is eye-catching, a raver’s paradise with a perfect pitch of neon, Tron-lines, and vibrant special effects. While the story does more to present itself than the last game does, it misses a few notes in the depth department and needs a lesson or two in conciseness. Most importantly, though, the difficulty spikes can absolutely set back a casual player that can’t catch on to the combat. Fans of EDM should absolutely tune in for the soundtrack bLiNd put together for this, while rhythm game fans should approach with caution if they’re not much for electronic music or the bold color choices. For just $15, you’re getting a serious bang for your buck here.

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4 / 5.0 - Echo Generation
Oct 20, 2021

All in all, there’s a lot of heart to this little gem. It’s got some rough edges, particularly in its refusal to hold players’ hands. Players might find they need the extra help, and for that, we’ll have a plethora of guides to help smooth over that issue. But the fact does remain that there’s a lack of guidance where it counts here. It’s worth keeping in mind that this game doesn’t want, nor need, to take itself seriously, so someone hoping for a long-lasting, deep plot should approach with caution. Lastly, if there’s one thing someone could take from this game, it’s that voxel’s back baby, and Cococucumber proves it in spades. The shading, atmosphere, and vivid coloring make the whole world pop in ways that only Cococucumber could’ve pulled off. If you’re in the mood for an ’80s-inspired sci-fi adventure with solid combat and beautiful, voxel-based visuals, Echo Generation has exactly what you’re looking for.

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Would I recommend tuning into Captain Toonhead vs. The Punks From Outer Space? Absolutely! But there are a few things to keep in mind. The game’s eye-searing color palette, the crude, childish humor, and lack of length and depth are going to be a hard swallow for some. But, if none of those deter you, I can confidently say that the gameplay’s fun and well thought out, the story is short, sweet, and to the point, and, most importantly, it is oozing with charm and heart. It’s easy to see Captain Toonhead vs. The Punks From Outer Space was made as a product of passion, and I can think of no better way to spend a Saturday morning than letting your inner child run wild in this cartoonish VR playground.

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Mar 18, 2022

All in all, would I recommend this dip into the ocean blue? Absolutely, but only if you consider what you’re getting into. There’s no denying this game is eye-candy of the sweetest caliber, with rarely any part of the vine-strangled world lacking vividly colored details. That said, you have to go in knowing that this is a perfect example of peaceful gaming, with no death or combat in sight. Exploration is the name of the game here, and it’s best to go into Submerged: Hidden Depths with low tension, an open mind, and a good pair of headphones. Admittedly, it’s on the short side, but if you’re eager to uncover the secret of these decaying cities, you’ll find the perfect game to scratch that urban exploration itch.

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