Mariella Deadman

32 games reviewed
79.8 average score
83 median score
84.4% of games recommended
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78 / 100 - Until Then
Jul 8, 2024

Until Then was missold as a mystery, instead, it tells an intense and beautiful story of coming of age, dealing with loss, and making hard decisions in friendships and relationships. It is an experience that is begging to be replayed, not just because it is a great story, but because each subsequent playthrough comes with its own ending.

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82 / 100 - Indika
May 10, 2024

INDIKA is a fantastic experience. It is, ultimately, a walking sim, however there is a great deal you can do to interact with the world around you. The story is a lot of fun, and the personal story poking through is a very interesting one. The ending is simple, some have described it as underwhelming, although I found it a fitting end to a great story.

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Apr 24, 2024

The Outlast Trials is an amazing addition to the Outlast franchise. While not a completely tonal sequel, although it could be if you chose to play the trials alone, the heart and soul of the first game and DLC in particular are all over this one. The enemies are terrifying and the additions to the gameplay all work perfectly with the great bones of what was already there. This game is worth playing every time, especially if you can get a team together.

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80 / 100 - Rauniot
Apr 18, 2024

Rauniot is a really good point-and-click adventure with a fantastic story it has to tell. Every aspect of the game exists intentionally to help tell the story at hand. This includes the rich and detailed settings, the excellent sound and voice acting that makes the characters all feel unique and stand out, and the amazing gameplay that allows for adaptation and invention as you explore the harsh world you are thrown into.

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Apr 16, 2024

Ereban: Shadow Legacy is a great addition to the stealth genre. Subverting expectations with a well-lit area being the most dangerous possible. The story is engaging and works as an excellent backdrop to the great gameplay. The movement is swift and exciting, and the combat is really well implemented. The world feels real and fleshed out, while also being fun and stylized with the cell shading graphics. Ereban: Shadow Legacy is well worth playing, being a great introduction to more stealthy games.

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82 / 100 - Saviorless
Apr 3, 2024

Saviorless is a fantastic game. Coming from a small studio, using a mixture of Midas that are not normally seen together, the success Saviorless has to its name is a wonderful underdog story. The gameplay is really fun with issues being minimal and none of which are truly frustrating or game-breaking. The story being told is complicated and intertwined perfectly with the merging narrative. The graphics are fun and show a great artistic eye from the devs with beautiful scenery and fun characters.

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Mar 19, 2024

Alone In The Dark is a loving remake, as well as an epic stand-alone. Even if you have not played the original, this is well worth a play. The scares are effective, and the tense nature of the game can’t be expressed enough; you will be terrified every time Dercito changes into something more sinister. The stealth elements aren’t perfect, and some of the movement and gunplay need some tweaking, but overall, the story is amazingly told with complex characters and a stunning narrative.

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78 / 100 - Highwater
Mar 14, 2024

Even those who are not fans of turn-based combat should check out Highwater. The combat uses the environment in a way that feels unique and like a puzzle to be solved rather than a strategy to be bogged down in. Exploring the environments is rewarding and fun, with a great radio to listen to as you travel and a very interesting world around you to explore.

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Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons was already an incredible game. The original graphics were just dated enough that the larger, higher resolution screens we have available to us today were causing some of the beauty to be lost, unable to stand the test of time. The updated version not only adds to the incredible scenery but also allows the nuance of expression that adds to the already amazing storytelling.

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Feb 14, 2024

Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft is a faithful re-release of the original games, although it lacks a lot of care and attention that is part of what made the original games so loved. While the game runs well, the controls are poorly explains, and very poorly modernized. The graphics are upgraded but there are some odd textures and a lot of clipping issues in both the new and old graphics.

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72 / 100 - Crumbling
Jan 25, 2024

Crumbling VR is a fun, unique concept that is a new way of navigating the VR space. The combat is fun and has enough variety to keep you entertained with the perks and upgrades available from the very opening. There are a limited number of worlds, and Crumbling VR would certainly benefit from adding more to the roster, as well as making a few quality-of-life changes, such as allowing the narrator to reread sections of the comic book and possibly adapting the movement system to something that causes a little less whiplash. Despite this, Crumbling VR is a fantastic game and well worth trying out if only to see VR used in a unique and very interesting way.

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88 / 100 - The Universim
Jan 24, 2024

The Universim is an amazing god sim that adds wit and humor into the genre, creating an addictive game that is so much fun. There are some teething issues that have mild quality of life problems, but with a team being so willing to listen to fans and work with them to make improvements and tweaks where needed. Beyond this, however, The Universim is an amazing game. The progression between eras feels natural and strong, the skill tree for the world is fun to move through, and each research section takes the perfect amount of time to not be too long and boring. It is 100% worth checking out to those who are fans of simulators.

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4.6 / 5.0 - Lil Guardsman
Jan 23, 2024

Lil’ Guardsman is a fantastic, fun story with a whimsical tone that allows the voice acting and art direction to shine in the fully developed world that has been created. The gameplay is polished, although there is a little confusion about how certain characters should be questioned. If you are a fan of characters full of life and fun, a story with choices that have lasting effects, and a fascinating cast of characters, then Lil’ Guardsman is undoubtedly a game for you.

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4.2 / 5.0 - Cookie Cutter
Dec 31, 2023

Cookie Cutter is a fantastic game with excellent RPG elements, fighting mechanics that are a healthy mix of fun and challenging, and an artistic style that adds dimension and character to an already very well-made world. The sound does nothing but add to the equation, and the heart that is put into Cookie Cutter is immensely impressive.

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Nov 30, 2023

Heads Up! Phones Down Edition had all the potential to be the next big thing in party games. The mobile version meant, going into the game, most knew roughly what they were getting. Unfortunately, they knew exactly what they were getting as this was just a port with a $40 price tag slapped on the front.

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Nov 21, 2023

Along with a whole new section of gameplay that will add variety and interest to the overall experience, the story is in keeping with the rest of the content in Remnant II. The visuals keep to the same stunning standard as the rest of the game and add the necessary flare to keep players interested. Gunfire Game had a winner on their hands with Remnant II and used Remnant 2 – The Awakened King to continue to grow the amazing world they have created.

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4.8 / 5.0 - The Invincible
Nov 5, 2023

The Invincible is fantastic. If you like a walking sim, then this is the one to go for. Beyond this, the conversations are full of heart, the environment is a thing of beauty, and the choices made have a real, forceful impact on the story. Starward was clearly working on a project of passion, with a level of detail rivalling that of most triple-A titles. The sound and art design leaves nothing to be desired, and the writing is truly masterful and the multiple ends make for an experience you will want to play over and over again. If you want to be a part of a fantastic story, then The Invincible should be at the top of your wishlist.

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90 / 100 - This Bed We Made
Nov 1, 2023

This Bed We Made tells an amazing story with simple yet fun gameplay mechanics to frame it. The puzzles add a challenge that isn't frustrating and instead is one of the most interesting and fun parts of the game. The characters feel fleshed out and real, as though they are real people with extended backstories. The graphics are not perfect; however, they are serviceable for what is needed, and the sound design is fantastic in every way.

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Agatha Christie - Murder on the Orient Express has an excellent mystery to be solved. The story is quirky and fun, with many gameplay elements that support this. There are some bits that need a little polish and some moments that bring any momentum to a grinding halt. There is enough fun between these moments to justify playing the game in its full and collecting all the golden moustaches is definitely an added bonus to this charming little mystery thriller.

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4.7 / 5.0 - Pizza Possum
Oct 12, 2023

Easy to pick up, impossible to put down is the best way to describe Pizza Possum. Every element feels designed to keep you playing. The soundtrack is fun, and the excitement drawn for it keeps the player engaged as they try to beat their own score. If you are after a new classic feeling arcade game, then the simple controls with the fun power-ups and exciting chases are definitely the way to go. On top of all of this, the co-op is fantastic, adding hilarity at every corner. And never forget, screaming and giggling as a crazed possum is always a fun way to enjoy a game.

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