Rugby 15 Reviews
Rugby 15 has more bugs than Starship Troopers and is messier than school-yard mugby.
Rugby 15 isn't just a disappointment; it's significantly worse than its forebears. The simple stuff is over-complicated, and the basic tenets of Rugby Union are wrong. A nightmare vision of sporting hell.
HB Studios has tried to create an exciting rugby experience, but the game has emerged disappointingly under-developed. The wait for an excellent new rugby game continues.
Rugby 15 is barely playable and certainly nothing like rugby.
Even if you're a diehard rugby fan, this is one to avoid.
Rugby 15 is an absolute shambles of a game. . . . If you're a rugby fan and you see this in the store, kick it into touch and run the other way. Or just teleport. Like rugby players apparently can.
There are some options for multiplayer, plenty of teams to choose from and a limited license for those who like playing games with the real players. However, this is like saying the menus are more exciting than the game - and in this case, it's true. Rugby 15 squanders an opportunity to build on the popularity of a sport that is slowly gaining ground in the US, and won't be pulling anyone away from their annual Madden games.