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The Language of Love

ebi-hime, Ratalaika Games
May 28, 2019 - Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5
Pure Nintendo
3.5 / 10
Nintendo Blast
8 / 10
Nindie Spotlight
5.4 / 10
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The Language of Love - Launch Trailer thumbnail

The Language of Love - Launch Trailer

The Language of Love Screenshot 1
The Language of Love Screenshot 2

Critic Reviews for The Language of Love

Limited characters is an issue, but not the only one. The Language of Love has no choices, and thus no replay value. It's passive, except to hit a button or tap the touch screen to advance the story; this might work were the plot aces, but that's not the case. So, this one fares poorly compared to other VNs on the Switch.

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All in all, it’s a story of two people coming together, getting to know each other, and then supporting and accepting one another unconditionally. Now, I don’t know about you, but that’s all I’ve ever wished for out of a loving relationship. If you are a reader, you’re going to want to pick this one up. It’s not that expensive, and if it’s ever on sale then consider yourself getting a very good deal.

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The Language of Love lives up to Teilhard de Chardin's famous phrase. With a light and believable narrative that addresses diverse themes present in our daily lives and characters with whom it is possible to identify to a greater or lesser degree, the visual novel is a great option for those who just want an uncompromising and touching reading about the difficulties to create relationships, romantic or not, in adulthood - and, above all, about how they impact people's lives.

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OK, so interactive fiction and I don't have a great relationship, though I've run into some over the time since the Switch has launched that have inspired a change of heart...

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