Rocket League Reviews

Rocket League is ranked in the 96th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10.0
Mar 7, 2016

If you're looking for a game to relax and have fun with your friends/girlfriend/family, I would suggest Rocket League. For $19.99, you cannot go wrong with this game!

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9.5 / 10.0
Aug 3, 2015

Rocket League is a fun and addicting battle cars sports game with lots of intensity and great core mechanics that proves to be a great sports video game of 2015. Overall, Rocket League is a fun and addicting sports game and a great eSports title addition. The game's optimization is very impressive, core mechanics are easy to learn and to get by, and the stunning graphics which overlooks the lack of LAN feature and still makes this game a great candidate for Best Sports Game of 2015.

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May 6, 2016

Rocket League is easy to learn but hard to master. Even after dozends of hours you'll still find ways to improve your play style. Fair matchmaking, regular updates with new items, maps and gameplay changes all combine to a great gaming experience - especially with friends!

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93 / 100
Nov 29, 2017

Rocket League is an insanely fun game and absolutely worth its price. It's quite possible that its pricetag is lower simply due to the available unintrusive further monetization options. This is of course a good thing for the budget-orientated gamer.

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9 / 10
Nov 20, 2017

Rocket League is another must-have title to add to the growing list of great games you need in your Switch collection.

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Nov 27, 2017

Rocket League is fast, fun, frantic, and borderline addictive. It is a must-buy for anyone after that competitive esport experience on Nintendo Switch.

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5 / 5
Dec 4, 2017

Rocket League is an absolute must on the Switch. Its pick-up-and-play nature shines through on Nintendo’s portable console that even minor technical drawbacks can’t dampen. If you own a Switch, you need to get Rocket League.

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Nov 23, 2017

It's Rocket League, and it's incredibly entertaining. Static screens do not do this game justice; yes it's a little rough visually but you will hardly notice because you will be having so much fun. It's brilliant. If you love fun, football and/or racing you'll love this.

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8 / 10
Nov 21, 2017

When all is said and done, Rocket League on Switch is a great version of the game. It manages to deliver the same addictive experience as its more powerful siblings whether playing docked or handheld and, even though graphically it may not be as strong, this is an easy recommendation for any Switch owner.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 16, 2017

If you need a simple and fun game, playable with friends whether at home or online and offering an original formula, Rocket League is a perfect pick on Nintendo Switch as long as you are not nitpicky about graphics. This weird and crazy merge between two easy theme - football and driving game - is a wonderful demonstration that simple ideas, when well treated, can yield excellent games. The games will flow, with good laughs, and award all hardcore gamers who will invest time to move forward and do good deeds. It lacks a bit of content and variety in the game modes, as well as a noticeable graphical difference between all four platforms, but I do believe the developers Psyonix will fix this easily.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 16, 2017

In the end Rocket League is absolutely one of my favorite games of all time and I’m thrilled to finally be able to play it on the Switch. While I’ve never enjoyed competitive multiplayer sports titles once I got the basic mechanics of the game down and had my first incredible goals and saves it hooked me completely. Playing against people better than you is often humbling but it is also instructive. So much in the game is about first understanding what is possible and then working to figure out how to do it yourself. That shot off the wall where they then boosted off to follow the ball to the goal? Someone had to think big and crazy and then practice to do it first. It’s exhilarating when you pull off great plays and in general I’d say the community of people you’ll play with and against is among the most polite, overall, I’ve ever interacted with. The great news is that Rocket League is absolutely playable and still that terrific game experience on the Nintendo Switch, I’m only sad that it isn’t quite good enough that I’d say if you have the option to play it on other platforms you won’t want or need to anymore.

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