Haven Reviews

Haven is ranked in the 63rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10
Dec 3, 2020

It just doesn’t seem they put as much love and detail into the gameplay as they did the character writing and world building. In the end, while not a must play, Haven is still worth a glance if you’re looking for a feel-good experience.

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2020

Haven is a charming and endearing story of two people who have found and cultivated a meaningful and intimate relationship. By the end of the story, you’ll more than likely have grown attached to Kay and Yu; it’s easy to sympathize with what they’ve been through and the troubles they face on Source. Adding to the effectiveness of the characters is some truly fine writing and voice work to match.

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5 / 5.0
Dec 3, 2020

I could probably write a dissertation on everything Haven does right, but the truth is, Haven is something you must feel. Your relationship with Haven will change over time, the nuances left on you only realized long after the controller has been put away. Haven is the game every game developer wishes they could make and every gamer wishes they could play for the first time every time. It cannot be understated how beautiful Haven is in every sense of the word. Please don’t just play Haven — feel Haven.

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8.5 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2020

Haven took me by complete surprise with its relatable characters and emotional love story. Gliding from island to island is endlessly fun and is a great way to take in its bright art direction. While there are some performance issues, the overall story and exploration had me hooked from beginning to end. If you’re looking for a romantic and fantastic narrative Haven has a beautiful world ready to explore.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2020

There is banter, love, fight for survival and it all revolves around two very likable protagonists and has a nice art style. This is not one of those dark dystopian futuristic rebel stories, it is about two people trying to have their own piece of freedom and it is a nice change of pace between all these dour same-y sci-fi games and movies. The gameplay could’ve had more range to it but all in all it’s good enough for the game it is trying to be.

Review in Persian | Read full review

9 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2020

Haven captivates with an adventure that mixes light RPG and survival elements. It is exciting to glide through an exotic planet with areas that invite exploration. The combat surprises with its depth and variety in tactical battles that require rhythm, coordination and a lot of attention. At the center of this is a charismatic couple of protagonists whose relationship is explored in countless fun scenes full of complicity. Some elements in the exploration are a little obtuse and break the fluidity, but they are circumventable. In the end, Haven turns out to be a remarkable and memorable journey.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

8.3 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2020

Haven isn't the big RPG revolution but definitely one of the most beautiful games of the year. If you are looking for an emotional title for in-between with an amazing soundtrack to relax or some co-op fun with your partner, you will still get a great experience.

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