Oniria Crimes Reviews
Dec 11, 2020
While I have been harsh on Oniria Crimes I do feel there is a niche audience for this game. If you’re able to immerse yourself in the world and like the idea of a tough point and click game this might be for you. In the games current state, I would still recommend waiting till it gets some much-needed patching. Not a game for me but I hope it finds some fans because of all my critique the idea here is at least different.
Feb 16, 2021
A world in which, if we decide to enter, we will be irretrievably trapped.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Dec 3, 2020
With the premise of you working to solve crimes in a virtual dreamspace, mixing elements of a classic point-and-click adventure with some smart detective work, Oniria Crimes is certainly different...