Project Winter Reviews

Project Winter is ranked in the 37th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10
Sep 26, 2021

But those brilliant moments, like the one where we played three matches in a row with someone named Malo, who was kind enough to show us the ropes and protect us only to have us betray his trust and murder him at the end, were priceless.

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Feb 4, 2021

Project Winter is a challenging social strategy game with an interesting setting and engaging gameplay. Players who enjoy other social deduction games like Among Us would likely enjoy the fast paced, PVP elements and careful teamwork that is required to succeed during a round. The integration of survival mechanics in Project Winter adds another layer of peril to what it will take players to survive, making escape from the wilderness rewarding for Survivors, and defeat of opponents gratifying for Traitors.

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7.5 / 10.0
Feb 13, 2021

Project Winter is a fun, well-thought-out and aesthetically pleasing survival-cooperative. The playful formula is evidently fished out with the intent to ride the Phenomenon Among Us, and the hope is probably to be able to re-propose even just part of the success. Other Ocean's work, however, strives to put something distinctive on it by combining the mountain setting and the adversities of winter with a playful survival matrix that lends itself effectively to masked cooperation between players. The games like and last the right, net of a balance to be refined in some aspects and servers that we hope will be peopleed with a little more conviction.

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Generación Xbox
Abraham Hdz
Top Critic
8.2 / 10.0
Feb 4, 2021

Project Winter is a fresh and exciting videogame that could easily become a representative of the genre.

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4 / 10.0
Oct 22, 2021

Project Winter is a great game concept that you can clearly see how the game is supposed to work. Yet  the game was ruined by bad lobbies and awful players. While this is not the game's fault on its own but rather its player based Project Winter is a game that can't really be recommend you go out and purchase, unless you have four other friends that want to play with you. As a solo experience, there are much more enjoyable multiplayer games you can jump into on Nintendo Switch.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 8, 2021

Project Winter is a solid, enjoyable multiplayer experience. Its blend of survival and social deception is executed largely well, and though its various mechanics can often pile on top of each other to overwhelm the player, when all of them are working in harmony, it's hard not to have fun.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 22, 2020

Overall Project Winter is a fun community-based game. It is a simple and engaging survival challenge that will test all of your skills.  If you want to talk to strangers, work as a team, and trick people then you will love Project Winter.

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Mar 15, 2021

By blending social deduction with survival mechanics Other Ocean has successfully avoided any Among Us clone accusations. Regardless of my tempered enthusiasm from Day One DLC and some polish concerns, Project Winter is a well-devised game that can lead to moments of intense distrust and cooperation few online games can equal.

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7.8 / 10.0
Feb 4, 2021

Project Winter is an excellent title for those who love this type of multiplayer games, which also thanks to the Game Pass will really provide many hours of fun in the company of friends or strangers. The games are varied and fun thanks above all to the need to interpret, even vocally, one's characters and having to conceal one's identity when one is a traitor. Given the presence in the Game Pass and the non-prohibitive price, I absolutely recommend everyone to give this product a chance. In our hours of testing, mainly played with foreign players who played on PC, we really got to see a myriad of fun and satisfying situations, and also to insult ourselves a little, because we know that when there are betrayals involved, even if in the game, you have to be careful not to ruin friendships (obviously, I’m joking).

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75 / 100
Feb 10, 2021

Project Winter offers us a new frontier in the traitor genre, adding survival and crafting mechanisms that give it a certain playable depth. In turn, this union of genders is what prevents it from developing further and not ending up opting for either of the two. Luckily, it is quite a fun game, with a lot of content and full of players.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Feb 4, 2021

Project Winter looks and plays really well. The in-game comms system has a quite different sound design than we are used to these days, and hearing your companions voices fade out as the distance between you grows can induce some mild panic. The game has plenty of depth and detail to make it far more than a one-dimensional experience and is all about team work and communication. This is certainly a great game to play with friends and even people that you do not know as it will not matter so much when you fall out once their treachery and dishonesty becomes apparent. This is not the “Among Us” clone you suspected after all, and I’ve come away impressed with whats on offer here. Unique and surprisingly deep, Project Winter is definitely something you should add to your download queue.

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