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Critic Reviews for Miitopia
Miitopia's great character creation is wasted on a shallow, repetitive RPG experience.
Miitopia on Switch is a fantastic conversion from the 3DS and does an admirable job at enhancing the experience.
Miitopia is a weird old game, that's for sure. If from what you've read you think you'd enjoy seeing King King Dedede (sic) encouraging our very own Zion Grassl to marry his daughter Kazooie over Jon Cartwright, then you're bound to have a good time with this. It's very much the type of game in which you get out as much as you put in; if you're not into injecting a copy of Chibi-Robo!: Zip Lash into the role of a genie then you might want to think twice, or at least give the free demo a whirl. Whimsy and madcap situations a-plenty, this is a crossover that could rival Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, provided you're willing to put the effort in.
Miitopia is a game packed full of adorable moments and Nintendo charm, but don't go in expecting the deepest RPG experience around.
Miitopia is mostly the same on Switch, to a fault. If you weren't crazy about this one on 3DS it won't change your mind, and the same flaws are intact here. Still, if you're an incredibly creative person that loves to spend their days endlessly perfecting Miis, you'll find a lot to love here. While its shortcomings are laid bare, its core strength, personality, is at the forefront.
A make-up editor for the Mii characters doesn't sound like much, but it makes a huge difference in our perception of Miitopia. Its LIMITLESS possibilities when creating any character reinforce even more the brilliant sense of humor of the game... because the gameplay is way too simple and repetitive to hold your interest for long.
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"Miitopia" is an RPG that can be shallow. However, this title shines especially thanks to its protagonists: the Mii. That our character can lead a group of heroes in which there are also his friends, family or famous characters that he admires is a real enjoy. In addition, we also found it very interesting to be able to raise the level of affinity between the Mii, and how this affinity is reflected in the cooperation between characters in battles
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Still, if you like Nintendo's brand of wholesome humor, Miitopia should be right up your alley. If you have a lot of Mii characters saved up, waiting for an adventure just like this, your moment has arrived.