Cris Tales Reviews

Cris Tales is ranked in the 56th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
2.5 / 5.0
Jul 20, 2021

I would avoid Cris Tales on the Switch until there’s been some patching done or you’ve tested it on another platform.

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8.8 / 10.0
Jul 20, 2021

The graphics are colorful and beautiful, the story mostly motivating and at its core a turn based combat system with some clever time manipulation. Cris Tales got the whole package and every fan of RPGs should check out this amazing indie game.

Review in German | Read full review

89 / 100
Jul 20, 2021

I'm happy that it was worth waiting for Cris Tales: It's a wonderful game that shows me the consequences of my decisions immediately. I love that with Cris Tales, as well as the tactical combat that allows me a lot of freedom.

Review in German | Read full review

90 / 100
Jul 20, 2021

Cris Tales is a beautifully crafted JRPG who knows how to innovate based on the most classic premises of the genre. Join Crisbell and her friends as they save their kingdom from the Empress of Time as we use the power of crystals to learn from the past, act in the present, and change the future, all simultaneously. We are without a doubt one of the most interesting JRPGs of the year, totally recommended for fans of the genre.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 19, 2021
Cris Tales Review video thumbnail
9 / 10.0
Jul 19, 2021

Cris Tales is a fantasy adventure akin to a fairy tale in both narrative and setting. It’s an amazing experience accompanied by memorable characters, an addictive battle system, and wonderful discoveries. Every moment of the gameplay pushes the RPG to new heights, which is only hindered by lengthy load times and lack of direction for some missions. However, if you’re looking for a callback to retro RPGs, this is one game you absolutely need to play.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 20, 2021

Cris Tales starts so good that It felt like it could be a GOTY contender, the gameplay mechanics are classic but feel new and complex enough without being confusing, the art style is a sight to behold and the characters are really charming but the use of random encounters and unbelievable number of times they hinder you progress, sucks some of the joy out of the game.

Review in Persian | Read full review

8 / 10.0
Jul 19, 2021

While the cinematic procedures required some aspects of time travel - which also is part of the combat in this game, it has been well presented as it was mostly inspired from many existing JRPG titles. Some of the dialogues are not recommended to be skipped as there is no other way to determine the outcome of the given context. Customization of equipment also feels a bit lackluster. Despite these little hiccups, it would serve to become a genre pioneer for tags such as ‘Cris Tales like’ games due to its uniqueness in mechanism among many other RPGs out there. Visuals that look like popup artbooks and fully voiced dialogues allow you to enjoy it to the fullest.

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